Saturday, June 29, 2019

Ad Nauseam

The Nostradamus seam is about to bust wide open, best run for cover as “ad pusseam” will soon runneth over…

I gotta beep a gunk a chucha
Honk konk konk
Ka gancha each you puna eachya bop a luba
Each yall bumo a kechonk
Ease sum konk ya ride
Well, I woke up this morning
And I got myself a beer
Well, I woke up this morning
And I got myself a beer

Sad, as I just entered the “Make America Great Again” nation, crossing the border from Canada and now drinking while driving ain’t allowed so the border cop confiscated my donuts, wow great to be home this new revival - the revised “America” after too many years of Obama. See, as soon as I got on Highway 5 north still of Jimi Hendrixville - aka Seattle - this “Great Again” thing hit me like that one-two KO! First and foremost, every damn 10-mile stretch of this “Homeland Freeway” is named after a “slain” officer of the law, gunned down in the line of duty. See, when this road-side dedication began back in the early 60s, death during duty allowed a 100-mile stretch in honor of those in uniform dedicated to protect the citizens. Then the NRA came along and gave away guns to criminals for good behavior. Look, don’t argue that point of contention as of course Oliver North has a gun! Nowadays though, it’s down to a 10-mile stretch this sad dedication symbology and soon that will be gunned down to mile 5-4-3…get the point? And every damn underpass is another “tent city” from sea to shining sea “Mission Control, we have a homeless problem”. And since the homeless have but for a shopping cart to haul their beloved property around, grocery stores are now offering on-line shopping and free delivery because how and hell can one shop without a cart? I was at the market the other day, a line formed waiting for a cart and half those waiting in vain were homeless! But “Make America Great Again” is no different today then the day this Trump dedication “My Fellow Man Fuck You I will Do Nothing” went into effect, back in January of 2017 some 890-days gone bye, bye forevermore by now. Yes, lame Dick! But some bad news from the BIOTsphere. See, the earth’s inhabitants came within 5-microseconds total obliteration on June 29th at 0501-am Pacific Time. Yes, too close for comfort and this annihilation was not a close call from some nuclear Armageddon or that Moron in the White House playing a game of toss-up with that “football” with his fool Kim Jong Putin. No, this was a close one through a natural phenomenon called “Self-Sustaining Self-Destruct Mutation”. See, the BIOTsphere has been monitoring things that could affect “Global Tranquility” outside of direct interference by man. And today we are surrounded by low-level energy waves for all the “wired” devices we cannot live without - like cell phones. Now this energy gallivants around like an out-of-control crazed random shooter, every which way but loose and the end result, energy waves continue the journey unabated as the waves are out-of-phase with each-other so driving-under-the-influence of “texting” continues. I went to the market the other day, left my cell phone at home - wow what a relief it is! But on that June 29th morning, the alignment of the energy waves just happened to be in the right place at the right time, and instead of a normal hit & miss like drive by shoot out, the energy bombardment started to synchronize and amplify itself, which can lead to a self-destruct mode as the energy content continues to grow until such time something gives, something relieves the pressure - like a big fart. So the BIOTsphere determined that we were only 5-microseconds away from that energy wave to begin its self-amplification towards destruction. That small-time mark, about the width of a toothpick! Here is what it means as it could happen any sub-second now. As the energy waves behave in such a manner that the wavelike energy finds an affinity to comingle in an association with its neighbors, this ends the checks and balances act. And instead of “net neutrality neutering” that would be normally found through randomization, just the opposite effect as the waves begin to feed off each-other. With that, the energy content amplifies and the result continues to increase and gets to a point wherein it is self-sustaining and will grow and grow and grow which means we will begin to feel the heat. See, we live within the maze of a hi-technology fluid - the energy stream data bits that translate into “Google” like stuff and this energy finds a tendency to heat the cesspool. But as some waves aid and abet this process, others crater the effects of any self-sustained oscillation, so we see nothing we hear nothing. But should the conditions become such that the energy waves start to align themselves in synchronization and self-amplification starts to…well we will all die by the cesspool boiling over. Yes, this would occur in about 3-milliseconds so it will not be painful, it will be quick and could happen, well any day now! Then we get to understand how a lobster feels!

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