Saturday, October 5, 2019

Old Man Trump v. Woody Guthrie

Here we are, faced with a self-inflicted groin-shot wound - a disgrace once again upon Miss Liberty and the Red, White and Blue now in distress. Yes, Donald Jong Trump has no one to blame but himself for the predicament this nation finds itself struggling through, once again. When is enough, enough? So yes, the Moron shot himself in the groin, self-inflicted punishment - sorry for his whores. But his uncourageous unpatriotic cult, which claims 53% of the 116th U.S. Congress and 46% of the House, “We the People’s Democracy” is in deadlock which means a “nothing burger” both sides of the isle any righteous recovery the present State of the Eunuch. Putin is laughing everyday, as are most of the other world leaders. “Then join hand in hand, brave Americans all! By uniting we stand, by dividing we fall” - our Founding Fathers said that! Take note, that hand in hand means Democrats and Republicans alike, you and me bub! So it appears that the “qualified citizens” that voted in the 2016 election that was turned to an erection with a Eunuch at the helm - that self-inflicted groin-shot wound - well we can no longer “Do Nothing” and Congress is broken to the bone. So, maybe a recall of the “Electoral College”, as “Faithless Electors” have no fear rejecting the 270 votes cast for a Moron and Article II - Section 1 of the United States Constitution allows the “College” to “quarrel a quorum” and that is what we need, as it is a whole lot easier for 540 individuals to sit down and debate whether or not Donald Jong Trump should be allowed to shit all over America. We cannot go forward with an “Impeachment”, as the outcome could be disastrous either way the outcome. If there is a House “Impeachment” by majority vote of Patriotic Americans only for that effort to be sidetracked by a “dismal swamp” dismissal by the Turncoat Confederacy of the U.S. Senate, it sets precedence and it means we no longer live with Democracy paving the way forward for future generations - our children! We are at WAR with ourselves, pinch yourselves. And if the Senate…forget it as this Mitch McConnell is a walking human distemper dispenser. Look this leader of the GOP Senate, sworn to protect a Treasonous proposition, he is campaigning this weekend to raise money to STOP the “House Impeachment” which means if he is successful fulfilling the Robert E. Lee dream this “cultuption copulation”, then be assured that the Founding Fathers’ Democracy is being dismantled in its tracks. Just so that Donald’s dream for Old Man “Fred Christ” Trump can be fulfilled, Donald Trump is trying to set back the clock to 1927, when his father joined hand in hand with the Fascists and KKK, to protest the “passion for equality” of Calvin Coolidge. To all those “qualified voters” that cast a vote for this Eunuch, Donald Jong Trump’s upbringing was a dad that “harassed” American War Veterans out marching on a Memorial Day parade back in 1927. Sonny boy Donald is trying to fulfill his father’s fascination with Fascism as that allows the Trump Tower riches to “triple” in value, the divide widens between US and them, the middle-class swallowed up by the evil empire. So if the Electoral College is afraid and cannot honor the warranty it signed-on for America back then when the election booths accepted invitations from Russia with Love, and test the Articles of Fascism that which is behind Donald Jong Trump’s guiding light - then maybe our only hope is to replace the wording of the U.S. Constitution by the Constitution of Woody Guthrie starting with “We the People, warr warr...

From the high Canadian Rockies to the land of Mexico,
City and the country, wherever you may go,
Through the wild and windy weather, the sun and sleet and rain,
Comes a-whistlin' through the country this Farmer-Labor train.

Listen to the jingle and the rumble and the roar,
She's rollin' through New England to the West Pacific shore.
It's a long time we've been waitin', now she's been whistlin' 'round the bend,
Roll on into Congress on that Farmer-Labor train.

There's lumberjacks and teamsters and sailors from the sea,
There's farmin' boys from Texas and the hills of Tennessee,
There's miners from Kentucky, there's fishermen from Maine;
Every worker in the country rides that Farmer-Labor train.

There's warehouse boys and truckers and guys that skin the cats,
Men that run the steel mills, the furnace and the blast,
Through the smoky factory cities, o'er the hot and dusty plains,
And the cushions they are crowded, on this Farmer-Labor train.

Listen to the jingle and the rumble and the roar,
She's rollin' through New England to the West Pacific shore.
It's a long time we've been waitin', now she's been whistlin' 'round the bend,
Ride on on into Congress on that Farmer-Labor train.

There's folks of every color and they're ridin' side by side
Through the swamps of Louisiana and across the Great Divide,
From the wheat fields and the orchards and the lowing cattle range,
And they're rolling onto victory on this Farmer-Labor train.

This train pulled into Washington a bright and happy day,
When she steamed into the station you could hear the people say:
"There's that Farmer-Labor Special, she's full of union men
Headin' onto White House on the Farmer-Labor train."

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