Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Nancy Democracy’s Test

January 15th, 2019. Yes, “We the People” still endure the suffering of our brothers & sisters facing this “government shutdown” entering day 24. And the Fucking Moron complains that he has to eat “take-out” food because his kitchen help is pissed that they must continue to slave over a hot White House stove, for “free”. So they have been spitting in the grub and the Secret Service thinks that is swell, but so bound to duty they have insisted on “take-out” - which Trump loves because he is a fast-food junkie and to each his own. Sad thing maybe not, one of the kitchen cooks that was furloughed from the Moron’s sweat-shop got a job at the same place Trump orders “hamberders. No not a “nothingburger” typo just more signs of dementia with this guy that thinks he is qualified to run…make that ruin this once “Great Nation under God” now under Satan. Just yesterday Trump went totally insane confused his calendar obligations, thought he was flying to Tennessee but instead his engagement was another 500-miles away in Louisiana. But today is the day we see just how widespread the Russian influence flue has infiltrated the health and welfare of this nation’s sovereignty - with respect to the Congress. Trump got caught, trying to serenade the lifting of the sanctions during the Christmas celebrations while many “government workers” were getting that season of joy bonus - a pink slip. So Trump teamed up with that guy Mnuchin who has the keys to the U.S. Treasury and tried a Hail Mary sneak-around and went caught. How? A dedicated government worker on her way out the door facing no paycheck thought it was still her duty - it is called “Patriotism! Now these “sanctions” against Putin - who is the wealthiest man in the whole wide world - all were approved by a unanimous vote through a GOP dominated House and Senate back in 2018. The House under Paul Ryan and the Senate under Mitch “Confederate” McConnell. Today, the House is back in the hands of the democrats under the reign of terror the “Rabid Skunk”. That’s what the longest ranking republican member of the House - Don Young of Alaska - calls Nancy Pelosi. So even with the GOP majority rules the U.S. Senate, as a precaution that the United States was under-the-influence of a president with ties to Putin “We the People” could not trust, the Congress passed stop-gap foolproof measures that would castrate any attempts by Trump to lift the sanctions against Putin & Company - that are supposed to go into effect very soon if not in effect already. And one of the rules passed by the 115th Congress was the fact that in the senate, a simple minority could force a vote with respect to the lifting of the sanctions by the Fucking Moron. Bottomline, Trump was caught with his fingers in the cookie jar and today the U.S. Senate “minority” will exercise the forcing of that vote. And then we will see who on the “blight side” of the isle is a Benedict Arnold. If we find “Patriotism” over “Treason” and the senate votes to prevent the sanctions from being lifted, then “We the People” can be rest assured our “sovereignty” is in a safe-haven. If so, then Putin will retaliate, and maybe then we will get the mugshots of the whores that pissed on that guy that for some reason still gets to lounge around the “Oval Office” and when hungry orders take-out. It reminds me of that family that returned home after that Christmas vacation to find a vagrant had moved into their home…and claimed he now maintained squatter’s rights! So today is a “Big Deal” with respect to our sovereignty, stay tuned America!

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