Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Trump Choke Hold Monkey Man

Three six nine, the goose drank wine.
The monkey chew tobacco on the street car line.
The line broke, the monkey got choked
and they all went to heaven in a little rowboat.
Clap Pat Clap Pat Clap Pat Slap! Clap Pat!

~ Breaking News ~
by Reporter Stugots Scoregge nella mia testa;

Donald Trump Jr., Eric Trump, Ja’Red Kushner, Istinka Rump, Melania Klaus Fuchs and Barron Trump seen arriving at “U.S. ARMY Indoctrination Headquarters”, volunteering for their “Daddy’s WAR”.

According to White House spokesperson Stephanie “Broken Spoke” Miller on this historical event in “Service to Country” by those close to the Fucking Moron - Trump’s Code Name for this WAR;

Roll, roll, roll, roll-a
Thrill my soul, yeah right
I gotta beep a gunk a chucha
Honk konk konk
Ka gancha each you puna eachya bop a luba
Each yall bumo a kechonk
Ease sum konk ya ride

Which means Barron was the only suitable candidate per Military “Mind & Body” fitness policy for overseas deployment.

FUCK DONALD TRUMP, time for “All Able-Bodied Men and Women" in uniform to boycott, to mutiny this Fucking Moron as Commander-in-Chief.

So in ending for today a world now at WAR…

Someday I wish upon a star
Wake up where the clouds are far behind me
Where trouble melts like lemon drops
High above the chimney top
That's where you'll find me
Oh, somewhere over the rainbow
Way up high
And the dreams that you dare to
Why oh, why can't I?
Ooh, ooh
Ooh, ooh

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