Saturday, October 5, 2019

Dear First Lady Melania

Dear Melania;
Us kindergarteners need a big hug favor from you today, on this October 5th “Do Something Nice Day”, a day wherein you can put aside that “I Really Don’t Care Do U” rich-bitch attitude. So PLEASE, PRETTY PLEASE return to your native Slovenia, give up your U.S. citizenship, return home ASAP. See, as kindergarten kids, we are trying to learn all about playing fair and being nice and all those other things “we learned it all in kindergarten” so we can grow up to be “good people”. But that is tough because the way in which your husband conducts his behavior, his role modeling is like a puppy dog with distemper - vomiting and shitting up and down the library hallways - it stinks! So take this relocation request under serious consideration and if Donald loves you, he will take all his wealth and riches and follow you, which would be the greatest day for our American flag. Thank you, the kids of kindergarten classes all across America.

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