Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Alaska Railroad COALition #2

OK, Woody Guthrie also sang out “Take a whiff, take a whiff, take a whiff on me” and I keep getting a “whiff” of something awfully suspicious and rotten to the core going down under-hand Luke. See, how in hell could the Alaska Railroad fall apart with this most recent earthquake that was 100x100 less forceful then the 1964 wake-up call? Well, for those not in the know, this state sanctioned “Casey Jones” bigotry has been heading off course and a crash like an EXXON Valdez wreck is imminent! Blame it on the “sober” captain, yes picking his nose. And with this 2018 Quark Quake event still fresh a few days old in the category of Hector Richter shakers, but for a minor blow with minimal damage all around the block - except for Bill Sheffield’s steel wheeled rolling stock rail. See, Alaskans are tough and for the most part weathered this storm like adults, as such compromising situations have become a normal betrayal against panic these far too often routine near “cataclysmic” events. From major volcano breaches to perverted political storms, not a problem “take a whiff” and move on! Exception, this Alaska Railroad fantasy - that it will ever prove itself to be a Real McCoy Union Pacific. Blame it on the “sober” captain, yes picking his nose. Don Young was re-elected again? But let us not forget that when Bill was the governor of the 49er, he came so close to impeachment but something in the transfer documents of the Alaska Railroad back in 1985, there came secret language that gave the governor immunity - when we thought there was truly a separation between church and state. That republican driven “impeachment immunity” is the reason after leaving the governor’s mansion he went to work on the state run railroad under the auspices of a “Corporation”. Bill, what a coward because he registers as a democrat but is in bed with the republicans - I think we call that a “Turnagain” in Alaska. And when an entity owned by the state “incorporates”, that means no transparency for the stockholders - rather no accountability to the rightful owners that being the citizens of Alaska. For real, what kind of laws enable this kind of forfeiture? Sure as hell freezes over in Alaska, it wasn’t voted upon by the righteousness of the citizens, but the Juneau scat is known to pull the wool and hoodwink that righteousness without warning. Where do you think Sarah Palin learned how to attack Democracy? Outsiders must realize Alaska is different when it comes to law and order. See, Alaska has only been a state of the Union for almost 50-years and soon the “honeymoon” will be over and all the wealth that has made Alaska the richest state, with a portfolio approaching $100-billion, with Trump’s family taking a “whiff” of that loot, lookout for blackout dates wherein the henhouse gets ransacked. Building a Trump Tower in Denali National Park, don’t laugh! But with respect to Alaskan style law and order, take the Jack Marler case back in 1956 wherein a young Ted Stevens was the Federal prosecutor out to get an IRS agent that told his boss he wasn’t filing his tax returns and the IRS thought that was bad behavior for that agency’s “Image” in Alaska still a territory, a statement that “we don’t rape women and children yet”. But Ted was no match for Marler, especially with Edgar Paul Boyko assisting in the “No Taxation without Representation” defense, well Ted lost this battle and made a closing comment that said; "I don't believe the jury's verdict is an expression of resistance to taxes or law enforcement or the start of a Boston Tea Party. I do believe, however, that the decision will be a blow to the hopes for Alaska statehood." With this whipping post outcome, Ted jumped ship and became a U.S. Senator. But back to Bill “Casey Jones” Sheffield. See, following “impeachment” but off the hook because the Juneau republicans voted against it the reason Bill is indebted to that political party now and forever, he lost his dream of 4-more years. And while president of the rail another feather in his coward’s cap, at the executive helm when a “sober” engineer picking his nose forgot about environmental stewardship and dumped off a toxic shipment of 120000 gallons of jet fuel to feed the salmon migrating up the Big Susitna River! And sure enough “I betcha” came FEMA G-men assistance to help clean-up that disastrous spill when in the meantime, well “disaster” insurance covered for the expenses and there is a clause you cannot give back government FEMA money, so that clean-up loot ended up in