Saturday, November 30, 2019

“Rabid” Skunk Works

Wow, amazing how modern mans’ insurgency with the mandate supporting an “insured medical treatment treatise”, it can be used to overcome an individual’s addictions. Especially so if one finally admits to a serious problem, like with a pyromaniac and a fascination at flag burning - which is out-of-control like a pandemic. It is a “silent slayer”, so has gone by the wayside under the radar but seems to be re-surfacing in efforts to torch with an “ashes to ashes dust to dust” that “Life, Liberty and pursuit to Happiness” mascot. We have come a long way with addiction abatement, as way back when for some additive perversions from personality disorders like “flag burning”, it meant a time out “time in” at the famed Trans-Allegheny-Lunatic-Asylum. Serious stuff this “flag burning” addiction and when you place “Lunatic” next to “Asylum”, it gets the point across what it means to defecate, I mean desecrate the Stars & Stripes. Wowee, amazing the last time we saw Congressmanimmature Matt Gaetz he was staging a coup d’etat against the Pelosi House of Arms. But Gaetz has been a no show the last few weeks, in the thick of things all things considered “IMPEACHABLE”. Impeccable refrainment, or maybe confinement as maybe somebody with a conscious said “No More Flag Burning” and Gaetz has been in the GOP House dungeon, castrated with mandatory restraints. But today, maybe due to a good behavior release, Matt showed his mugshot once again on the Looney Tunes lineup - aka Rabid Fox Network. See, I think he is still confined to hard-cider labor, but being the day before Turkey Day with all the bosses leaving town well maybe, just maybe Matt snuck out of detention. That does not calculate, as the GOP Femdom Freedom Caucus has been AWOL since January 20th, 2016. So…Wowee Zowee, didn’t Donald Jong-Thong Trump and Melanomia Klausfuchs pardon a turkey? And “Field & Stream” guys know one thing about a “humanized rabid skunk”, it stinks far worse any neighborhoodlum “rabid skunk” especially when weaponized and sent on a “mission” with “gnashing teeth drooling up and down the halls of Congress”. For real, it is part of the Congressional “archives” how ancient mariner Donald Young of Alaska referred to his colleague across the bow, because she refused to go to the House “Prom”. But we have a serious problem at hand, as this “divide” within the entity we learn to trust on opening day in kindergarten, well it is being escorted by “Flag Burning”. And when we have in inept Congress, a body that per the Constitution has unfettered power, what is going on today resembles truancy the fact they are tearing apart the Red, White and Blue thread by thread and maybe a timeout retreat for the entire…well the Trans-Allegheny-Lunatic-Asylum has 535 vacancies. I am talking both sides of the isle, and it goes to show that maybe we gained in abating medical addictions, but we had the chance to abate statutory rape, with “term Limits” and today we live with this “flag burning”. There is an idiot behind every other wheel which means it doesn’t matter which party perverts this “Oh say can you see” as every party shares the blame, this “flag burning”. So this 116th Congressional perversion to light farts, to torch Miss Liberty…when the stench of Democracy in flames clears away and “our flag is not still there”, it is about the only bipartisan accomplishment that comes from the “Halls of Congress” and maybe we need a bounty for “Rabid Skunks”!

OK, what can “We the People” do upon this “dysfunctional attitude” those sworn in to protect our Founding Fathers’ DEMOCRACY, which is at an all-time high risk of exposure to Fascism? It is simple, as it is precedence set in our very own Federal Courts - it is called the Jack Marler verdict of 1956. And with so much of our “Freedoms”, so much of who we are as a nation being “tease tested” in the courts as the Constitution is under the microscope, it is our only hope. Today, it is no longer that “vote” that is counting as it appears to have been miscounted, the “cloak and dagger dangles” in these courts. So heed the WARNING, “all good men shall come to the aid of their countrymen”, and Jack gave us the ways and means to revolutionize - it is called “No Taxation without Representation” as anybody, any able-bodied qualified voter that believes “We the People” are being “represented”, I have a recipe for you all:

Sto cazzo Scoregge nella tua Testa
Best “Day After” Thanksgiving Soup Recipe:
1 cup dried yellow peas
2 cups turkey stock from day before celebration
½ cup canned FAVA beans
½ cup canned white beans

Cook yellow peas in stock until a porridge like consistency. Add beans, heat through and enjoy with crusted bread.

When the farting starts as our only defense, remember a “Fart a Day keeps the Congressional Flag Burners at bay” as it is time to fight fire with fire! And like with science having discovered a "stellar black hole" so massive that in theory it shouldn't exist, in Washington there is a “monster brown hole” that shouldn’t exist either, and it stinks!

The Jack Marler Revolution - its time has come!

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