Monday, August 26, 2019

Waiting For CACHE - Again!

Ever wonder about that Intertwinet flash warning “Waiting for Cache”?  When it appears that “every which way but loose” linking to the outside “Twitter World” has taken on a snail’s pace prodigy? OK, here is my take on the “Economics of a Fucking Moron” - aka Donald Jong Trump 45th Resident Squatter of the Awful Office Crapper. But before I get there, it is good to see that the end of the 44th’s “American Recovery & Reinvestment Act of 2009” is finally coming to closure! Today, the last remnants of that infrastructure plan is seeing the grand finale of this “American Jobs in Infrastructure Program” through completion of the “High Speed Fiber Optic Communications Network” positioned sea to shining sea - so that “Waiting For Cache” will be but a thing of the past. Yes, I am glad that the Obama “Stimulus” is coming towards end, it lasted way past the Barack White House as herein was a President that placed off limits one-side-of-the-isle partisanship and even Rick Perry swore he didn’t want the “Stimulus Money”. But guess what Mr. Bigotry, Texans wanted it, all $8-billion! And unlike Obama’s predecessor, there came no last minute ransacking of the Oval Office which sent our economy into a tailspin. So from Inauguration Day in 2009, Obama’s economic plan forward to keep “America Great” did not end on the day someone gave this Trump a tricycle without training wheels, the momentum has taken this nation to strength - now what? And it is due time we see what will happen without it, while Donald Trump tries to cherish 947-days and counting an “IOU” credit for the Obama “economic incentive momentum”. You can hear it in Trump’s bad breath, in his 2020 campaign slogan his followers seem to understand: “Four More Whores”, well sorry, age is taking its toll on me hearing and after too many years of rock’n roll…OK, more like an “economic incendiary movement” with the Moron, Fucking Moron to be exact. See, Trump has this fascination passion that we don’t need anybody else but ourselves - for that Life, Liberty and Happiness in pursuit. Buy that he thinks that everything can be manufactured right here in the good old US of A! It can be, as once-upon a time we as a nation did not rely on another country for anything but an excuse to go play war games. And this is wherein Donald Trump means well but is stool stuck in time along with all his wealthy buddies. See, I found a new job when I was finally retired. No, not a Wal-Mart greeter, but making a doll house for my beloved grand kids. Now I got rid of most of my power tools, when such were required to maintain a house through many Alaskan winters, it was a full-time duty and today I have but a few non-powered tools, hand saw, hand drill and sore hands. Let’s face the facts, building a doll house is a whole lot of work and maybe if the Intertwinet was working and not waiting for “more cache”, just Google Amazon a gift for the dolls. But I have been building this custom made “Doll House” for the last few weeks, and if it were an order from a wealthy individual that had the greenbacks and did not like to get his hands dirty with glue, paint and wood filler, well my estimates…now just hold on to your stool sample. Wow, IMAGINE a “Doll House” becoming a thing of the past for the middle-class? So with the Fucking Moron, it is NOT a RECESSION coming our way with the sentiment in trust the “Only thing we have to fear is fear itself”, but a REGRESSION! Recessions come and go and over time we have figured out how to weather that storm, with minimal effect on the overall health of this nation. And since we are today all immersed in this “Global” economy of scale, a little hurt here and there as there is enough to go around the globe, so the torture is handed out on a limited basis. But with a REGRESSION, that is something that does not find a global sharing, taking the good with the bad, as with this type of reverse rally…Wow, see I can build that “Doll House” on the cheap because I can purchase most of the goods at “Dollar Tree”, and I think this “Cheap Thrills” enjoyment finds immunity away from Trumpdiarrheanomics. Dam it, I was wrong as Dollar Tree just posted a sign that “helium” for filling “Birthday Balloons” is in short supply, because of Trump’s “Imposter Tariffs” and “Hot Air” just doesn’t cut it. But what would the Founding Fathers say about NO doll houses? Or for that matter no matter to inflate those celebratory balloons? See, it is the upbringing of the Trump and we know that the man who wore the pants in that family was a Fascist sympathizer and like father like son, “where will the children play”? OK, a REGRESSION can be defined by mathematical principles, as long as it is in the domain of “Linear Regression” best-fit it establishes stability. And when Barack Obama vacated the White House, his economic policy based on the momentum from the “Stimulus” balanced out on a roll upwards for the future following such a linear regression, so it meant stability to ride out the storms, and Trump took off on the coat-tails of this REGRESSION momentum. Then when only a year behind the wheel as a wreckless driver determined to crash course DEMOCRACY, that “Linear Regression Momentum” was purposely destroyed and with Trump, REGRSSION herein is today re-defined by CHAOS - as the seed to Fascism. The economy is no longer following the statistical definition of two-variables in a unified relationship, wherein one supports the other all in harmony, and that is the turn on behind this “Daddy Dearest” FASCISM. I ask again, “Where will the children play”? Yes, Trump let the air out of the balloon, as his Fascism fascination wants to deflate the American Spirit and soon, the middle-class will be faced with the dilemma, with him or standing up for the Founding Fathers DEMOCRACY wherein a doll’s house for your grandkids is not just a dream but “Reality”!

Note: Gonad Trump could have-should have just taken over the Oval Office “crapper” and enjoyed learning how to ride that tricycle and by now, had he not entertained destruction on DEMOCRACY through his Fascist fascination learned from his father, maybe by now the time would have come to take off the “Training Wheels”. One day. hopefully soon, members of Congress along with Moscow Mitch will be required to take an additional oath of office, to admit they do not support another Trump Fascist movement. CHAOS is the seed for Fascism, as it is the “Great Divide”. And especially true, an oath or else the gallows as Fascism is “Treason” against our Founding Fathers’ DEMOCRACY - and under attack today through the malignant mobilization of the GOP Femdom Freedom Caucus Fending for Fascism.

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