Monday, November 12, 2018

The Grinch Stole Christmas!

“Twas the night before Christmas and all through the house not a creature…scary fairy tale comes true, it could become a reality in this 2018 Christmas season of joy almost upon us. Christmas season already? Yes, it starts when the Salvation Army gets deployed. See, the single most pressing challenge with the “Kavanaugh Loves Beer” midterm election cycle went almost un-noticed - possibly due a time difference everybody already sound asleep with the polling booth eviction notice on the East Coast. Let’s face the facts of life when boredom sets in, as the political high before the ring side stage fright finds a let-down when the “election” actually occurs. Ever question how wound up the news’ pundits get with these elections, like it acts as an erectile dysfunction cure all - even for Rachal Madcow. And I don’t watch the FOXcopulation Syncopia net-neutering network - ever since it started to be re-broadcast with more “lies” from the Trans-Allegheny Lunatic Asylum. Wasn’t always like this once-upon-a-timeline lifeline, but it appears todays elections are more in tune to what we see on the WWE stage, no it’s NOT fake! But this “un-noticed” fallout, it could be that it was a race far and away recused from the main-stream bandana beltway. As way up “North to Alaska” - with a 4-hour behind time difference the outcome - it was the race of the incumbent “At Large” Donald Edwin Young that I was paying close attention to. Now Mr. Pinwheel Beany Cap has over 46-years as a United States Congressmen representing the Sarah Palin state, many of those years feisty as fire ice. What kind of ice? Up north the ice catches on fire because it retains ice-age methane, and with global-warming unleashing this gas it is like the earth lighting its own farts. Now Young’s “Be Best” advertised attack - he’s a republican - when he called fellow Congresswoman Nanny Pelosi a “rabid skunk”, for real and exaggerating “with gnashing teeth and drooling up and down the halls of Congress”. He also has no qualms calling a stud a dud, or using the “Wetback” to describe farm workers on “Deportee” duty. Don was born in California but could not make the political grade so moved north, and found his calling. That may be the reason the “skunk works” fits his motif operandi, as Pelosi did make the grade in Californicate after immigrating from the east, so Don gets jealous a wee bit as that is considered a “wetback” status amongst farm-aid friends. But with Don gaining another 2-years in the “House” and pushing 85, he gets an entitlement, called “Dean of the House”. It stems from the “Grumpy Old Men” syndrome. Now many Constitution carrying citizens in good standing “Patriotism” most likely have never heard of this position, as normally it is much to do about nothing - it usually defines that “nothing-burger” cut the cheese. This time around though, an entirely different scene and it could mean the significance of a 116th Congress called to action, or the “Sound of the Right Brigade” trigger happy that first round to commence the Constitutional Crisis. It has to will happen, this “Crisis”, as the news’ media has placed a wager on it - so will make it happen and it will hit us out of the blue like that Madcow disease.  See, there is a whole lot of heat hanging over Donald Jong Trump, now that the “House” flipped out and the Democratic Impeachment Machine Party Legalizing Exorcism(DIMPLE) takes over the “house cleaning” chores. Each and everyday following the midterms, the hanging chads have found “doom” written all over for the Trump Tower Dysentery “Green Stool” Dynasty - with a different call for another investigation. One question: Has this 45th-in-Chief, Commander-in-Stool Softener done anything right? At last count, the DIMPLE had a list of 85 possible impeachment crimes. And the smell of miss-fire gun powder came creeping through camp when Jefferson Beauregard Sessions was “You’re Fired”, as part of the game plan to surround the White House with a moat full of child-snatching Mattgaetzsaurus-Rexall Hannibal Lecter like cannibals. Another story that “rex”. But the heat is on “high” and the GOP desperation is looking for a ways and means to stymie the arrest of the criminal element behind the “Green Stool” Dynasty. Everybody and their brother “world-wide” knows the Trump house-hold is guilty as…so how now to short-circuit justice? And here is how it may go down, even after winning finds more agony of defeat for the Democratic House. See, that Donald Young shall be in appearance on January 3rd in the House Chambers to perform an all-important function only the “Dean of the House” is authorized to perform. Mr. Beany Cap gets the honors of administering the “Oath of Office” to the “Rabid Skunk”. What if he balks and walks?

