Monday, December 9, 2019

Madcow Pandemic

Wow, there must be another outback outbreak of the Madcow as Donald Jong-Thong Trump has declared a “National Disgrace Urgency”, as flushing toilets 15-times amounts to “Constitutional Diarrhea” and he prefers we conserve so is promoting “Constitutional Constipation”. What a 2020 campaign message, on the Left “We the People” are offered Kaopecstate and for the Right winged, MelaniamiraLAX and anywhere in between the sheets - the Midol man! “Ask not…” OK, I watch MSNBC, but can only swallow “wanton waste” time with a few early morning pundits. But usually I nap-pass away the day after a few Sam Adams’ Patriotic IPA innings only to get rudely awakened by Rachal Madcow aloud with “gnashing teeth drooling up and down the halls of Congress”. Take that back, that is what Dean Don Young saw in Nancy Pelosi back during the 106th Congressional love affair. Amazing, that the White House staff infection is setting up the “Presidential Inauguration” stage, as Pelosi has a swearing in ceremony on the 20th of January 2020. Amazing, a “rabid skunk” will be the 1st U.S. Madam President due successive “succession” approximation, as flag burning has got the GOP nowhere. No different then “residential segregation” the reason the Fucking Moron is wealthy - daddy, daddy the Schiff “Human Scum” they’re picking on me! How come the news’ stage has become nothing but a “back door book tour book store”? Gives that “bookie” new “book making” life. Anyway, after Madcow went into a hissy fit - aka Jim Jordan tantrum - this “deliverance” over “Big Oil” being corrupt…OK, sometimes I watch the FOX, yes for a few good laughs. And remember let us not forget, Tucker Turley used to be on the “other side” of the border - I meant fence in the sense of Congress. I like to watch the FOX, for medicinal reasons. Bedsides “laughter the best medicine”, I have this senior senile thing called “astigmatism” wherein one eye is thinking ahead of the lie. And if I tune into Judge “Serpentine Turpentine” Jeanine, if I focus in and look her eye to eye straight on no Pyronie’s allowed, the crisscross realigns and I am no longer seeing double - unless one too many Sam’s. Like with Ruby Tuesday Sue; “Ain't that somethin'? She falls down a well, her eyes go cross. She gets kicked by a mule. They go back to normal. I don't know.” - Cousin Eddie. Ah, the holidays upon us and time to sit back and watch National Lampoon Christmas - serious reenactment of our Congress at work. But Rachal went “mad” while hawking her book-deal called “This Book Left Intentionally Blank” and went into this tirade about how bad “Big Oil” was when at the same time, the overhead light in her wardrobe crapper was still on bright! And I really get a “stugots” kick on the way they punt, that “Hall Pass” those that drive “electric vehicles” and think they are doing something “Green”? I worked “Big Oil” in Alaska for many years then retired away and went into “solar”. I traveled sea to shining sea on “Big Oil” affiliated solar farms. See, during the Obama era’s “American Recovery and Reinvestment Act”, that “reinvestment” found solar as a saving grace, wherein lucrative “Tax Incentive Rebates” found a tax haven shelter and at the same time a double-dipping frenzy, as “Big Corporate America” while “Going Green” could get even more kickback by using 8A labor to erect millions of solar panels - yes it was killing two birds with one stone. Look, solar has nothing to do with “Going Green”! It is in its infancy so but for “Money, money, money, must be funny, a rich man’s world”. But getting back to the Madcow crapper - I meant caper! There must be a latent about face disease as soon-after, Lawrence O’Dolittle performed the same damn maneuver - like peas in a podcast. Pathetic, as the day before O’Dudle was claiming fame as a humanitarian by providing desks for the kids, in KINDing Malawian for which he deserves credit. Yet the very next day after gaining claim as the “Deskman Rocks”, he acts just like the Fucking Moron, attacking DNC Pete Buttigieg - why because he represents the LBGT Vote? And with “We all Tweet in a Twitter Dramamine” addiction, it hurts please think twice before you Tweet. I wish the Twitter Magician would place a mandatory 10-second delay on all “Finger Fucking” broadcasts, then people would say “boring” with this “fasciation” to anonymously attack others and back-off - start minding their own business. This platform to attack, it is Hi-Tech desecration, aka “Flag Burning”. This was never supposed to be allowed in “Our DEMOCRACY”. See, “Lawrence of Phobia” has yet to call Trump a “Liar” on that MSNBC stage, so what gives this shameless attack must be the side effects of the Madcow. But here is something Granny Hawkins can smoke in her peace pipe. I worked “Big Oil” in Alaska. And what would you say if I had the proof that an Alaskan based “Environmental Organization” was tied to an ex-oil broker turned “Environmental Gadfly” that used the U.S. Congress as a front to attack “Big Oil” because he failed to make a living in competition with the Tiger? See, even a teeny weensy piece of that Alaska “Black Gold” pie-hole is worth…the reason the State of Alaska is worth $100-billion. Wait there’s more, a concerted effort by this destructive faction with an “environmental label” setting out to destroy “Big Oil” in Alaska, by aligning itself with a “cult” that for years tried to destroy the Trans-Alaska-Pipeline, so then set their sights on the sinking of the EXXON Valdez. This is the “Truth”, and that would sell, as that would allow all those “Page Left Intentionally Blank” overflowing with facts still kept secret! Baked Alaska recipe? Half-Baked, as the fact of this matter the truth was silenced and EXXON got off for penny candy on the dollar because - well it was an attack and “We the People” can’t stand the TRUTH!

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