Sunday, November 17, 2019

Little Shady?

That judge and the jury, they took their stand
The judge had the papers in his right hand
Forty six days and forty six nights
Forty six years to wear the ball and the stripes

It’s been exactly 46-days since the “Fucking Moron” was attacked by “This Machine Kills Fascism”, in due respect to the date we honor the passing of America’s Greatest of Patriotic Heroes - that be Woody Guthrie. There is enough “evidence” to indict this “Fucking Moron’s” ham hoc-butt lock-grid lock, let alone the sandwich, as today with the “testimony” being released by the Congress due it is that body's royal flush “sworn” duty to not hide the truth of the matter, as hide and seek is a losers proposition. But since that October 3rd, look at what has been discovered and uncovered why this silence of the lame the “Fucking Moron’s cohort disciples in shame. And look how it is unfolding, as we see a weakening of the “Moronic” defense as it is now a game of “Russian Roulette”, your turn and many hoping the bang-for-the-fuck-buck will be heard when that Sondland sounds off a lie once again thinking the “Fucking Moron” can pardon a self-inflicted gunshot wound to the groin. Hear about that guy that almost died due a “Nile Virus” adapted to swimming crawled up his penis, talk about an inside job and that is what we have front and center of attention with this piece of scat in the Oval Office. For sure, once this brat and his Russian Spy lover get evicted, we will have to burn down the “White House”, as the germs…and on the Sunday “hawk your goods”, it appears the GOP Femdom Freedom Caucus ordained by Jim Jordan is also preparing for a castration, and starting to bend over and accept the fact that what the “Fucking Moron” planned was NOT OK. And when we see that kind of weakness that is starting to signal an abandonment, an escape, the “Fucking Moron” is doomed. It goes to show, to prove that age old saying you get what you paid for. See, Sondland could not have been in a position of such power to pass on the political syphilis of a butt-fucking relationship, not until he paid Trump a $million$ bucks to honorably bend over for that MAGA dildo - without lubrication. Pay to play, at Democracy’s expense and guess what Moron, two can play that game!

Written by Sir Sto Cazzo Scoregge nella tua testa

Approved for Publication by S. Pam McGee
General Cogsel of the Lousy Hat Solidarity Party

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