Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Harvard Yard Star

So when the Donald Jong-Thong Trump’s TEAM of flabbergasted “Fraternal Courter of Flubber Lawyers” went chanting “He’s Not Guilty” so don’t “Impeach” on day-2 of “Untruths” in discovery, so time to introduce the “Flubber King” - namely Alan Dershowitz. “Flubber” as in “recall”! And upon a nationally televised GOP floor-vote in “Hear Ye Hear Ye” giving credit wherein credit is due it was Harvard that gave us this man "Alan" of legal scholastic aptitude…Waaaaell Laa De Frickin’ Da, as Harvard also gave us Ted Kaczynski! But there is a reason what was said back during the Clinton “Oval Orifice” melodrama that has taken a wild ride turn of events with today’s cum sum laude stained “White House" - it’s called the Mobius Strip mentality and “I have a bridge to somewhere to sell you”.

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