Friday, December 20, 2019

Secretary Elaine Chao

To: Elaine Chao - Secretary
       U.S. Department of Transportation

Dear Honorary Elaine Chao;

I am glad that at a young age you were able to escape a “Civil War” in China and find a safe-haven refuge here in “My Country ‘Tis of Thee”. Let us not forget also this “Sweet Land of Liberty” thank you Founding Fathers. And it appears your hard work after immigrating and paying the dues in time towards citizenship - some 10 plus years educating yourself on what that Almighty Constitution stands for - it has paid off and it must have been a very mighty day when you passed “Miss Liberty” in salute, maybe a bow, hope you remember that tear in her eye! For you, a tear of joy I assume but that “joy” can sour to a tear in distress when “We the People” come under attack by factions bent on jeopardizing what the Founders fought upon, the merits of an American Revolution and our “Civil War”. Yes, American Patriotism with “live free or die” finds comfort in “War, what is it good for” makes “absolutely nothing” obsolete. Now besides your work history a resume your dad and mom so proud their daughter, I am in WOW with the fact you have so many Honorary Doctorate Degrees. That cannot, I repeat cannot in itself be a “breeze” but achieved only through a steadfast dedication, I bet it makes the record books your success not only in academia but in private practice the business sector and engaged in government service. It made me proud, to think that an individual under such dire circumstances early in life torn by war could rise to the occasion and become such an American Citizen Jane. So kudos to success in that “Life, Liberty and pursuit to Happiness” and it appears you have enough to go around for a whole lot of less fortunate folks yet to achieve such “Liberty”. Some call it sweet equity or capital, and hope you use it well. But I believe you may be in dereliction the conviction of that immigrant to U.S. Citizen “swearing in” to defend the U.S. Constitution, maybe not by choice but through intimidation or what appears to be a sacrificial lamb silence of, a problem unbecoming an American Citizen. Please do not be taken back, hear me out as sometimes immigrants need the coaching respect of a “born here” Patriot, as I was learned the “Patriot Game” by Samuel Slater and Oziel Wilkinson. Back in the “Civil War”, my heritage founded in the Founding Fathers on the backdrop of the New England “Yankees”, they did not have the luxury or interest at abandoning the “Homeland” for another “New Land”. Instead they heeded the call of the Union and challenge consistent with “now is the time for all able-bodied men to come to the aid of their country” - the rest is history and the “Confederate” was destroyed.  Let us not forget what we were taught as citizens-in-learning the trials and tribulations upon that ideology cementing the “Confederacy”, that which was centrally based “upon the great truth that the negro is not equal to the white-man; that slavery, subordination to the superior race, is his natural and normal condition". At least we thought that “Confederacy” and its fool-hardy following had been crushed to smithereens come the end of that homegrown war. Now since “Confederates” had an inbred blood-line in the southern states and just got off the track because they could not stand “the color of that N-man’s skin”, instead of the gallows for “Treason” we allowed leniency through a 2nd chance. And those that once sided with that “Confederacy - the ugliest of U.S. flag burning times - with a 2nd chance now sworn to an allegiance of “Do You Renounce Satin Lee Beauregard”, it afforded the “Turncoats” a new lease on life. But the New England Patriots always worried that an insurgency would breath the Confederacy back to life - with a little help from the Ku-Klux-Klan man and other Fascists, not to forget the “closeted” White Supremist.  So if you know of any “Confederates” that are acting in a ways and means detrimental to this Nation’s DEMOCRACY, best stand your ground and arrest that movement. We are in trying times with an “Impeachment” face-off with the sitting President, who is of record in support of his father Fred’s “fascism fascination”. And he thinks world leaders that promote murder are “cool”? With that said, we are weak upon that consideration of trying times, so it is once again that “all able-bodied clear thinking men and women of the Red, White and Blue come to the aid of Miss Liberty”. So look around you, it you smell the stench of a Confederate in your midst, if you see the ugliness of slavery in the eyes of a Confederate beholder that which reaches out with “Treason” and is consuming your will, please remember what “Citizenship” is all about and take action even if “drastic”. Truancy to protect a sense of Confederacy, even if it means facing off with those you hold respect, it is an insurrection and “We the People” are sworn to obey the righteousness to preserve the UNION. My name is S. Pam McGee and represent the “Lousy Hat Solidarity Party” and the organization approves using all “civil” means possible within the merits of law-abiding citizens to once again squelch what appears to be a resurgence of the Confederacy in the southern states. If you are in a close relationship with such a possibility, one that harbors a grieving for the “Confederacy” or know of a friend consumed by the foe of the Confederacy, it is very easy to obtain a “Protective Restraining Order” for what could suffice as an abuse. So, please do not allow another’s political aspirations dominate your will, else it goes to show that our immigration policy is flawed sick, like a swine flue and ask yourself this, are we ready to kiss Miss Liberty “goodbye” to the Fascism grave? And remember, “Don’t Tread on Me” has reason for believing - you seem to have the wherewithal for many options in life your experiences and education, please make sure that road traveled is not a dead-end street or your travels in life not upon a street car named Moscow Mitch Desire as the Confederacy is far from the definition of “My Country ‘Tis of Thee”. God Bless this My America!

And to commemorate our Founding Fathers’ Patriot Game:

Come all ye young rebels, and list while I sing,
For the love of one's country is a terrible thing
It banishes fear with the speed of a flame,
And it makes you all part of the patriot game

And now I am dying, my body all holes
I think of those traitors who bargained in souls
I am sorry my rifle has not done the same
To those traitors who sold out the patriot game

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