the coffers of the Alaska Railroad’s safe in Bill’s office in Anchorage. Yes, the office now occupied by another coward as it runs in the family, that office was flooded because of an overflowing toilet the same day as the recent quake so of course apply for “more” government assistance. Trump gifted paper towels to Puerto Rico and rakes to California so how about toilet plungers for Alaska this earthquake event - sorry I cannot call it a disaster. Now Bill learned the lessons well on how politicians take any opportunity allowed to enrich themselves, and when that extra income from Uncle Sam inflated the normal “year end” net income the “Rail” had come to enjoy after a few years in business, Bill was quick to retire because his “pension walk-away bonus” was calculated on that income profit from Uncle Sam! It is “double-dipping” at its best in selfishness. So when that toilet overflowed the other day in Bill’s old “Casey Jones” office, the safe had already floated away. And probably the best history lesson with the Alaska Railroad was the shoot-out with the “Hatmaker” Angels MC back in 1976 at the Healy Roadhouse, bang with bang don’t mess with the track master’s special! But when the track falls apart because of a little rough-housing earth shaking, it appears that “track maintenance” has taken a back-seat because the “Rail” boss and board of “Tourism is King” dictators seems more interested in investing that 31% government welfare on property that generates a return. Good thing “casinos” are out-lawed in Alaska. For real, the Federal government contributes upwards 30% attributable as “income” to keep the Bill Sheffield railroad out of bankruptcy, and for 2017 that amounted to $57-million “Big ‘Uns”. Hey with guys like Bill using powerful positions and gambling money at the U.S. Taxpayers expense, it means salary increases it is that simple. I always get a hoot at the Alaska Railroad’s yearly financial report - as 75% of the report covers the “Retirement Benefit Plan”! So with the funding from Uncle Sam, the jury is still out if the rail workers will enjoy a Federal retirement bailout or…something is wrong with this set-up…Don? For real, the U.S. Taxpayers are paying for that “Retirement Plan” which is super-lucrative just ask Bill! Now “Track Maintenance” expenditures finds an IRS tax credit with Uncle Sam with respect to corporate taxation. But Bill’s rail is a state run corporation so pays no such dues to the tax man, just like Jack Marler. Yet why let a good thing blow away in a Chinook? See, some entity that pays federal tax on corporate income and working in Alaska and using the rail to say ship coal or gasoline, it pays the Alaska Railroad to perform such maintenance upwards $2.2-million each year - so it can enjoy a tax break of $4.8-million. It is not magic math accounting, as with that money towards Bill’s “Rail” retirement fund comes a $2.7-million option in equity a “transport credit”, so you do the math the state gets screwed this deal too good to be true. And of course there is no “Track Maintenance” actually performed, as it looks good on paper but that doesn’t pay wages to shore up the failing and rotting timbers that are supposed to hold the track in place when Mother Earth gets a little angry and tries to shake some semblance of sense into Alaskan politics. You voted for Don again and the tax break keeps working! Now here is the ultimate in tax scams with an accomplice to the crime scene. Herein finds no-excuse why the Alaska Railroad and the entire board of tourism directors is corrupt to the core - that “whiff” of rotten and “what’s in your golden fleece award wallet”? The Alaska Railroad is the “welfare child” of the north, to re-iterate the severity of the silliness to keep afloat a wreck, at least 30% of the “rail” remains today subsidized by Uncle Sam, still to this day and for this year alone the U.S. Treasury forking over $57-million in economic relief posted as “income”. It is the ultimate “golden goose” fleecing as there is nothing required in return. And with that funding, “half fare” passenger travel by rail should be a requirement like every other damn subsidized rail “this land is my land this land is your land sea to shining sea”, so the poor and elderly and disabled can enjoy taking a ride on the cheap. I can travel at “half fare” all across America 365 squares a year, but not in Alaska. See, the tourist industry makes beaucoup bucks in cahoots with the Alaska Railroad, with the Princess “flagship” train passenger cars only the elite can afford…that’s the key. And when you look at the board of