Saturday, December 28, 2019

Avant GOD Christmas

So we wait in vain for the Kim Jong dUNg “Christmas Delight” surprise, surprise, surprise - the gift from the NOKO “lover-boy” to Donald Jong-Thong Trump! Pen-Pals? Penis-Pals? Penis envy Pals? Take your pick all fit the pricks. But Kim’s “Saturday Night Special” is still a no show this 3rd day of Christmas, oh well Putin just gave US the shaft with the “gift that keeps on giving”. OK, this historic event came to be as our Dweeb-in-Chief was quarantined to “yuletide” incarceration at the “Amarameigo Lago Retort”, his only socializing was in a Scissorhand-job tirade upon the “House of Nancy”. Too bad we didn’t have a leader in our midst, like the Russian Federation enjoys. It would be better then this Eunuch-in-Chief, at least we would know what tomorrow may bring - besides another Twitter “slay ride”. And I wonder also, when is the last time the Fucking Moron had sex…I hear something, sounds like Melania Klaus Fuchs laughing her ass off?  Who’s having phone sex with Putin? Then who’s having phone sex with Kim’s bUNghole? But Russia’s Putin delivered on Christmas Day 2019, not only with a ribbon cutting ceremony the longest European bridge crossing - that which now steel rail connects Russia with Crimea for military tank transport - but with a ways and means to protect that “Invader’s Highway”. It is called the “Avant GOD” and a stealth like hypersonic missile deployment capable of mounting a nuclear attack faster than a Twitter revenge Trump lie. “Merry Christmas” the invasion by Putin has begun and we are helpless to lend a helping hand. Putin has used the weakness of the Trump White Supremist House residency to…a Fred Christ Trump Fascism is a close friend to Putin so no wonder Lenin is smiling. Yup, another “Vladimir” for the “Vladimir Vladimirovich” monopoly. Look, when we have a sitting U.S. President that questions the fact that the “slight majority” of the House isn’t fair, what the fuck is with this Moronism? Does Trump know there is this thing called the U.S. Constitution? My father fort for the well-being of this nation’s honor and flag. And YES, Donald’s father like son was a draft dodger. No Fred Christ Trump is not a Founding Father of Democracy as the latter is the enema for a Heil Hitler Fascism - aka “Trump Tower Dysentery Dynasty”. But this Merry Christmas from Putin, his plan to take over the entire world except for “My Country ‘Tis of Thee” as we are no longer free and with the opioid pandemic and the “homeless” pandemic reaching sea to shining sea, nobody wants this mess. Look around you, so I invite Putin to invade as nothing to loose, and wouldn’t it be nice the 1% for once feel what it is like to be broke? And don’t you get a kick out of the Purdue Pharma - aka the “Opioid Family” that filed for Chapter 69 “Fuck the Dog” Bankruptcy and then hid $billions$ in off-shore accounts while “We the People” have to bail this nation out of another crisis - a family planned addiction? Why Rich People SUCK! But this “Avant God” weapon of mass hysteria is a…we are fucked for a while longer. Sad thing, the $billion-billion$ we spent on filling the wallets of defense contractor CEOs so their mail-order wives could spend freely our $loot$, “We the People” got fucked in a double jeopardy scam. Here is what I still cannot understand. Why is it a defense contractor with a single client guaranteed for life, why does a CEO get paid such a lucrative salary at the U.S. Taxpayers expense? I mean the Commander-in-Chief tells them what needs to be done - in fact fire the damn executive staff as it is highway robbery. Try it, fire the assholes that never get thou “greasy” hands dirty and see if it hurts the workers’ commitment to arm the ARMY. And once upon a time, that “doubling down” was a crime spree syndicate? How come our Congress engages in this bootlegging hoodwanking? But Putin, he keeps abreast of what is happening here in the State-of-the Eunuch and back when spy verses spy announced that Russia was working on this hypertension thing, we put up our own “GOD”, the U.S. Treasury’s rainy-day fund to “trump” Putin’s madcow disease delivery. And we had two approaches to defend our nation sea to shining sea. There came about the “Missile Defense Shield Initiative” that envisioned two options. Strategically placed siloes with “Kill Missiles” or a super-duper flying laser. Now the laser, this was a device that was mounted aboard a modified 747 jet airliner piloted by the Air Force. It required a crew of 10 and was designed to be placed in a rendezvous with coordinating back-ups, so we would have full time coverage against an incoming rogue missile - from either Putin or Kim dUNg. For real, the dUNg’s new missile is in the shape of a MAGA dildo? But the concept of blowing to smithereens an incoming unwelcome nuke with a bright-lite, that didn’t create the bottom-less pit that a land based munitions depot to surrender our inheritance was founded upon, so the concept that satisfied the defense Contractor CEO wives-club was bargained for by Congress - as part of the plan for re-election campaign donations. Congressional Math: Steal the hard working salt of the earth’s $loot$ through taxation, give “We the People” back 50% through infrastructure funding and then give the remaining 50% in tax break refunding to the wealthy so that they then donate 50% back as a campaign donation and through diminishing return we end up with a “divide by zero” error so just increase the working class taxation. And now, well Putin is watching and today our “Defense” is…well good for a garage bottom basement sale! Putin’s new weapon, it can travel at 27x what our “Kill Missiles” are capable of achieving…so we have a whole lot of catching up to do. And had we gambled on the airborne laser weapon, with today’s technology in “drones”, we could have retired the human factor and saved the U.S. Taxpayers a whole lot of $loot$, but that is as Un-American as Kim Jong and Vladismear and our Moron in a threesome and using the American flag as a cover-up. Heil Hitler? Hell now “Heel Sphincter”! And I hear both Melanomia Klaus Fuchs and Vladimir Putin singing “catch us if you can” in celebration this new “Avant God” rocketman weapon. But I am sure with this new “Russian” technology unveiled on Christmas Day that the Defense Contractor CEO wives are smiling all the way to the beauty parlor, cha-ching cha-ching and it don’t sound like an extended Christmas bells sing along but just another way for keeping the U.S. Treasury’s main safe “unlocked” as now we must spend a few more $billion-billion$ with Putin’s new threat. Look, “We the People” can only get fucked to the limit, which seems to be upon US today and probably the only approach to get the attention of those in control, it is time for the Jack Marler Revolution and the “Lousy Hat Solidarity Party” approves that revolt! And here is the key to success, have any idea how many wealthy Americans are using the Marler “precedence set” verdict of 1956 to avoid paying any taxes? Just ask the Moron why he doesn’t pay any taxes!

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