Thursday, June 13, 2019

Lumped Parameter - GAIA

Time evolves in a linear fashion, as the diminishing distance between this present second and the future second can be cut equally in half again and again until infinity rests its case. On the other hand, evolution is not a linear undertaking, just ask the undertaker. Take for instance the graduation of the Hippie “Make LOVE Not WAR” generation, migrating away from that scene to embrace DaisyWorld. Yes, with that hangover high when weed was a crime through today wherein weed is delivered by Prime, it was easy to accept fields of blossoms once thriving mowed down by the flower child generation.  And according to the Wicked Witch; “…attractive to the eye and soothing to the smell. Ha-ha-ha-ha. Poppies. Poppies. Poppies will put them to sleep. Sle-ee-p. Now they'll sle-ee-p.” And to promote this fascination of flowers taking over the world as “Round Up” be banned, a Google Giggle search:

DaisyWorld is a hypothetical world orbiting a star whose radiant energy is slowly increasing or decreasing. It is meant to mimic important elements of the Earth-Sun system, and was introduced by James Lovelock and Andrew Watson in a paper published in 1983 to illustrate the plausibility of the Gaia hypothesis. In the original 1983 version, DaisyWorld is seeded with two varieties of daisy as its only life forms: black daisies and white daisies. White petaled daisies reflect light, while black petaled daisies absorb light. The simulation tracks the two daisy populations and the surface temperature of DaisyWorld as the sun's rays grow more powerful. The surface temperature of DaisyWorld remains almost constant over a broad range of solar output.

Now Lovelock, who championed this GAIA hypothesis wherein “living matter on the earth collectively defines and regulates the material conditions necessary for the continuance of life…the planet is thus likened to a vast self-regulating organism.”, he found a falling out his followers as “Climate Change” fanatics found an advocacy far reaching with sabotage and over the years has been successful in dismantling the GAIA prophesy. It is akin to the “Black Hole” theory, as some scientists make a career hoodwinking reality - wherein “Keep It Simple Stupid” is sidetracked for complications that tease our wherewithal. I still believe in the GAIA, in the DaisyWorld phenomenon - with corrections. And I surely don’t believe in this “Black Hole” imposter. But GAIA may be instigating a refreshing revival, as there appears to be a coordinated effort by Mother Earth to ward off this “Climate Change”. Off course of course the climate is changing, no denial or doubt about it as I drink more beer to quench my thirst, but as humans argue about it and take sides so divided, well nature doesn’t wait in the wings - as to wait on us spells “doomsday”. See, DaisyWorld was based on a perfect sphere, as that made the “model” behave in a linear fashion in efforts only to get the point across - that keep it simple solution. And herein is wherein my theory of “Manicured Lawns” finds testament that the GAIA is alive and well, not in this non-linear world we live in - but it is working its magic in tune to a “lumped parameter” phenomenon. What I mean by that, GAIA is in control in magnitude different in places that find significance to changes that which could affect the well-being of the earth. NO, GAIA is not accomplishing its “magic” everywhere, but it is releasing its authenticity and authority with increased intensity in places like Alaska - due the fact this region of the earth is “glaciated” and that is probably a good place to start the air conditioning cycle. But I also see the GAIA effect occuring in California - as the growth pattern of weeds shows an interesting pattern to support the “lumped parameter” concept. So with Lovelock’s GAIA, is it time to revisit what was once a dedicated and accepted scientific belief that the earth evolved as a self-regulating variable? I had returned to my home in Alaska, after a 4-year hiatus. It was time to sell the bungalow now overgrown with dandelions, rhubarb, cow parsnip and lupine as there existed greener pastures south of Dead Horse. And from the “I can see Russia” from Sarah Palin’s commode to` WEED? OK, in Alaska the dandelion has invaded the topsoil - and with “Round-Up” banned, maybe this is the break Mother Nature has been waiting for. Have we been our own worst enemy in our efforts to destroy the “WEED”? When the “WEED” has been our saving grace to “Climate Change”? See, the “Lion” has transformed into a “lumped parameter” sink, growing taller and stronger each generation and that allows this so-called weed to act as a conduit for heat transfer, yes a weed allowing a passage of heat away from the earth into the ambient where it can then follow Newton’s  Law of Cooling. Space taketh away! And from Alaska through Canada to California, “weeds” are growing stronger for a reason - it is Nature’s way of telling us something is wrong! And we still attempt to call the “weed” an evasive species? Yes, the ground cover is changing in efforts to control this “Climate Change”.

So GAIA is correct, kudos to James Lovelock as it is also true that “Climate Change” is for real, but Nature is already at work. So maybe we should start to consider these so-called “weeds” our friend and allow safe passage and ban “manicured lawns”. Especially with the “Dandelion” as this species is prolific. It is designed to act as a heat transfer mechanism, just like what is found along the 800-mile Trans-Alaska-Pipeline - heat transfer pipes to keep the permafrost in a “frozen state”. No different, as the “Lion” is designed with a tubular structure and a top-hat that acts as a “sink” to pass on the earth’s heat upon the surrounding ambient. My God, attention to this beautiful species is akin to a belief that Stephen Hawkins fell into a “Black Hole” of no return. Look, you can take the side of nature or the side of evil. My point, no such thing as a “black demon” that this all came from. But when I travel across miles and miles of Alaska through Canada through…you know when you have reached the US of A, as the rest areas are on overflow. But GAIA my bonnie, as it appears Doctor Jim Lovelock’s “GAIA” hypothesis is working the “mother lode” and the earth is on a correction course. See, many years ago when it was in vogue to honor a champion, many hippie-sters chose the theory of Lovelock, that we really didn’t have anything to worry about - except extinction - that Mother Earth had built in mechanisms to ward off any such “global warming” wow the heats on. And when one observes the spectacular on how this theory is - yellow matter custard dripping from a dead dog’s eye the earth is on the mend IMAGINE!

OK, all right by now enough is enough - if you have read on this far, well I was incorrect in my assessment of time equidistance again and again as this would hold true only if time was temporarily stopped, which is an impossibility. But maybe it is time to hold that thought, to stop the obliteration of “weeds” that may be our best of friends in challenging times of “Too Much Heat”!

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