Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Bahamas - Presidential Order

The President of the United States of America, the honorable Barack Obama, today signed an “Emergency - Presidential Executive Order” that will immediately provide relief to the Bahamas following the devastating effects from Hurricane Dorian. This “Order” will mobilize “All” branches of the U.S. Military, to “immediately” begin to deploy resources to the Bahamas in efforts to start rebuilding the homes that were totally destroyed by storm winds never before experienced by the human population. It is estimated that 13000 homes were destroyed within minutes of Dorian making landfall. To fund this “Humanitarian Aid”, the “Executive Order” allows $1-Billion in “Military Funding” already approved by the U.S. Congress to be funneled toward this purpose and the Bipartisan Congress is in full agreement this re-distribution of Military funding to help our neighbor. The ARMY Corp of Engineers will be the “Lead” in this endeavor, tasked to design and build homes that can withstand such storms. According to the Prime Minister of the Bahamas, Hubert Minnis, this goes to show that America is still the “Greatest Democracy” of our times, wherein one man has the “Power of the People's Purse” to lend a helping hand with the stroke of a pen. This is the reason Barack Obama will be the “Greatest President” of all times when history is written for the present times. Thank You Mr. Obama, for taking a humanitarian view on this catastrophe and lending a helping hand - the WORLD applauds your PATRIOTIC efforts.

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