Monday, December 9, 2019

LHSP Research

Wow, scientist at the renowned LHSP “Tea Time Domain Research Facility” have proposed a theory upon the “Time Machine” that is blowing the academia “brain-child’s” mind. This research into the meaning and definition of “Time”, today demonstrated and documented by a team of Honorary appointees affiliated with the Amlev Yelknid Society, it finds an amazing and astounding revelation. According to team leader Sir Stu cuzzo Scoregge nella tua testa, “Time” is in reverse! Yes, the time-out that created “everything” while warpath drive was engaged, it is now collapsing at a rate that exemplifies that a full-circle isn’t always a full-circle! Half full, half empty? Half-way there, half-way here? Half-way in, half-way out? With the postulation that “everything” has already occurred without a trace of time and we are reliving that through the treatise of “Time” on re-wind. It works like this. Say a Giuliani particle is docked at Point(A) and Captain Igor wants to escape to Point(B). In a normal plane of travel, since there is a separation of distance between the point of origin and the destination point, time is exhausted. But if, just if, the Giuliani particle is already at Point(B), then the normal plane is defined by the Mobius and that is how “Time” already expired yet we are living it out, today! Like a boomerang, exhausting the momentum on the reverse. Herein this phenomenon on a Mobius go-round, a 360-degree gets you only half-way there, it takes another 360-degrees to get back to home plate! The “Time” element collapsing is the Mobius “effect” and what separates us from the end - according to the infinitesimal Mobius Strip “thickness”, which follows the order of magnitude in successive approximation to cut this dimension in half, in half again and in half again and it goes on forever and ever. So we can never find compromise, and that in turn turns things around again - that 360-degress x 2 from start to finish which is the start. Since there was No beginning and No end, “Infinity” was reached and thus started the collapse, in re-wind “Time” is defined - else it would be but a yo-yo with a mean of “nothing”. This Mobius “separation” is a non-dimensional non-denominational - Ok separation of church and state. OK some more in efforts to simplify what is behind this treatise of “Time in Rewind”. Remember when competition meant a slide-rule dedicated to how many decimal places in accuracy? And then along came HP and the others wherein the Packard tried to confuse the hell out of Good Will Hunting and Albert Einstein by using RPN, “Reverse Polish Notation” to fill sausage casings? Anyway, RPN and PN - positive notation - both provide the same damn answer to 1 + 1, but the steps in between are different due a step-count inconsistency, and that is how time is collapsing, so kiss your ass goodbye somewhere in “Time”.

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