Thursday, November 15, 2018

~ Mustache Man ~ POEM

Author Note to Notoriety Public: Donald Jong Trump wanted a "Parade", I gave him this poem! This is installment #3 of “All the President's Men in Poem”

~ Mustache Man ~
Meet John Richard Bolton

Bold evil this boll-weevil mascot Mustache Man;
Twitter Dumb salivates yellow custard matter,
vomit race embraced Tweedle Dee, Mustache Man.
With his Walrus gumboot eyeballs joo joo g-joob;
This Neo-connection triggers hate gate grudge,
War Hawk banter top gun sojourn fun run.
And Machete Clan killer king finds leniency,
National security hand forfeits transparency.
Morphs an “ism” prediction, disdainful.
Self-evident, all created not treated equal.
Conjoined luminosity with toxic lunacy,
Promiscuous Land invites “black hole” prophesy,
Dead head black head regime change heresy.
Rice paddy porta poddy weasels hesitate;
As Heel Hitler draft dodger demonstrates,
and his staff infection deserter consummates,
pretty please not we men thou war in casualty.
Stools can play the who’s fool game;
War patch torch of Bannon, tooth decay Miller,
Nationalist crowned, jewels of the Tower Heil,
ignoramus pageant pregnant with dissent.
Kim Jong “Loverboy” friend in fiendship.
Coat of arms in double-cross kinship;
Reserve guard launched “Treason” ship,
severs Liberty’s hip, “Turncoat” censorship,
denying decency service Patriotic.
Draft dodgers alike rally in rivalry.
Ovary Office consigliere slugfest,
pretense pretending preponderance.
Fallout, cockroach aggressive evidence.
Shelter, bed bugs chokehold sovereignty.
Statutory hate rape tranquilizes civility.
Boom boobs bombs away headway,
obviates ovation this hypocrisy.
Chill the coop or the coup crushes you.
Blind detente, this warfare scalawag barker;
Dumbo scavenger visor in fortitude rude,
peace a chance preposterous these omen men.

Mustache man with Helter cyclops glare,
smile like Skelter chaos scare, machete ready evil!
Joker wild supremes, court jester stays no trial;
last straw all aboard WAR all about the final score.
Tweedle Dee carnage for Twitter Dumb,
Twitter Dumb bondage for Tweedle Dee.
Vomit embraced draft dodging comradery,
varmint inspired truancy conspiracy.
Trump’s Mustache Man-iac!

(MSK ERP © 2018)

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