Saturday, February 1, 2020

JaRED Kushner’s 25 Reads

Dear JaRED, thanks for the reading list! And it came just at the right time, so thanks again. See instead of getting bogged down in “boring” and wasting time watching the House of Nancy’s “Impeachment Trial” targeting a “Fucking Moron”, not this American! Sad, when an incompetent person…well how in hell are we allowing an imbecile “on trial” before the Congress? Due lack of ability to understand right from wrong, why such torture allowed as are not we our brother’s and sister’s’ keeper? I wish the POTUS would step in and STOP this abuse - it is Un-American! Anyway, after receiving your reading list from the FOX, I cuddled up with my Peyronie’s pet and used my valuable time to read up on the same 25 books that you used to study for your Henry Murray backed “Palestine Peace Plan”. But what in hell does “Portnoy’s Complaint”, listed as #7 as a “Best Read”, have to do with your plan? I mean, I mean…it ain’t to appetizing to hear “So. Now you know the worst thing I have ever done. I fucked my own family's dinner.” so what gives? And after reading up what you studied and after reading between the lines of your plan, well I just happened to tune into a movie, instead of watching the U.S. Senate “Vote” to give that “Fucking Moron” due diligence that “imbeciles” should be free from abuse - due inability to understand that right from wrong difference. And low and behold, also just in time to emphasize your design and desirers this  “Palestine Peace Plan”, I got to watch “A Clockwork Orange”! And I understand now what your “Peace Plan” is all about. Wow, and a Bukowski read on that list, way to go bro!

Your Patriotic Portnoy Friend;
Sir Stugots Scoregge alla mia fine

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