Thursday, January 30, 2020

WARNING: Virus Ahead

Remember every face you see today, as 1 out of 5 will be “In Memoriam” with this Wahoo virus, that appears to be SERS on steroids with no cure and not yet any affordable vaccine…hold that thought, who farted, as how in hell has the “Hermit Crab Kingdom”, yes Donald Jong-Thong Trump’s “Lover Boy” Kim Jong dUNg’s neighborhood so far escaped this menace, and so close to the epicenter?

And talk about a virus about to be unleashed…just in, Donald Jong-Thong Trump is acquitted on the Articles of Impeachment, based on the Netanyahu Defense of “Total Immunity” delivered by Alan Dershowitz to a gullible GOP Senate and the “Fucking Moron’s” first words following that Mitch McConnell “Confederacy” vote; “Heil Donald and I approve this message, the name of that scumbag whistleblower is…”

Confused! Why in hell is Alan Dershowitz being allowed to use “Our” U.S. Senate as a sounding board to establish a “precedence set” verdict, that he will then use to free Benjamin Netanyahu from an indictment so similar to Trump’s, in bribery and in extortion and founded upon “breach of trust”? This is the “Greatest Hoodwanking” of “We the People”, that the U.S. Constitution is being raped and robbed so Alan can make a bunch of $money$ at the Founding Fathers’ expense and the GOP is letting him get away with it? Yes he is that good!

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