Sunday, December 22, 2019

Trust ME Behind Bars

The “Homeless” problem, the problem that keeps on growing and keeps on giving “this land is your land this land is my land” sea to shining sea a “dismal swamp” reputation we leave as a heritage to our next generations. You don’t see this kind of “me belly full but me hungry” in any of the other “nuclear ready” nations - as it is a 3rd World dyslexia dilemma just ask the Amazon Woman, Alexa. And this fascination of “gimme shelter” is no longer a problem just here nor there, but when  “less home” we see down’n outers outcast from society then outcast from city limits and last resort survival attention is now concentrated along on our highways…what happened? It used to be a “Griswold Summertime Vacation” meant packing up ol’Geronimo and getting a history lesson upon the roads that made America the envy of other civilizations - “As I was walking that ribbon of highway” our major thruways once upon a time the route of the “Pony Express”. Today, every damn surface transport mile gets the honor to remember another slain officer of the law just trying to make sure people drive safely as we are so pre-occupied finger-fucking anybody and everyone “linked” with “We all Tweet in A Twitter Dramamine”…what happened? OK, the “Homeless” are “survival” smart in their own ways and means. A highway has overpasses, which is a roof over one’s head another man’s outhouse is another man castle rock on! And since our litter habit will still bring a tear to Chief Jay Strongbow, the highways are a “meca” for collecting plastic - from water bottles to prescription drug empties and of course condoms - which finds this environment a recyclable resource so it earns income for the “homeless”. And some rich kid brat in California wants to start taxing the “homeless” that clean up another’s mess, because they don’t pay taxes on that trash income? See, as soon as the “Homeless” find a little wiggle room, blasphemy enters the equation. Funny money fact, the word “homeless” was coined back in the Bronx in the whoring 20’s, by actions taken by Fred Trump at “Beach Haven” housing in a thing called “conviction to eviction”. History in the making then as it is today. And why not is this “problem” of the growing tribes of the “Homeless” not finding a remedy, or at least a “Think Tank” arbitration to debate how we get this Nation out of a stinking mess? So here is my take on it all, and the root cause is the evil called $loot$. I will start off upon what the prophet Bob Marley left us for safe keeping; “Money is numbers and numbers never end. If it takes money to be happy, your search for happiness will never end.” And we have only the U.S. Congress to blame, as over the years due the fact most members of Congress are so damn afraid of life after government service, so down the drain went “Term Limits”. Have any idea how much time we spent and how much Taxpayer $loot$ was confiscated to legislate “Term Limits”, until somebody in Congress thought about what it meant working for a living! And when “We the People” were so damn close to seeing the light at the end of the tunnel to some semblance of righteousness it is NOT a job for life, it all caved in and now their lame excuse - you need dedicated professionals with experience? I beg to differ, and until such time we see a resurgence against the “Monopoly”…of course it is a “Monopoly” as using the wealth of this nation to pay favorites for re-election, Congress has become the 1% Chump Club. The Merchant of Venice ring a bell of concern? In fact, Constitutional Scholars have compromised on one particular opine, that even though the U.S. Constitution allows for an individual of sound mind and “Ability” to become a sitting President for “Two Terms”, the latter is not allowed in consecutive duration from donations. It means do your job by getting out of the re-campaign business and after term “uno” retire and run again if that is desirable, but the time off may have a second opinion. Yet the main success and degeneration of the American way of life, it was sabotaged by the Congress from heavy hitting donators and today we have very little say. My vote, with respect to taxation about a wooden nickel’s worth and it costs at least a buck to get to the voting booths. Look, the House of Nancy just “Impeached” Donald Jong-Thong Trump, yet he is still at the helm as Commander-in-Chief? This is NOT what the Founding Fathers bargained for, such a divide and the only thing Congress has in common a bipartisanship relationship they get along with is that salary we pay them. But here is my case in point, of just how wealth hoarding will “Fall” this once Great Nation now grave, or close to 6-feet under. Back in the 70s, a kid from a rich family drafted a few friends to stage a coup against a kindergarten class. It was called the Chowchilla Bus Joy Ride, wherein there was a plan hatched to hijack the bus and demand a ransom. See, this was the time before the “Trust Fund” allowed money to be passed