Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Alaska’s Catch 2(3)2 Cesspool

It was in1959 when “We’re In” was the “Hot Off the Press” news, as the 663268 square miles of Alaskan wilderness went from a “Territorial” no-vote in Congress to a State of the Union. Big state, equivalent to 5-million “Disneyland Parks”, with today a dismal swamp future and I will get to that. And it wasn’t very crowded back then, about 0.0005 people per acre when “pissing in the wind” was a favorite pastime - until under statehood that enjoyment was then lobby-hobby outlawed. That elbow room wow, especially in comparison to a place like Central Falls over on the East Coast, with 24 Irish blood raised “Hoolihans” per acre and incorporated as the greatest concentration of bar rooms on GOOGLE earth! I lived and drunk there, and retreated to Alaska when the levy went dry. Now one individual “able-bodied” Alaskans can thank for that status change to the 49er with its own flag to wave, that honor belongs to a Jack Marler, as he based his Alaskan “freedom” on “No Taxation without Representation” and was celebrated in victory - and a young prosecutor named Ted Stevens went tied to the whipping post that jury so jumped ship as a G-men litigator and became a politician. Then in 1973, Alaska was once again center stage of attention, as an “oil crisis” was a curse in panic for the lower-48 and with approval from Congress, the Trans-Alaska-Pipeline was on the drawing board! And in 1977, it was “Oil In” and Alaska was on its way to a heyday drowning in “black gold wealth”, so was “Big Alaskan Oil” the likes of EXXON and SOHIO and BRITISH PETROLEUM and ARCO…that was 52-years ago this writing. Since then, the number of achievements are mind boggling, what this oil wealth has meant. Over 11-billion barrels of “crude oil” has been tapped from beneath thousands of feet of “permafrost” up north in Prudhoe Bay, and sent down the Trans-Alaskan-Pipeline. Way back when, kids in college soon to graduate realized early on opportunities with that “North to Alaska” calling and it was a new era of “I’m Here”! Today though, no longer kids in waiting but “Grumpy Old Men” well into retirement as long-lasting careers were made possible with the “oil” gamble. It has provided payback in the form of “Big Fat” paycheck after paycheck for thousands, families were raised on this $loot$ and 2nd generations sought that “light at the end of the tunnel vision” the same path - as it was like the Energizer Bunny that keeps on giving. With oil soaked bucks rushing in like a “tar she blows” gusher, it allowed Alaska to build roads with “Bridges to Nowhere” and every year at the end-of-the-year at the stroke of midnight, each resident that endures the challenges of 8-months of winter and a few days showing some semblance of summer in hibernation, snow-blind Alaskans receive a “Christmas Bonus” in the form of $money$ from this natural resource so in vogue with keeping road rage alive and well. Alaskan oil makes motor gasoline! This Alaskan oil project expected to make it 10-years at best, beating those odds 4 to 1. It allowed the State of Alaska to become and remain the richest state of the Union, with a portfolio pushing the bar upwards $100-billion in wealth - as “Royalty Oil” by virtue of “eminent domain” was that pot of gold rainbow over yonder. The pipeline cost $8-billion and change, it did! That was just for 800-miles of pipe stick welded together by another American Hero, namely the likes of Hugh “Junior” Leslie and his “798er Okie” buddies. Not included in that price-is-right-tag, the infrastructure up north - which required numerous Arctic Ocean sea-lifts to deliver humongous processing facilities designed and built in the lower-48 with a “plug & play” commission, floating skids ready to go - it is mind boggling in itself. Especially on a winter’s day at noon-time still totally dark the whispering glow of these industrial giants bathing the Aurora Borealis in exhaust fumes from huge turbine/pump sets - sending this plume miles high into the sky. But has this “Pipe Dream” turned Prudhoe Bay into an out-of-sight out-of-mind underground “Superfund” better said yet a “Cesspool” of magnitude unprecedented? That title of this writing with that “Catch 2(3)2”, not a joke as the “22” was herein purposely replaced by that 232, to signify the radioactive radionuclide found in 232-Thorium. Caught off guard, it is a “water soluble” and “precipitator” byproduct fallout found throughout all modern-day oil development activities, not just in Alaska but everywhere on earth. In the late 80s, there came the scare that one of the big players in Alaska had discovered this radioactive stuff in “top-side” processing vessels and is of-record indicating that over 100-tonnes of “radioactive material” was collected from 3000 “sticks” of down-hole drilling pipe that was rescued for re-use, well this “crap” was collected and then forced back into the formation - turning it into a “radioactive cesspool”. That is a whole lot of…it is NOT REGULATED! Yes, well known about “radioactive decaying” by-products of “produced water” that comes topside with oil development - it’s radioactive! This is not a secret, as when something like this is NOT REGULATED, regurgitate after me: Who Gives A Rat’s ASS! So for many upon many years gone bye-bye by now that “radio-flyer-nuclide” water that tags along with oil development, side-stepping the oil recovered, another 11-billion barrels of radioactive laced water also recovered for the Prudhoe formation - or for those that cannot get over the “barrel of monkeys” it means 501893448504-gallons of stuff that cannot be discharged legally into a marine ecosystem else the “Octopus’s Garden” finds double-headed newborns. This stuff has been recycled a zillion times and each time getting more and more potent with radioactive isotopes - that which can cause DNA mutations! There comes a “saturation” point of no-return! What it means is this, front and center a nightmare “China Syndrome” hoedown occurring, underground in Alaska. In 1980, a statue was unveiled and dedicated to the workers of the Trans-Alaska-Pipeline project, as shown below. And today another statue is dedicated to the almighty Prudhoe Bay “Cesspool” and I ask, who has been fooled?

OK, so what as this stuff is still stuck safe underground and Warden Oil Man is aware of the consequences if inmate Radio Nuclide breaks out of jail. Please no parole and supervised conjugal visits only, even if Donald Trump failed at a “Presidential Pardon” for “Beaufort Sea Offshore Drilling”, because this 232-Thorium collision was from collusion “underground” and remember, Sarah Palin can see Russia from her “crapper” in Wasillabilly. But what is it that really ruined Alaska, after it was successful in becoming a state so it could collect taxes on income and then won Congressional approval to development the oil and not to forget that Captain Joe Hazelwood had nothing to do with the EXXON Valdez oil spill? Those worthless maggot’s that come north to play out that “Dueling Banjos Pig Fucking Deliverance” and “They're gonna put me in the movies, they're gonna make a big star out of me, we'll make a film about a man that's mad and loony, and all I gotta do is act naturally”. The Alaskan Film Industry - the Trans-Allegheny Lunatic Asylum’s transfer of its Hannibal Lecter cast to the “Last Frontier” appears to be a success, as “They’re In” and in the backwoods, incest is a lullaby hobby as it means more “free” money from that oil revenue!

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