Saturday, November 16, 2019

Battle Hymn FOR the Republic

Dear Honorable Patriot Denny Heck
United States Congress
House of Representatives

Our Founding Fathers would have stood proud and strong in a Patriotic “Hear Ye, Hear Ye”, having had the fortunate son opportunity witnessing your speech the other day, one “heck” of a statesman you are. When you went out of your way in honoring the Patriotism and dedication of Ambassador Marie Yovanovitch, an American that faced abandonment and punishment by the Donald Jong-Thong Trump White House in a fire and fury attack upon her credibility, an attack on her Patriotism with sworn duty to protect “My Country ‘Tis of Thee”. It was an emotional recital of what our Founders fort for, and it brings a tear to Miss Liberty, a good tear not one of sadness, but the fact “our flag was still there”. Sir, I salute you!

S. Pam McGee
General Cogsel of the Lousy Hat Solidarity Party ~ UNION made by and for “the REPUBLIC for which it stands” sweat.

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