Friday, December 6, 2019


“Arizona DPS director posts video of himself being let go with warning after being clocked at 90mph”. It appears “My Country ‘Tis of Thee” is caving in with the preferential treatment luxury of “Living Above the Law”. See, the head-honcho that makes the “Public Safety” stick, he gets caught going 15mph over the speed limit while recklessly weaving in and out of traffic and gets a “Pass”? And then to boast, broadcasts this guilty by association on “We all Tweet in a Twitter Dramamine”? And well enough, Arizona just fucked themselves from receiving any future traffic violation “fines”, as this sets precedence and lawyers will be coming out of the woodwork to contest any fines for clients, don’t want that auto insurance agent to find out. So for a few bucks, clean as a whistle record. In fact, there are billboards going up along the interstates by…it is a $6-billion-dollar pot-of-gold and if lawyers can charge a fee to contest your speeding habits, Uncle $Fuckbuck$ is happy! Fools, as that could amount to an extra $120-million in revenue for the Road Runner State - guess the teachers will get a demotion! But since we are on the subject matter interest of TRUMPMAGAMELANIA, how about what’s up with “Treason Watch - Season 3”? And it must be getting close to the grand finale finally. Well enough left alone, Jay Sekulow - pronounced like “suck” and the Donald Jong-Thong Trump, aka Fucking Moron and husband to Melanomia Klaus Fuchs legal advisor - he has instructed the “High Crimes & Misdemeanor” Scalia Court to step in to protect the Moron’s “Tax Rebates” because the President is not an "ordinary litigant" and deserves "special solicitude." WTF, no wonder other World Leaders make fun of our Moron! “Special Solicitude”? It is the White House’s “secret word” for BIG BABY, in reference to the BIG BABY! But I do believe that Constitutional Law Scholar Jonathan Turley needs a lesson in “Time”. See, his main argument upon the House of Pelosi’s “Impeachment”, that it is all coming “fast and furious” and Turley makes us believe that the Founding Fathers did not act so recklessly “fast”. Hey Jonathan, the phone was invented in 1876, about a 100-years after the United States Congress “ratified” the Constitution which frames the “Articles of Impeachment”. And with Ma Bell, members of Congress could then order out when working late on “Impeachment”. But at the same time, it wasn’t until 1860 that the Pony Express could deliver the bad news to the criminal President and posse of “suck” lawyers. And if it was an East Coast to West Coast horse ride, that meant 10-days time times 2 the return answer to plead “not guilty” based on the defense of “Special Solicitude”. Today, it can be done by Express Mail in 3-days. So we are faster today in our ways and means by a factor of 15mph and if the Moron is reckless, he may also get away with just a WARNING!

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