Wednesday, October 9, 2019

State of the EUNUCH - Day 992

Emperor Has No Clothes?
More like this EUnuch has No Balls. Yes, with that “Turncoat” Ambassador of the EU that went afraid of his own “Patriot Shadow” and hid under the bed bugs when it came to appearing before the House of Lords, as EU stands for…See, Donald Jong Trump is “Big Talk” and “No Action”, the epimphany epitome of a “COWARD”. But no-thong new, as we saw that “cow mode” with his stage fright on the WWE alongside Mr. “Fake”, that Vince McMahon, in “Donald meets the Boogeyman”! But with his “we all Tweet in a Twitter subterranean home sick fools”, with the Missing-in-Action-Commander-in-Misfit emphasizing that the Patriotic American Whistleblower that gave us UkraineBait “must apologize to me, it appears the 45th’s last remaining brain cell has vacated the premise and “We the People Hoodwinked” have a Fucking Moron to contend with. It means someone will have to from now on wipe the Moron’s ass and the taxpayers will pay the price. Amazing grace just how far that “I Don’t Care Do U” First Lady-in-Waiting attitude lives on. Yes, as Donald Jong Trump suffers self-inflicted humiliation day-in day-out day-old donuts mind you, Melania is playing tennis. What ever happened to Barron? Of course, he is under the G-Men “Whistleblower Protection Program” because dearest daddy is crazy. If you have an understanding the underlying meaning of the Mobius Strip in its inherent property infinite wisdom to manipulate the truth, then you may understand the Fucking Moron - “What's good is bad, what's bad is good you'll find out when you reach the top you're on the bottom”, as Dylan sang with “Idiot Wind”, whose time has come of age!
Donald Trump - Survival 101
Many “qualified voters” are asking that same damn question, why has Donald Jong Trump been able to remain, to survive in the Oval Office? Yes, today just in, 58% of Patriotic Americans question the Fucking Moron’s “modus operandi” and are demanding an “Impeachment Inquiry”. So why this survival when a Sleepy-Hollow gallows trial would be a better fit? It is Treasonous “high crimes and mister meanie”, as that is what Fascism is all about. And for real, the White House is thinking about bringing in Trey Gowdy to defend this “Treason”, talk about carrying along scum baggage. OK, we have carpetcrappers amongst the enemy of the people and any “qualified voter” that represents this “Madman Across the Water” as the “World” sees the guy that hoodwinked the Electoral College because that entity was schooled at Trump University, his cult following is in my book, a “TRAITOR”. Look, Gowdy is the tampon for the FOX news network and I am sure if you dig deep enough into the muck of the “Dismal Swamp”…I smell Confederate ancest. Wow, Gowdy was just fired from FOX news, because he teamed up with a Treason without a Constitutional reason. Look, he’s from the south, from a state that was the first to go yellow-bellied coward to secede from the “UNION”. 
When you look at Trump’s support, it is for a reason unbecoming any form promulgated by our Founding Fathers and Patriotism - they think they are “Patriotic”, its that Mobius thing again. Look, in these modern times to see this emerging insurgency in the “Confederacy” awakened, a bunch of sore losers, “Un-Patriotic” and this bowel movement finds its roots in that “Dueling Banjo Deliverance”. See, like a rash, the Confederacy is a canker-sore scab on the back of Fascism. And that is the underlying reason why the Mitch McConnell “gang” of inbred GOP “Femdom Freeform Caucus” pieces of Kim Jong “dung” are doing nothing about this Christ Trump Tower, as the destruction of our Founding Fathers “Democracy” is at Chapter II of the Civil War. Stay tuned, in the meantime drink to Sam Adams and New England IPA - and when that “NEW England” sinks in…we are ready to fight once again and this time we will not be so sympathetic to the Swamp Yankee Rats!
White House under attack.
Rich Bitch private donations from “offshore” banks are paving the way for a new tennis court at the White House, for Melania Trump. Yes, private donations allowing additions to the once honorable house. So, does that mean she will always be able to visit to play tennis? Of course not, as when Donald and Mrs. Don’t Care vacate the “House”, they will make sure they are reimbursed for the addition, at a cost that will sink the deficit some more.

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