Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Kim Jong pUNk

Amazing what mean-spirited kindergarteners can dream up with the “Name Game” when playing with a last name of “UN” in tune to that “sticks and stones will break my bones but names will never hurt me”! So this “UN” transforms to dUNg, bUNghole, pUNk, stUNk, skUNk, rUNt, cUNt - all I really need to know I learned in…Thank You Robert Fulghum. And no NOT at all “mean” when this name calling belongs to Kim Jong pUNk of North Korea so deserving. Wow, as Tom Malinowski of the United States House of Representatives - with “Freedom at Last” this House no longer under the GOP “Femdom Freedom Caucus” ditch the witch bitch Devin Nunes - well Malinowski the democrat from Josey is to introduce a “bipartisan” bill that squarely places the “torture & murder” of American Citizen “kid” Otto Warmbier on the “Hermit Kingdom’s” leader, Kim Jong pUNk. Yes, a “Constitutional” indictment upon Donald Jong Trump’s pigsty “Lover Boy Butter Ball Love Joy Toy”. AMEN! That verdict, this resolution will forever ban the pUNk from ever setting foot sea to shining sea “Otto’s Country ‘Tis of Thee” and this America will remain a “Sweet Land of Liberty”. I am not a doctor in snake-oil drag, yet “you don’t need a weather man to know which way the wind blows” - thank you Mr. Zimmerman. Otto Warmbier’s only “sin” was the fact he was “Tall”. OK “Handsome” like an athlete and he was a proud AMERICAN “Walking Tall”, so his patriotism was like a beacon shining on high. But the Hermit pUNk is a short-little “butter ball” turkey, and the reason he surrounds himself with “short people”. And in North Korea, well Otto was arrested because he was taller then the “Hermit Menstruel Cramp Cream Pie” Kim Jong pUNk. Ever notice how all of Kim’s “bitches” are “short people” with funny hats and the reason Kim sports a puff-ball hairdo, to gain a few extra inches and the reason Kim was once in love with Dennis Rodman? Then Trump came along to take away the “dunker’s” fun. Look, Rodman was just playing games with the dUNg, unfortunately Trump takes the “Hermit” with some seriousness in Treason.  During the “Hanoi Hermit Summit”, it was awkward enough to see how Kim’s chair had training wheels to make Mr. dUNg equal in sitting height as our “Fucking Moron” disguised as an American President in “Country”. Don’t you just love it, our “Freedoms” still herein America, as to call out our so-called leader as a “Fucking Moron” - Rex Tillerson said so - in North Korea that would find you dead! And Kim Jong bUNghole lies about his height and weight. He is not 5’7”, more like 4’2” and this rollie-pollie bobolink weighs in at 350-poinds per square inch. No wonder he cannot find a babe and wants so badly a chance in hell to come to America so he can be introduced to Stormy girls of the Tower Reich. But this pUNk is a murderer, and once the Malinowski “Resolution” finds an overwhelming “bipartisan” jamboree…Trump will “veto” the “Butter Ball” legislation. Regardless, it is “OPEN SEASON” here in “this land is my land this land is your land” any Kim pUNks that think they can subject an American “kid” to “chemically induced osteoporosis torture” or testing a DNA cell-altering drug that controls a person’s height through a weaponized mutated gene disease like “ataxia telangiectasia” - through adaptation so that future generations of North Korean dUNg will be short people. Yes, of course Kim Jong pUNk is experimenting with his own civilization, because of his “short person” fear in persona. Otto Warmbier had by virtue an inherited existence character trait, fact not fiction he was tall and handsome and that is something that found him at odds with cUNt pUNk - imprisonment had nothing to do with a stolen propaganda poster. Kim Jong pUNk had Otto arrested and tortured, to get a point across that even though a little pUNk piece of dUNg, he means business and the reason he should get an invite to “Otto and My America”, it is called OPEN SEASON! And I was “booted” off of “Twitter”, because I spoke up against the Kim Jong pUNk bUNghole skUNk dUNg, as I am not a “Traitor” and will protect the “Homeland” at any expense this piece of crap from North Korea ever setting foot in “Our Country ‘Tis of Thee”! But with all due righteous respect, right before the House “Resolution” was to be introduced for a vote, Otto’s parents wanted to leave well enough alone and asked that the “Resolution” be shelved. Which is “good”, as now Kim Jong dUNg may get the opportunity to get “Bounty” arrested on Fifth Avenue and then his “Hermits” can pay the ransom, that $501-million that Otto’s parents were awarded for the torture and death of their 21-year old boy. So a Paul Simon Hello, Hello, Hello, Good-bye Otto;

I was twenty-one years when I wrote this song.
I'm twenty-two now but I won't be for long
Time hurries on.
And the leaves that are green turn to brown,
And they wither with the wind,

Hello, Hello, Hello, Good-bye,
Good-bye, Good-bye, Good-bye,
That's all there is.
And the leaves that are green turned to brown,
And they wither with the wind,
And they crumble in your hand.
Songwriters: Paul Simon

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