Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Riders on the Storm - Remake

In honor of the Donald Jong Trump:
"Cowards Of The Stormy”
[In-tune to “Riders on the Storm” by the Doors]

Cowards of the stormy
Cowards of the stormy
Unto this house now porned
Into their scam once banned
Like a whore without a bone
45th can’t score a loan
Cowards of the stormy

There's a shitter on the lawn
His brain is oozing like a snot
Take a piss on Liberty bell
 His children pillage with thrill
If you give this man a ride free
Sweet Democracy will die
Shitter on the lawn, yeah

Man, you gotta love your flag
Sam, you gotta save that flag
Take these Tower coward fans
Make them understand
This Trump is like a scum bug
Infection filths this waving
Gotta save your flag, yeah

Cowards of the stormy
Shitter on the lawn
Unto this house now torn
Into this urinal we're thrown
Like a whore without a bone
A Trump without a loan.
Shitter on the lawn

Coward of the stormy
Shitter on the lawn
Cowards of the stormy
Shitters on the lawn
Coward of the stormy

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