on from generation to the next generation without hesitation of appropriate taxation and the punks that devised this scheme were in debt - and debt collectors in California break arms and noses. The hijack was a success and the punks drove the bus away from the scene of the crime and buried the bus with the kids alive, at a quarry some many miles away. Now the bus theft was a cruel “buried alive” experience, a way to keep the youngsters secured until the parents and authorities gave in with the $loot$ demands. But these kindergarten kids broke out of the “pit” and the entire caper came undone and 3-asswipes went to jail. Even though the prosecution bargained for life without parole so is like an execution style penance, on appeal it meant a life sentence with the possibility of phone sex. Now even though the Judge’s gavel signed, sealed and delivered that verdict of life, some criminals get a second chance in life and the two accomplices were furloughed to freedom after many years behind bars - for good behavior. But the head kidnapper, he has been denied parole time and time again, like so with Charles Manson who finally died in prison. But this punk that remains behind bars, he comes from a very wealthy family and is now the recipient of a whole lot of $loot$, through a family funded “Trust Fund” as this crime was committed just when the Congress caved in on taxing any inheritance and the golden age of “Trust Fund Babies” came to be - wherein some kids will never have to work a day in a life - which is NOT the American way of life that made this country so strong once-upon-a-time. See, Congress was pressured into this “Representation without Taxation” because with Congress, name me one member who doesn’t keel over wealthy, so why not have a fee-for-all with that let the looting begin it means more $loot$ for the grandkids. Now how this helped the bus crook, this punk’s grandfather’s father several generations back was a railroad tycoon and owned half of San Francisco proper before it was developed - yes when the “Homeless” could still stake out a “Homestead” for a can of beans. So with $100-million at his fingertips, a pot-of-gold at his disposal courtesy of Congress, how to pay for more pain and suffering for others while still a prisoner. But what the hell can you do with so much $loot$ when incarcerated behind steel bars? Hire a fancy named law firm to harass the lawman. Then buy a mansion only 3-miles from the prison gate and then because money buys freedom behind bars, use the time allocated for on-line education to advertise for “whores” and now you have access to “sex” through this thing called “conjugal visitation rights”. This punk is on wife number 3, since he has been behind bars! And condoms are not required when this “conjugal” takes effect, so there may be another generation in the making that can take advantage of daddy’s lust of inherited $loot$. The best little whore house in California! And with so much money that cannot and will not be spent with “Freedom”, use all that $loot$ to have fun. How about buying a Christmas tree farm so you can sell trees to families with kids - what a fucking germ and anybody that thinks this guy is a entrepreneur needs another lobotomy! A perverted kid hijacker, now selling Christmas trees to innocent victims as nobody in their right mind would use such a gimmick as that is a class act in child abuse. How about becoming a used car salesman - from behind bars - and barter the vans used in the kidnapping for a movie set? And when the kids that were besieged by this heist on their way to school some 20-years bye-bye by now, well many never got over this kidnapping event and even though the perpetrators were rich, with the laws protect that “Trust” the victims were allowed to collect money for therapy only. Which means this criminal is making even more and more money because his “Trust” is today governed by the passion of Wall Street going on a stockmen murdering sprees - the hottest selling IPO is the Saudia Butcher Shop which sells lots of oil when not cutting off the arms of those trying to exercise the freedom of expression. Now the punk that has only seen life behind bars as he was sent to prison when a young 23-year old punk, he was once again denied parole and the next reunion with the leniency officer is 5-years down the road. So for the next 5-years, as the victims continue to starve and cope with this rich kids coup, the criminal behind bars has all the freedom in the world, with visitation whores, businesses that are not legitimate - because when someone is in for good throw away the keys has this “Trust Me” that should have been taxed 100% when daddy…we are fucked and the wealthy get away with murder. Congress, in it only for the leniency, aka “Truancy” and what we get from that body, a Joy Ride Bus Ride Hijacking. Merry Christmas, got to go buy a “felonious” Christmas tree as the "leftover" proceeds are for the Boy Scouts!

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