Wednesday, November 28, 2018

~ Window Pain ~ POEM

~ Window Pain ~

In this window pain frame of mind;
Forevermore, my youth shadowed
in romancing the stone, so “let it be”.
While young at art cherish to chalk
in reasoning all alone, so “let it go”.
Song soothing worships tranquility,
an imagination which spellbind blinds.
Magical mystery tour, once and for all.
In retreat of youth, I am now in trespass
the recess hour, soon homeward bound.
Oh young at heart, amidst thou persona;
This preoccupation to love but life only.
No other recourse, “don’t worry be happy”,
just chalk in hand whispers happiness.

She can smile paint the town colors all,
rainbow of the pi-th 
dimension, this child.
And in the segregation of the night fright,
this child’s masterpiece now brave heart
rejoices with souls of the stars’ in gazing.
This chalk, in child a universal peace.

As the morning dew stumbles in concert
to subdue her dreams in chalk faceless.
Pitter patter rain dance takes center stage
to undo, but cannot erase destiny’s child.
This simple pleasure, all in child talk
on concrete, the cupcake of friendships.
Why for our hesitation this simplicity,
finds not foe in competition but Love,
of life in peace this chalk walk seduction.

In this window pane frame of mind;
Sounds of saintly silence in solace
seeks the painted Raven, Forevermore.
(MSK ERP ©2018)

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