Sunday, March 24, 2019

This Land is WAR Land!

Woody Guthrie, loaded up with a 6-string shooter over his shoulder, famously plucked his way across “This land is your land, this land is my land” from sea to shining sea. Many times this sojourn journey during his heyday “Beach Haven” movement along with that tireless ammunition trusted sidearm companion, “This Machine KILLS Fascists”. What Woody meant to me, well he was the epitome of our Founding Father’s signature authority the “Framers’ Almanac”, as a dust bowl refuge hobo with a “mission” - from the California to the New York island. And Woody was not afraid to take on the likes of “Old Man Trump”, kind of like the Democratic Congress of today taking on sonny boy Moron. This one-man ARMY with his famous recipe of “tater stew”, Guthrie sang out a treatise embracing an enlightenment deserving of a Patriotic standing ovation what this nation was all about, and his word was our Constitutional gospel in “this land” so sacredly blessed with “Democracy”! Instead of a Nobel Peace Prize, time for a Woody Patriotism Prize, please step forward Jimmy Carter and Barack Obama! And those miles upon miles of “True Grit America” by the side of the road that Woody traveled and at the end of the day found this rambling man a sheltering tree offered up to settle in his bedroll, this sacrifice away from the Arlo family, it was his obligation to make sure Miss Liberty was “free” as defined by that Founding Father’s Democracy. From farm land to orchards followed by grazing land and more farm land as far as the eye could see - roll on Columbia roll on! And the same sentiment today, yet a little different as there are many, many more miles of agricultural farm to market stretches due more roads and we see wherein the fruits of hard labor originate. But there is a difference from back then for today! See, back then the farming communities with migrant workers took pride in posting road-side signs of what springtime in beauty blooming bushes and trees would soon produce - from this to that a bounty, just add water! It was an educational adventure when family road trips heard “Brrrm brm brm brm brm brm brrrm, take me riding in the car, car…Over the mountains, out towards the old Peach Bowl.” Hey, that’s wherein that juicy peach came from, and watermelon over yonder and…But today, gone are those educational signs of the agriculture we so loved and cherished in our youth as “Name that Tree”, replaced today by modern day advertisement. Today, our highways and byways boast another sign of the times something that tests our consciousness of “Brotherly Love”, as the fields of plenty and orchard identifier has been replaced by “Slain Officers” of the law, gun downed or rundown mow-downed performing their duty to protect us travelers. And if Woody were alive and well sung today, maybe we would find an additional verse to “that land” with “This land is WAR land,” as this sickness with guns run amuck and killing off the peace officers - what in hell has gone wrong? It is sickening, when the roads we travel must remind us of a society out-of-control with this 2nd Amendment fever. I am not against this “right”, but all those brave soldiers that hide behind this 2nd Amendment as a practitioner this “Well Regulated Militia”, you have failed the “mission” as you must have that gun to feel so safe and so does that criminal hunting for a police chase, as anybody can get a “piece” of this action. But when non-law abiding perverts like Jeffrey Epstein can hire powerful lawyers that teach and preach “law” at our great universities like Harvard, and then such perverts can get away with rape, no wonder law officers have not a chance in life with liberty in that pursuit to happiness as justice allows for this murder spree to live on - just ask a lawyer, as in this day and age $money$ is also raping justice and I am poor so my Democracy is sick and weak! Thank you Alan Dershowitz, as Old Man Trump would approve your thoughtfulness to allowing perverts to roam our higher educational campuses, “Get Out of Jail” free the wealthy prevail over decency in our courts because “hoodwinking” must mean something despicable in lawyer Latin lingo. Of course, Harvard also gave us Ted Kaczynski, bombers & rapers running from the lawman, it means more slain officers as guns are wrecking havoc on decency because we think we need to defend our “Constitution” and with respect to the 2nd, more like defending “Constipation” as we remain stool stuck on how to fix this mess with too many loose cannons and trigger happy Confederates. So best start building more highways for those gunned down in the line of duty, as we have not the will any longer to police what we are supposed to be all about as a nation “this land” sea to shining sea. So divided, we have fallen into the abyss of an Apocalypse Now based on this harikari carry addiction. Bang, another one bites the dust of Woody’s dust bowl refugee travels - this land was once made for you and me, today made for the wealthy and the crooked this land banned for you and me!

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