Monday, November 18, 2019

WoooMooDo-Do Dah Man

Weapons of Mr. MD! MORON DESTRUCTION? => GOP Femdom Freedom Caucus with Jim Jordan as presiding Dick Head; MORON DISFUNCTION? => Trump Administration, guess who is the Dick Head; MORON DISLOCATION? => Stephen Miller ban with Fed Trump as masterbat-her of ceremonies. The list goes on as we have become a weaponized society let us not forget the most likely NOT to succeed, that being the Weapon of MORON DEVOTION - aka Donald Jong-Thong Trump and Kim Jong bUNghole’s love affair. OK, “love triangle” as with a “Thong” and a “MAGA” dildo, it invites a “threesome treason” and behind Door #3, the “unknown town crier”. Talk about a WoooMooDo - aka Donald’s hairdo on a good day - well how about face “Mr. MD can you tell me what’s ailing me” the science community that monitors the heavens above, the outer fringe outer space? Well it appears that asteroids are getting closer and closer to “ground zero” and the reason the “Flat Earth” culture is on the rise once again as is the “bubonic plague” as some things go hand-in-hand. Talk about weaponizing, the “Nile Virus” can now swim up a penis and only a fucked-up individual would resort to this kind of fool hardiness in a science project - that Kim Jong bUNghole dUNg, the Fucking Moron’s NOKO butt buddy. Now those in the know, that make a living following “roids” around the block, they are saying this “scare” is due to the effect of global warming and the adverse effect on the earth’s atmosphere - getting less dense due incursion of excess heat and allowing Trump’s hemorrhoids cause for concern for hannity - I mean humanity. You know, like “little birdy in the sky, why you do that in my eye - sure glad elephants don’t fly”. But it is the WMD in “$Money$ Disparity” that is today a weaponized “Enemy of the People”. See, wealth hording was at one time reserved for tyrants. Look at the Soviet Union - who owns the loot? Yes Putin and his oligarchs. North Korea? Kim Jong dUNg owns all the revenues from selling and insisting that his all male ARMY wears Jong-Thongs - the reason Donald Trump had to make an emergency visit to Walter Reed as that gift from his “lover-boy” had a seizure on the Eunuch’s fake news’ testicles - cough! No Melanomia, those things are not popsicles and that pencil erection is a fake flavor e-dick! Same with Xi China-man, wealth is controlled by a very small percentage of the people. And if Alaska had not become a state of the “Union” in efforts to circumcise the “Jack Marler Revolution” of 56, Sarah Palin would be Queen-for-Today and worth $100-billion and “castration” of the Alaskan Congressional delegation no longer a requirement before the three-stooges hit on the “beltway”. And nowadays with 99% of the American wealth property of the 1% - don’t you love it how that Sondland paid for an Ambassadorship with the Fucking Moron and will be the guy history remembers for Trump’s “Impeachment”. Medal of Swallow for “stupidity” that worked! Gives that pay to play a sick revenge. I mean isn’t there some kind of ethics involved, as this Sondland made it rich peddling “bed bugs” and received an “Ambassadorship” for giving the Moron & Family a campaign gift? No, as ethics is MIA, missing-in-action because $MONEY$ talks louder and clearer then…it appears “TAXATION” was designed to STOP this kind of privileged takeover and who to blame - it is called the U.S. Congress. See at one time not too long ago my generation had nothing to hide, as the “Taxman” cometh the “Taxman” knoweth all and since you cannot take it with you, the money left behind was not sheltered away and Uncle Sam was well off through end-of-the-road end-of-a-life confiscating of the “leftovers” and using that $loot$ “For the People”. Then somebody thought up this thing called a “Trust Fund Baby” and since then the deficit has “bankrupt” a once Great Nation because once we let down our “guard” on the “fair share” concept with taxation on income, the breach and reach had begun to leach away, an acid wash upon the safe bars “guarding” the U.S. Treasury “safe”. Grand theft statutory rape, what is going on with the wealth as we are still a young nation and do not deserve this kind of gang rape from Wall Street “thieves” and “thugs” wearing Jong thongs. And for real, in vogue for 2020 will be buying stock in Saudi Aramco that which will make the Crown Prince Family of Murderers even richer? Yes, stock purchases with “certificates of authenticity” sealed with Khashoggi blood just in time for Christmas, great stocking stuffers! And this bull-schiff by the Fucking Moron and “Make America Great Again”, you cannot get there by giving it all away. Just how stupid is that constituency of “qualified voters” that follow the scat trail left behind by this Moron in heat? OK, what the Moron really means is the fact all of us will make it “Great” for the 1% minority. Ever wonder why a majority of Trump’s self-inflicted self-appointed self-indulgent executive administration staff-infection have Russian whores as a spouse? It must have something to do with the IRS Tax Code - maybe these whores are not free and clear and any bi-partnership relationship requires a payment to an Oligarch which translates to a “write-off write-down” and amounts to “Treason”. It gives aiding and abetting the enemy new life. For real, we are giving Vladismear Putin a “Tax Refund” this shenanigans from the Oval Office “under-siege”.  And that seems to be the real problem today, who in hell is this “Enemy”? I mean the Fucking Moron calls the Pelosi House the enemy. He calls anything close to give-me a “D” then give-me an “E” now how about an “M” the enemy, which includes DEMOCRACY. He is good for a total of only 3-letters at a time. But not once has he ever convened that “enemy” title with respect to Putin or Kim Jong. Something wrong with this picture? OK, my conspiracy calls out Melania as a Putin Spy and the reason the Moron is in bed with…himself. The bottom-line, this nation will not cannot remain a DEMOCRACY with such wealth inequality and disparity wherein “Trust Funded Babies” never have to work a day in a life and the only thing that job they hold at the gym means - nothing for “Made in America”. But who cares, as “Made in America” is no longer something to be proud upon, unless one is talking that “made” as in a whore getting to free-load a ride-along and Putin and the others getting a fair share of our “Freedom”. Remember, “Freedom” is “For Sale” and the highest bidder doesn’t give a rat’s ass about your heritage as when a fire sale hits, cut-throating is based on a doom and gloom and wherein WMD means Whores, Morons and Dough-raid-me. Maybe it is time for another “Jack Marler Revolution” wherein “precedence was set” in the Federal courts that a viable excuse to pay no taxation is the defense of “No Taxation without Representation”. Wow, it’s been figured out as if you bend over to Putin, or bend over to Kim Jong and argue they are your leaders and you get no satisfaction in their “Representation” then why pay a fair share of taxes and maybe this is why the wealthy pay no such taxes! Their secret-admirer kept “Secret”! See, if I have a GPS coordinate somewhere in the middle of the ocean and outside the 3-mile island limit and claim ownership that property through “squatters rights” and have “No Representation” this domicile with a smile, then why pay taxes and just be free to hide it all away for my “Trust Fund Babies” and for generations to come Uncle Sam gets robed. It is that simple, why many wealthy pay no taxes, based on a land-mark decision which compromised “My Country ‘Tis of Thee” in “Fair Share Taxation” many moons ago and being used to…I am calling my tax preparer! In fact, the hell with that honest son-of-a-bitch it’s time to call Egor and ask this Rusky to use the Trump Tax Code to prepare my returns! Rich again.

Author: Sir Sto Cazzo Scoregge nella tua testa

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