directors, you realize this entity is composed of butt buddy profiters for the moist part aligned with the “Tourist” slogan of “fuck’m good the first time as they ain’t coming back for more abuse”. In all honesty, I feel sorry for the tourists that come north only to be ripped off. See, if the Alaska Railroad practiced any form of American Patriotism, there would come “half fare” traveling all year round, the way the law was designed in efforts to accommodate all walks of life - the intent and merit of such legislation passed by “We the People” in the U.S. Congress. But with no such thing as “off peak” traveling because there is but for a single train robbery ride in any given day on the regular season pricing schedule, the Alaska Railroad is able to skirt the law and say gee, we don’t have “off peak” transportation. See, if the Alaska Railroad allowed for “half fare” during the normal summer season, then every damn tourist would say to “Hell’s Angels” with that Princess and buy cheaper seats to travel by rail. OK, if we had a Paul Boyko on this case, Bill and his executive board would be running faster then Donald Trump and that is why Ted Stevens was assassinated, because he had finally seen the light of corruption and was about to spill the beans. So, I am taking the reins and moving forward, as this is what the late Theodore Fulton Stevens would have wanted his dedicated followers to do in his honor, as he was a very trustworthy and honest individual, no matter what Sarah Palin said differently with John McCain by her side. The following complaint has been forwarded to the Federal Transit Authority, because I just turned 65 and want what is due me in Alaska a “Half Fare” ticket on the Alaska Railroad during the summer, so screw you Bill Sheffield!
K. Jane Williams
Acting Administrator - Federal Transit Authority

CC. Secretary Elaine L. Chao/U.S. Department of Transportation

Dear K. Jane Williams;

It is through this correspondence, filed as an “Administrative Complaint”, that United States citizen in good standing “Patriotism” S. Pam McGee requests the following: The executive branch of the FTA to execute an investigation this concern on its merits and finds in favor allowing relief. That sought-after relief requiring the Alaska Railroad Corporation to provide “Half Fare” transportation throughout the year between Anchorage and Fairbanks, Alaska’s major population cities and all whistle flag-stops between such locations. At present, the Alaska Railroad allows for such “Half Fare” transportation between September and May only, wherein this “public by definition” rail transportation entity considers this the “Off Peak” as it interprets the regulations designating such qualifications. But this interpretation is in gross error, and comes as a sacrifice to willing “Half Fare” passengers as there exists then limited scheduling when such discounts are invoked according to 49 U.S.C. 5307 - wherein it provokes difficulty to use the “Half Fare” upon its intended design and dedication. The Alaska Railroad Corporation is a state-owned entity boasting a portfolio of $1-Billion in assets, while the State of Alaska boasts an economic portfolio approaching $67-billion with world-wide investments. This state owned transportation railway entity is “public” as it enjoys 5307 funding, close to $57-million from the U.S. Treasury and courtesy the U.S. Taxpayers in this year alone - it is skirting the true intent of the law consistent with 49 U.S.C. 5307(c)(1)(D) by limiting access to “Half Fare” and so restricted it alienates the spirit of the law. The fact that but for a single train is scheduled daily to depart both north and south between Anchorage and Fairbanks, with intermediate stops to Denali National Park during the “Regular Pricing Season” from May through September, this excuse of limited rolling stock infrastructure should not have the power to fail the “Half Fare” requirement. Because of limited departures, it strangles the conditions inherent upon the “Half Fare” intent of not interfering with the passenger demands at the “Peak Hour”, as congestion is not the case in Alaska with the Alaska Railroad system. That said, there is no true “Peak Hour” demands and to define such is cause for concern and used merely as a ways and means to circumvent the intent of the 5307 code. The “Peak Hour” falls within the “tourist” season, so the decision to derail the “Half Fare” during this time frame is based upon an economically driven selfishness and a mandate wherein 3rd party tourism finds an affiliation with the Alaska Railroad - all profit