Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Tripaman Day After 2019

What do I know…except we consider ourselves human “mankind” qualified…but still have a fantasy to head dunk a live lobster into boiling water? So order your “Live Maine Lobster Holiday Special” today with free Amazon delivery to your stove top pot, and show off “pain & suffering” to your guests! Lobsters hate this time of year, so do turkeys. OK, in scientific terms, that bubbling water is only 1/50th the temperature of the Sun - it still hurts without swimmer’s goggles. Since on the subject of science, some morons in the race to space to claim a “dead flowers” grave next to Stephen Hawkins with the Nobel, a discovery of a “Black Hole” some 150-light years away and too large to “theoretically” exist. What does it mean? It means these scientists flunked kindergarten math by failing to realize what a “divide by zero” error signifies. See, a slide-rule doesn’t “rule” such an error in judgement. Ever wonder why such discoveries are unveiled on Thanksgiving Day when we are all taking a nap after stuffing ourselves and under the influence of a “tripaman” turkey high? And all the modern medicines, the side effects are worse then the cured and how come “Peyronies” commercials are allowed to show during time-outs with Sesame Street? “Teach your children well…” Look, we are not that unhealthy, if so we are doomed! Mother’s “Little Helper” is addicted to “hearsay”. I feel out of touch, because I don’t take a pill for this and a pill for that and can’t read the fine print what happens when “mixology” causes another side effect that needs yet another pill as modern medicine uses the “exponential” rule of Trump’s Thumb, which finds an ROI wherein bankruptcy rules. When 30% of the GNP is consumed for “Drug Advocation Addiction”, no wonder the highway man has been furloughed. I mean, look at Trump’s family of friends, that Lev and Igor. They left a trail of “debt” so vast, that when they get to prison they will face starvation as there will be a lien on their bread-bowls - so now they want to Rat Fink, just to get some broth. At last count, how many Trump “runts” in jail - I lost count. But NO WAY IN HELL, Vladismear Vladimirobitch Putin is NOT HAPPY. And this media frenzy that the Russian enjoys “My Country ‘Tis of Thee” at a 3rd degree burn because a Fucking Moron was elected as a Eunuch-in-Chief, it is FAKE no matter what side of the isle you rest your Patriotic feather even if it be just a “Lousy Hat”. And why so no bother this Putin sentiment, because the Donald Jong-Thong Trump “Impeachment” is a long over-due test case for the Founding Fathers’ DEMOCRACY. And “Life, Liberty and the pursuit to…for real Melania “I Don’t Care Do U” Knaussr is a Klaus Fuchs? No the translation doesn’t mean “Kluster Fuck”. But maybe we should be asking ourselves, how in hell did a Russian Spy get to build a tennis court in the White House and using U.S. Taxpayers $loot$ to boot? And for real, our Founders did not include a clause in “Treason” that a sitting U.S. President cannot have a wife that’s a SPY? And the Devin Nunes Femdom Freedom Caucus has published a “prebuttal” to the Adam Schiff “Impeachment Report”, that is 123 pages “Left Intentionally Blank” - their motif operande IQ, BLANK. OK the Fucking Moron called the Pelosi House “Human Scum”, so presidential, and that GOP definition of “prebuttal”? Anal rape. But I wish the medicine man would find a pill, as every time I hear the Fucking Moron I get a spell of “stugotsamortis”. What I mean this “stugots”? The Fucking Moron is today in front of the “Walley World Stage” as the American “Embarrassment” at the NATO summit. And when asked about “Climate Change”, Mr. Moron said he was all in for crystal-clear clean air and crystal-clear clean water and that “Clean air and clean water was number 1 and number 2”. Now Hear Ye, Hear Ye Town Crier, what is the Moron’s definition of Number 1 and Number 2? Yes, pissing in the wind and shitting in the streams. But at the NATO summit, Sir Elton John called Trump’s bluff: “Hey, you two security guards with the girl, fuck off. Let her up here immediately… come on, you cunts. Morons, both of you, morons. You don’t treat girls like that. Leave her alone, you turds!”, captured live when Melania Klaus Fuchs was going AWOL because she also suffers from this “stugotsamortis” when she can’t stay home and play tennis. And yes, colorectal cancer is alive and well, because we have been anal raped by a MAGA dildo infused with “stugots” courtesy of Kim Jong bUNghole, the Fucking Moron’s fucking buddy.

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