Friday, December 13, 2019

Moscow Mitch’s Blitzkrieg Blight

It is rude, that the Senate Majority Leader Mitch “Moscow Mitch” McConnell must endure such a “Nightmare on Царь-пушка Street” like nickname. And it will convene upon a convenient resting place in History and Pigeon’s Bible, so future generations will learn all about it unless after “Flag Burning” we see the books banished in flames of passion for Putin. How in hell did the leader of the “Free World’s” Senate get caught in that “Trump Tower” cesspool moat? I mean, if Moscow Mitch and the Moscow Mitch Bitch posse were kicked out of the UNION, then I guess a safe-haven for the destroyers of the Founding Fathers’ DEMOCRACY would be Putin’s Russia. For sure, they already have an invite and one-way tickets aboard Air Force One for a quick get-away. But with Moscow Mitch in a butt-splice role with the Fucking Moron, it is for a reason. Donald Jong-Thong Trump - aka Fucking Moron and in bed with Melanomia Klaus Fuchs - his roots are in FASCISM. And with that faction alive and well because the WWE cult knows “not what they do” in distinguishing the difference between Real vs. Fake so voted in the latter, it allows the Confederacy a revival - as we gave the bastards “leniency” after the Civil War. And over the years, those bent on a new-age slavery have taken advantage of that “get out of the noose” free-for-all. Look, all those jock-itch supporters with southern roots in support of the Moron - remember it was EXXON’s Rex Tillerson that coined that presidential “stickname nickname” - they would love to see Barack Obama’s hide tanned. We are at a “Revolution”, and the south will become the old-south once again “Won't you bring a little water Sylvie. Lord, ev'ry little once in a while”! See, one thing that is helping the Founding Fathers’ Democracy get swallowed up by the “Dismal Swamp” in Fascism with Confettiracy frosting foaming at the mouth, is the fact that guys like Mitch never found that “Man Hood” and will marry into the immigration lines because “Real Patriotic America Women” stay away from the sentiment of Fascism and that leftover Confederacy stench - which never banned child beating and wife beating and Sunday school meant a lesson in incest. And even though Mitch’s Stitch is a bonafide “American Citizen” by “immigration” defined, many that get a free-ride drive-by pass by Miss Liberty without “bowing”, when you pay your way to pave the way for that “Right” you don’t find an understanding of what “My Country ‘Tis of Thee belongs To Me” is all about. And soon after “We’re In” get groomed to accept the fine print in the marriage vows, that a Confederacy is an OK thing. See, why would a Chinese family run away from a Civil War? IMAGINE if our Founding Fathers ran away from our Civil War! I believe it is called “abandonment” and will be talked about in Moscow Mitch’s new book; “Treason for Reason”. So yes, immigration has its ups and downs as many find it so easy to get in and then are party trained the wrong damn way. So that is what is eroding away at Democracy, a hint of Fascism and Mitch’s Confederacy lubricated with a dollop of “KY” and being shoved up Miss Liberty’s Freedom hole - surviving on the wings of Old Man Trump’s Fascism fascination. Too bad that Woody Guthrie is not here to sing some sense into what is happening before our very own Red, White and Blue eyes. What it means? Well next time, we will think twice upon this Confederate leniency! And maybe that “oath” to become a citizen, maybe it should include a clause that says “do you denounce Satin, do you denounce Fascism, do you denounce the Confederacy” as maybe if those that run away from anarchy successfully because they can afford it and never really understand what it is all about becoming an “elbow citizen” in America, maybe then understood what “I pledge Allegiance” is supposed to mean. And it is like a cancer canker sore with this “Moscow Mitch” faction, else we would not be having this Impeachment with Impediment and maybe instead a “Mutiny”, by spouses in their own right! If Mitch McConnell’s wife Elaine continues to entertain the “Treason for Reason” GOP Senate, then we have failed as a nation because the down-trodden are the ones that should have been given preferential treatment becoming “Righteous Citizens” - as it appears what instead has migrated with “immigration” is more stool for the ship of fools. We need another Betsy Ross instead of more Elaine Chao FAKES!

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