Wednesday, December 4, 2019

NOKO Christmas Gift

Correction: Donald Jong-Thong Trump did not enter into military service during the Vietnam War, because he was rejected from serving his country. Jong-Thong? That “Christmas Gift” from the Fucking Moron’s buddy, Kim Jong dUNg - North Korea’s Fucking Moron. So Trump wasn’t really a “draft dodger”, just unfit to defend his country and today he is the Commander-in-Chief? But here we are, into the 7th inning stretch with the 45th facing an “Impeachment” ceremony. No it is not a time-out for “good behavior” but it is the holiday season. OK, due to incoming inclement weather the “stretch” as been postponed and the “Impeachment” is in “trial” as many Americans are hoping for a Christmas “bonus” wherein the “Fucking Moron” is thrown to the hounds of Democracy. To date, “Impeachment” has seen only two other sitting presidents running from the “mad-dog” barks and “qualified voter” sparks - John Kennedy and Herbert Hoover. I stand corrected, Kennedy and Hoover are of record the only U.S. Presidents that did not collect a wage for “I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.” And digging into the “Presidential Archives”, one doesn’t need a bunch of “Constitutional Law Professors” to tell the electorate that the “Constitution is Constipated”. As when we as a nation “Once United Now Divided” finds “My Country ‘Tis of Thee” in ruins with an “Impeachment”…but what I have found sifting through documents that smells of revolutionary mold. See, both Kennedy and Hoover understood that they would be an unpopular “President” with the “other side of the isle” and by refusing to take a wage, it provided “protection against IMPEACHMENT”. See, what harm if there was no pay? And guess who else refused to take any $loot$? Donald Jong-Thong Trump! So, that is what the Senate will decide and dismiss any entertaining “removing” the vagrant from the White House.

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