Here is how this hijacking could evolve. Jim Jordan is fighting to become the GOP “minority leader” in the House before the commencement of the 116th Congress, next January. Jordon is a member in “Good Will Hunting” standing the Femdom Freedom Caucus, which is the “Fascism Manifesto” clowns in drag. The vote for that “minority leader” position takes place this coming Wednesday, and a very critical piece of the future for the U.S. Congress. So, Jim gets his stubborn way and becomes the Chief Cheese for the GOP “House” burning. And let us not forget, the Senate is still in the GOP hands. Now there is an all-out all hands-on-deck effort to thwart any attempt to allow the Democrats to take Donald Jong Trump to task, with the 85-corruption charges that would place him under “House” arrest for the rest of his life. Not to mention the accomplices to his crime spree - the kids. So up until now, the White House has thrown “roadblocks” into any attempt to safeguard the sovereignty of this nation, like with Jeff Sessions’ ouster and the replacement “unqualified” for a reason. But that is a Hail Mary challenge, if it works the evidence in the Mueller Special Investigation is confiscated and thrown into an inferno - gone forever so is any attempt to hold Trump and his family of corruption accountable. IMAGINE, as it will set precedence that a bank can do more damage with a pen then a Pretty Boy Floyd with a gun! But that is a long-shot, that the Federal penal courts will deliver a decision that the new Attorney General - Matt Whitaker the guy Trump never met - is unqualified, seated without permission of the Constitution and thus the entire Department of Justice is derailed, so is Mueller. It’s a plan devised by this nation’s greatest “Turncoat”, Rudy “Spam Salami” Giuliani. But the key to success to protect the maggot, don’t allow the 116th U.S. Congress “House” side to convene as the “majority”. It all starts off by Don Young refusing to administer the “Oath of Office” by calling in sick on January 3rd. See, he must tow the party line, and if Jim Jordon’s Femdom Freedom powerhouse compels Young to balk at the swearing in responsibility, this is the plan-of-attack that could take a whack of courage out of Democracy. Don has a choice in this matter as he knows what is at stake, but has forever not denied the GOP its due diligence existence under any circumstances - wrong or right. He is not a party-pooper. Don calls in sick, unexpectantly on January 3rd, and without a back-up plan the “Oath” swearing-in ceremony is delayed. And without a “Speaker” under oath, the new members just elected cannot be sworn in, as that is the responsibility of the “Speaker”. And Don calls in sick again on the following day, so another delay - at least until the following Monday. And attempts by the Democrats to find an alternate to perform the “Oath”, the GOP cries foul and without a “Speaker”, there is nothing accomplished and the 116th House remains in “Gridlock” off the clock. Now the Senate, under the GOP, commences on time and it is business as usual. So, for 48-hours longhorn we have “half” of Congress in session to make lopsided legislation - that which could free Trump from any mistreatment. See, if the “House” is in “Gridlock”, no doubt Mitch McConnell will take advantage of it and the GOP Senate will pass things unimaginable in a real world under Democracy. Including protection and immunity for Trump, no matter what soup to nuts rape to murder. And when the GOP sees the advantage of keeping the “House” in “Gridlock”, they will continue to orchestrate offensive maneuvers that will prevent Don Young from performing his duty as “Dean of the House”. And if push comes to shove, that the 116th must come-to-order for sake of Constitutional fortitude, it would then commence under a membership already “Sworn”, from the previous 115th Congress and with those members that retained their positions - assembled without a “Speaker”. Therein, it could still rule as a bonafide “House”, with a “majority rule” under the GOP based on the “headcount” of the old guard. Until such time Don Young was well enough to return and administer that “Oath” to Nanny “Rabid Skunk” Pelosi. In the meantime, a GOP “majority” Senate missing the “House” has raided the hen house some more, and Donald Jong Trump and his family gets protection at our expense. Hypothetical hypothesis? Time will tell but we cannot trust what is going on behind closed doors and consciously surrendering to Kavanaugh like boofoonism hoodwanking - as the GOP desperation is like a “Deportee” and challenging who we are as a nation with FREEDOM for ALL - criminals not included.

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