Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Little Sadie v. Donald Trump

Wow, late last night early shame today the Shady Enclave - aka United States Supreme Court and our nation’s likeness to a Papal Conclave - the court jesters met in secrecy to decide the fate, the outcome of the Donald John Trump “Impeachment”. The High Court decided an urgency for an emergency “convene to opine” this issue due the GOP “Impeachment Insurgent Impediment” was causing a “Blues” revival in “Now is the time for all goodfellas to come to the aid of their party” in “protest” sea to shining sea. See, when people are protesting they are not shopping, and it was the 8th day before Christmas so the jesters rang the bell of “what the fuck”. Along with the fact finding that Moscow Mitch’s Bitch Patrol will disallow “fairness to prevail” any “Senate Trial” to follow, and thus it will be appealed up the 15-Chain Yanks of Command. What you say this Chain of Command? The 15-chain yanks it takes Donald Trump to dump an Oval Office dump his daily bread upon his enemy! Enemy? Look in the mirror! And likewise in “Extra, Extra read all about it Omnes” with the Pope in waiting, “Fumata Neutered” smoke was observed billowing from the court’s latrine vent. OK, it was well after midnight so the “opine” vote “speak now or forever hold your Scalia penis” was observed by the Supreme Court chamber’s window shades - which appeared to signal a win-on-win so we are No Longer a Divided Nation! Only five of the jesters’ votes counted, wherein the two Clinton appointees cast a NEY, the two Obama appointees said YEA and Trump’s vindicatee forgot his left arm and right arm on the podium. Which means a “neutered” outcome read into it as you please. Since Chief Justice Roberts will yield the “rubber mallet gavel” upon the Senate “Trial of Tears”, he thus recused himself from this gathering and was seen walking alongside with “Dump Trump” protestors at the “Capital Mall”.  Sam Alito was also a no-show, as he was busy practicing for a role as “Joe Wilson” in “You Lie”. And Brett, still crying after all these years was home alone watching “Home Alone” as that is what is used as a guide for “opine weening”. And this “Trial” that is supposed to immediately follow today’s “House of Nancy” and her army of Patriots in a unified vote to oust the louse and his Klaus Fuchs following, Moscow Mitch needs until next year to hold this “Trial” has he needs more time to burn the evidence and get an update on Putin’s game-plan. That gives the Fucking Moron 19-days to retreat or retaliate by melting all the skin and bones to ash, and that only takes 3-seconds so he has a lot of time to think about the stench of burning bodies. Let’s hope that “app” of destruction on his “Twitter” is FAKE!

Little Sadie Sadlerohit
Donald John Trump 

The “Opine” case in point: John Doe and Jane Doe walk their kindergarten child Little Sadie Doe to the bus stop, her first day in school. This is the catalyst of what is the beginning of a long-lasting journey in life, so first impressions finds long lasting meaning. And it is that time in the life-cycle that parents allow that parental “bond” to be shared by others, to protect our kids. And because parents have grown to “Trust” that bus driver because he was sworn to obey that “school zone” speed-limit along with what that “Trust” relationship means to Bert & Ernie and how such a Sesame Street protects the precious cargo, well Jane Doe entrusts Little Sadie’s lunch money to the driver, Donald John Trump. The bus delivers the kids to school safely and on time and transfer of “kid” responsibility takes place. Except come lunch time wherein the menu means a peanut-butter and jelly sandwich, Little Sadie has no lunch, due the Bus Driver - Donald John Trump - refusing to hand over Sadie’s lunch money, a one-dollar bill and 25-cents in change. Now it was not due loosing or misplacement by the Bus Driver nor was it construed as “theft”, as the lunch money was entrusted to Donald John Trump in a “good faith” relationship. And poor Little Sadie, as all the other kindergarten kids enjoy lunch she feels left out and doesn’t understand why.

The verdict is thus “opined” by the following consent decree: Did the bus driver - Donald John Trump - gain anything beneficial by withholding the lunch money appropriations when Little Sadie faced “pain & suffering” with an empty stomach, and that first day experience was far from “favorable”? Could this distort the reality of “Trust” and beckon a withdrawal in trusting relationships in the future? An all too important element in life? So then comes before the court jesters the fact of the matter with legal wrangling on the subject of contributory negligence, upon the parents(Congress) for entrusting the lunch money to the bus driver(Donald John Trump). So after hours of deliberations, the jesters “opined” that Donald John Trump “gained nothing” and his excuse-in-defense when testifying under oath-of-toast, he didn’t know if Little Sadie had a nut allergy, and thus sided on the safe side. It is well known that peanuts can cause a severe and potentially life-threatening allergic reaction called “anaphylaxis”. Emphasizing that he felt that had he handed over the lunch money and Little Sadie had been provided the PB&J and consumption was followed by an allergic reaction - which is very common with children and since the school lunch wardens had no information to verify Yeh or Ney with Sadie -  that he could be held liable. With that said, a self-inflicted harm upon his own mental mindset so balked on the merits of “my belly full but me hungry” and taking the high-Barr-Road “Be Best Be Safe”. And when it was discovered by the school staff that Little Sadie had no such allergy concerns, the lunch money was handed over and Little Sadie then received a stale sandwich and had too eat all by herself something she could not fully understand, but the next day all was fine.

In that Legal Nutshell: The bus driver - Donald John Trump - finds no burden upon any liability, limited or not, as the lunch money was provided and Little Sadie got that PB&J and so the “harm” was minimized. And at no time did that bus driver derive any beneficial gain from his action and or inaction, as it was merely through a concern the lunch money was withheld until such time it was ascertained by a controlling interest an authoritative figure that could over-rule any “allergic” concern. That said, in efforts to protect Little Sadie all is well and Henry Murray’s psychiatrist Theodore John Kaczynski in practice at ADF-Florence says the kid is fucked and since the remaining class kids saw the effect of “hunger” and “segregation”, they are also fucked.

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