Monday, May 13, 2019

Chemosabe Medicine Man

I must stand at erection dysfunction attention and give Donald “The Loathsome Ranger” Trump credit for prescribing to America his new and improved “Peyronie’s Medical Plan”, as I am testament we are limp dick screwed. Under the “Penile Curvature Plan”, here is what we are up against:

738am(Voicemail): This is a message for Mr. Sam McGee, your ailing father is in critical condition. Please call Nostradamus Hospital immediately.
739am: You have reached Nostradamus Hospital, all agents are currently busy assisting other callers and your call will be answered in the order in which it was received. Please stay on the line. - In the meantime my dad is dying!
740am: All agents are currently busy and we appreciate your patience. Your call will be answered by the next available agent.
741am: Hello(real live human) this is life-line answering service, may I help you? Is this Nostradamus? Yes, can I help you? Yes, my name is Sam McGee and I am trying to reach my father Sam McGee, as I was left a message he is in critical condition. Did you say his first name was “HAM” like in a sandwich? No “SAM” like in SPAM! Would you please spell the last name? MCGEE, “M-C-G-E-E”. Thank you and please hold while I connect your call.
742am: All representatives are busy helping other customers. Please stay on the line for the next available representative. - From agent to representative I was on a roll!
743am: Hello(another real live human) Memorialized Hospital can I help you? I am trying to talk with the nurses’ station for my dad, a SAM MCGEE. But I thought they said he was at Nostradamus? Oh, this is Memorialized Hospital as they transferred your call to the wrong inpatient facility. My dad is dying this is ridiculous…we understand your frustration please hold while I transfer you back to the life-line operator.
745am: All agents are busy assisting other customers please hold for the next available agent. If this is an emergency please hang up and dial 911. - Back to an agent!
746am: Hello(for real) may I help you? Yes, my father is dying and I was directed to the wrong hospital. Sorry, it’s been a busy morning and we do not have the staff to handle the volume of calls and your father’s name? Mr. Sam McGee! Please hold.
748am: (15 ringtones)Hello, nurses’ station 5th floor. I am looking for a status update of my dad Sam McGee as I was messaged that his situation is critical. And is this a relative? Yes, his son. Sorry, he was just transferred to the 4th floor where the “actively dying” patients are placed, please hold while I transfer you to someone that can help.
749am: Nurses’ station ADP ward. Yes, I am the son of Mr. Sam Mcgee…sir please hold.
750am: Oh Mr. McGee, we are so sorry, but your father passed away at 749am.

And all I really wanted to say - “Time is a ribbon without an end - love is the lesson we keep learning, death but a moment we must spare”.

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