Wednesday, November 7, 2018


Hallelujah my tax dollars at work lost in space, as science takes a picture of a flying “turd” in the outer WAAAAELL LAA DE FRICKIN’ DA boondocks and thinks that is an indication that extraterrestrial beings exist? Cannot use that word “Aliens”, as that is reserved for the soon to be built “fence within a fence” prison. Look, we are getting locked into our own insane asylum due hate & disrespect around the world because…won’t go there. So what makes those of scientific knowledge think these Darth Invaders crap like we do? And for real, single or double ply TP? Yes indeed, the same institute of higher learning and yearning for your tuition bucks compromised from nanny’s “Trust Fund”, that same organism that had an orgasm with Timothy Leary and produced Ted Kaczynski thinks this “turd” flying through space is evidence - that MODERN MAN is fixated with “flying turds”. Even such an obligation a similar object taking up residency in the White House, as all “turds” are not created equal except for the stink! Are we, so MODERN or just being “modest” our achievements from Neanderthal to a world still at WAR. It is 2018, and for real we still have Saudi Arabian Knights in white satin using swords for cutting people into pieces because this “guilty until proven innocent” enemy of the Tsar "Master Murderer" Salman likes to hawk newspapers? What is so “modern” romancing the stone this kind of murder she wrote - don’t write about it or else! Let’s face the facts, why is WAR still so popular as it is the prime factor upon which that definition of “MODERN” rests its case, without resting its peace? OK, WAR “what is it good for absolutely nothing” is complicated some may say, “War is over if you want it” others say so maybe we need another “beacon” that establishes just how “ODERN” we are. Mind you not a spelling bee miscue, just time to tear down what we think we know about ourselves. Give me an “M”, taken away because “M(en)” still abuse the opposite sex, juxtaposition as a starting point of contention this treatise. OK, let’s not beat around the George Bush and be serious upon this subject matter of importance Modern Man’s impotence. OK, what is the first thing a majority of American “white & black men” do first thing each morning after relieving oneself the pain and suffering of an outspoken prostrate? Don’t worry, as “MODERN MAN” one day soon enough with age you’ll understand Mr. Prostrate being so irate after only 6-hours sleep. But we drag ourselves out of bed and hit the switch or turn up the methane gas to “boil water” - as easy as! Take water, which is a very simple accomplishment of nature, that “threesome” with Hydrogen and two other Oxygens enjoying life in the fast lane - this we learn in kindergarten because we use that “boiling water” for our oatmeal. Yes, quite simple this miracle we use for so much, except Simple Simon goes AWOL when we deal with the “Triple Point”. I will cover that trifecta when H-Company Platoon Leader Captain Robert Mueller calls on that White House “turd” with a “Draft Eviction Notice”. But boiling water, it even catches our conscious attention to details like with remembering the “boiling point” temperature with ease, even when age sets in wherein we forget to wear socks - which we learned from Albert Einstein. That meaning “all decked out” does not take precedence setting getting to the coffee shop before the crowds, even if only half dressed. Hey, so what Mr. