Wednesday, January 22, 2020

The Day Democracy Died!

“They were singing bye, bye Miss America pie, drove my Chevy to the levee but the…”

Case in Point: Donald Jong-Thong Trump will never be the recipient of the Nobel Peace prize, like he so desires - it ain’t gonna happen in a still civil society. He should settle for the “Boogeyman Prize”! What’s that, already in receipt of that award, wow what a man! But, the 45th will go down today’s “History in the Making” as the most influential “Commander-in-Chief” of record the sitting U.S. Presidents. See, today was the “Ground Zero” for the “Trial of the Century” his “Impeachment” before the United States Senate. It is a “majority rude” commanded by the Mitch McConnell GOP, which today finds roots in the Confederacy - so it is like all of a sudden it has come to fruition time to correct the record - of who and what we are as a nation no longer “United”. That is what I give the “Fucking Moron” credit upon, separation anxiety and the Founding Fathers warned US about a “divide”, we fail, we fall. Today, we approach the precipice that “anxiety” and time soon will tell if the cradle will fall. So at 1100-hours today, when the “Town Crier” was heard with “Hear Ye, Hear Ye” comes now the U.S. Senate to debate the removal from office of Donald John Trump his “Impeachment” by the House of Representatives, when the smoke of this “revolution” clears away we may be in the position to “Thank You Mr. President”. See, what is happening today is the fact that “We the People” have been under duress by the Congress, that has allowed a whittling away of the framework of the Founding Fathers’ Constitution. It is called “hoodwinking” with “Trust Us”. And along came Trump, who was deaf in one ear and deaf in the other ear and “I did it my way” and that surfaced front and center of attention the vulnerability of how the Constitution has been reconstituted in “constipation”, well we seem to not have an understanding to what the Founders gave us. So based on the fact we relied on that Congress over the past 73-years to deal us the cards an understanding of what that 1776 language was all about, we were hoodwinked based on the fact they found not an understanding but put on a good front and things were changed that today reflects how bad it has gotten out of control. Is it past the point of “rewind”, past “no return”? And if so, would it just be a matter of time future generations of politics it be in the same damn mess of today and we don’t learn from mistakes? See, look at how the Congress over the years has through “both sides of the isle” knowingly allowed every damn President the allowances to circumvent the “Power of the President” through Constitutional Articles ignored, like with the “WAR Powers Act” so abused. So Trump comes along, and no wherewithal how the U.S. Constitution is supposed to work and he doesn’t have to care a rat’s ass about what it says in “black & white”, because when Congress doesn’t care then we see today how that Congress scrambles to right wrongs way overdue. Let this be a “lessons learned” for future Congress, if it survives, our representation in both the House & Senate let down the guard due political aspirations and along comes an advantage taker - that is what made Donald Trump so famous before politics and he is not stopping with the Trump Towers. And the biggest challenge, how do you repent? So what Trump is doing, his performance, only a Congress is to blame and if we find a dedication from the Congress to fix this mess, we can award Donald Trump the “Honors” of being the Nobel Fixer!

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