Saturday, April 6, 2019

Alaska - NORM's Armpit

Why this awning inspiring title? It is paramount the three “Ps” in Participation of Precipitation denial in Perspiration. Like getting caught in that little “white house lie” and then telling another fibonacci series of… that lie begets 2 begets 3 begets 5 begets 8 begets 13! Amazing what this Moron in the Oval Office is so well spoken about, a legacy in “LIE”. But has the “LIE” become a national passion? OK and YES, but it started way before the Clintons. What’s Up Dock - Fromunder CANCER Cavern?

In 1989, the highly regarded American Petroleum Institute(API) published a “Survey Report” titled:


It was an extensive study that which included the counter-intelligent-minous states, outer-continental shelf and of course Alaska with the subject of interest targeting oil development, as this NORM was starting to show its ugly side. So this “Survey”, it included 36000 “volunteer” samples from all the major oil fields under development that “Produced”, with emphasis on “produced water” to make a scientific and professional assessment of this character named NORM. Cheers NOT, but a “radionuclide” by-product of the “black gold” development. See, it is a “natural occurrence” this Thoruim-232 along with the sisterhood of the “Hood” with Uranium-238 - both considered “bone seekers” that can “KILL HIPPIES”! OK, before moving on how Alaska may be the “Armpit” of “Modern Man”, the API is like the NRA - used to be - as one stands up for oil the other stands up for guns and “oil and roses” made this country free - just ask Ted Kaczynski’s father Howard Murray. See at one time before this nation came so damn divided, I was one with all that 2nd Amendment Right, as it is written in blood of our Founding Fathers: “A well regulated Militia…”, why we are allowed to carry because gun ownership means a member in good standing that “Right” under the auspicious of that “Militia”. But that “well regulated Militia” - because this “Militia” was so capitalized as found in the Bill of Rights so was defiantly defined for future use - it was done so as it finds meaning further down the road in the U.S. Constitution. It is under the authority of the Commander-in-Chief in time of need “called into duty” and I am not about to waste my time on a “LIE”. Get over it, as Trump owns your ass as did Obama, as “Militia” is so ordained under Article 2-Section 2: Presidential Powers - I am not about to abandon my country and perform “Treason” protecting his Tower.  But the API, it has always been a very strong advocate to “pump oil” and has a very good track record, even if on the side of business to at least find reason to test things “suspicious” as that organization inherits a necessity - and with this NORM that warranted the API to take action. So you can take this published study to the Bank of Trust. Now this “survey”, it included Alaska, but for some reason curious to suspicious, only the Cook Inlet oil development was included in that “survey” when at the time Prudhoe Bay was supplying 25% of this nation’s energy needs - with Texas running in second place. This study was done during the 80s, the same time oil production in Alaska’s world renowned oil field in Prudhoe Bay was ramping up and making all kinds of $money$. And with “produced oil” comes “produced water” that PARTICIPATES in the PRESIPITATION of this NORM. This “produced water” acts as the transportation for the bad stuff out of the formation - including this NORM. But things were happening so quickly in Alaska, that a large percentage of that “produced water” remained in contact with the “Crude oil” as it started out its 5-day journey to Valdez through the Trans-Alaska-Pipeline. And once finding a home in Valdez before it was loaded aboard the EXXON Valdez, it was allowed “rest & relaxation” time in a huge tank farm storage facility, wherein the remaining “produced water” was conveniently separated and discharged into the waters of Prince William Sound. And guess what? The “Water Discharge Permit” had never been re-issued since 1975 - as the EPA was too busy? That is wherein the PERSPIRATION comes into play! OK, so thousands of gallons of possible “Radionuclide” tainted water was sent into the “Sound”, as no one gave a rat’s ass as it was an “unregulated” piece of the puzzle and still the same today - no one gives a rat’s ass. And so what, as no one drinks or baths in that water except:

Most biota, with the exception of marine plankton reject radium.(Snavely1989). Humans reject approximately 98% of their radium intake. By contrast, marine plankton reject only 20% of their radium intake. In fish, 80-90% accumulate in the bones.

Damn, I wonder if that is what happened to the herring and why in hell are those fish bones “glowing” in alpha-beta-zeta from that salmon I caught in Allison Creek?

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