Wednesday, February 27, 2019

GOP Fascism GAP

Despicable Fucking Jerks…the only way to define the 116th GOOP Congressional membership. GOOP? Grand Old Oligarch Posse that promotes the GOP mindset. Correction: Despicable Fucking Moron Jerks with Jade Helm Marmalade! Pre-mature ejaculation jerk-off artists must be a pre-requisite to that “cult” that has but for a single agenda, protect the “Fucking Moron”, at the expense in Life, Liberty and that pursuit to Justice for “We the People ALL”. If that is upon this Republican “minority” body’s only job, no wonder the “Doomsday Clock” is wind-spring bound stool-stuck! This is NO laughing matter, but the GOOP stage appears to be a re-make of “Laugh-in” with the Jim Jordanites and Mark Meadowblights, a public hearing that was more in-line to hearing from “pubic lice”, it was out-of-line and out-of-bounds with a singular outcome, it indeed furthered the “Divide” - aka political side GAP. But it assures the United States as to why the 13-Original Colonies won the Civil War, against the Fascism of a Confederacy. The only fault the aftermath of that victory for Miss Liberty? We gave the Confederates amnesty away from incarceration for “Treason”, in efforts those bent on an incestral “Dueling Banjos Deliverance” governance the opportunity to become Real Americans, and today we see that “freedom” may have wished in a nightmare. The Confederacy, which today is buoyed to survive with support from a Fascist like faction, it did not learn from mistakes of past - another “Civil War” is upon us. But today was an historical day for “My Country ‘Tis of Thee” this “War”, with “Fix-it Hitman” Michael Cohen appearing before “We the People” in front of the at-odds House of Representatives, Committee on Hindsight. It was “Shame on POO”, when Cohen finally stood his ground and told Matt Gaetz’s illegitimate amoeba-stool Jim Jordan to shut the fuck up, with “Shame on You”. The disrespect…it reminds me what we are going through, Democracy is under attack by this “Southern Boy” Confederacy. So the best take-aways from the “Oversight” hearing: For the “Left Side Eunuchs” it was from Mr. Cohen himself in the batter’s box while telling the “World” that he wrote threatening letters to Trump's high school, college and the College Board not to release his grades or test scores, during the 2016 campaign. And on the other side missing a “testicle”, to hear the North Carolina Mama Foxx chastise Cohen, who was under oath, to call out Cohen in efforts to threaten to circumvent a citizen’s indivisible 1st Amendment Right to “free speech” - just because a person is guilty of lies! Mrs. Foxx, you are a despicable American, take that back your feeble attempt to chastise an individual’s right under the U.S. Constitution is un-American…but that is what the Confederacy is still fighting for and today so mobilized by the insanity behind Fascism, as that is what the “Fucking Moron Idiot” learned growing up, as a slum lord bent on castrating the American Dream and that is what this hearing was all about. And who to blame? Well the “GAP”, this “Divide” and just ask the Founding Fathers what that does for “My Country ‘Tis of Thee” and Miss Liberty.

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