Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Dear William Jefferson Clinton

Dear Bill Clinton;
If you are not busy with your hummonicas, if "We the People" send you a MAGA dildo, will you shove it in your Bitch Cunt Hillary's oral orifice? Her "Nobody Likes Him" is not an "opine" but a stain on "My Country 'Tis of Thee" in DEMOCRACY, just like the cum stains you left on the "Oval Office" walls. We are sick and tired of your "poor looser" wife taking verbal abuse shots like this, there is no reason whatsoever her "brazen" attitude attacking a U.S. Senator in good standing the "oath of office" upon the U.S. Constitution. We have never chanted it before, but "Lock Her Up" is gaining favor us Democrats. Please tell your Bitch to shutup, stay out of our buisness as you disrepected that "office" once before and appears you are at it again an attempt to fail the people to oust a "Fucking Moron". Realize had you not invited "whores" into that White House office so revered by the "Founding Fathers", well you ruined a good thing. So please do your duty!

Phineas J. Whoopee, Esq. 
Sir Stugots Scoregge alla mia fine, Esq.

 ~ Whoopee & Stugots ~
Specializing in Kangaroo Court Litigation

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