motive driven. The Alaska Railroad should not be allowed to coddle the “Peak Hour” for economic protection and by doing so not offering such reduced “Half Fares” - that which enables economically affordable travel by those less fortunate, either economically disadvantaged or due age advantaged and or a disability. Since the Alaska Railroad Corporation allows for such “Half Fares” at very inconvenient times, that fact alone is evidence that funding is provided through the 5307 formula and during such times the offer of “Half Fare” to the “public” is just too restrictive, even though it follows that criteria spelled out in the code of law. The code is not a “part time” instrument. And the law characterized by the 5307 formula should not allow such preferential treatment, the interpretation of the “Peak Hour” is false as it is misleading and is discriminatory, as there is no “passenger” congestion and the Alaska Railroad could easily accommodate “Half Fare” passengers on a yearly basis. But the necessity to support the economics of this 3rd party tourism industry, that which could and would loose revenue from passengers utilizing the “Half Fare” availability as was intended by the 5307 code, that revenue justification is indeed a violation upon the spirit of the legislation designed to accommodate reduction in fares for a preferential class. And when “Half Fare” is not restricted, the availability of transport via the Alaska Railroad finds a reduction in scheduled departures so it is an inconvenience that continues to violate the intent of this legislation mandated through the U.S. Congress. During the “Peak Pricing Season”, when “Half Fares” are restricted upon the “public”, the Alaska Railroad schedules 129 Fairbanks bound trains and 129 Anchorage bound trains, in the same amount of days so it is realized as a daily scheduled event. In the “Off Peak” season wherein “Half Fares” can be enjoyed, the Alaska Railroad offers only 37 Anchorage bound trains and 37 Fairbanks bound trains in a 226-day time frame - it is very restrictive travel when “Half Fares” are available. The Alaska Railroad is an entity that relies on Federal Funding to remain buoyant, and for the most part has shown a year-end-profit. The funding from the Federal government is considered as arm-shot “income” in the yearly financial reports and accounts for an estimated 31% of the Alaska railroads operating income and that amounts to an overall net gain of approximately $6-million in revenue, due the fact the Alaska Railroad pays no “corporate taxation”. Through such generous government funding, the Alaska Railroad should show the willingness and decency to engage in the “Half Fare” goals within the 5307 code’s intent without restrictions. The Alaska Railroad receives Federal Funding and makes a profit above and beyond its operating expenses and that should follow a trickle-down mentality to be enjoyed by the U.S. Taxpayers, and what class is better deserving then those required to wrestle with hardships and must rely on and utilize the “Half Fare” structure for purposes of affordable transportation. The Alaska Railroad Corporation has seen its more than fair share of U.S. government financial support and it is time that the “Half Fare” is available on a yearly basis and not used as an “under-handed” detriment upon the “public” but for an economic benefit to a 3rd party “Private Entity Tourism” industry. Today, this disenfranchising in unfairness is orchestrated by greed of an industry that is allowed preferential treatment by the Alaska Railroad that does not want this “Half Fare”, because it could diminish its return-on-investment in Alaska, and thus the U.S. Government and its citizens are burdened by such unfairness, through deviations from the true intent of the 5307 legislation. The Alaska Railroad’s policies this concern practices discrimination and disenfranchises the intent of the “Half Fare” in efforts to placate this 3rd party in “Tourism”. Please, take this “Administrative Complaint” under serious consideration and due the 5307 funding, through the U.S.C code that allows for reduction in fares, require the Alaska Railroad Corporation to honor “Half Fare” on a yearly basis without restrictions, else the spirit of this legislation exists in vain, not what the Founding Fathers would have allowed. Congress makes laws for a reason, and the Alaska Railroad is sidestepping its responsibilities for reasons that burdens the citizens of the United States.
Respectfully Submitted on December 5th, 2018 by S. Pam McGee

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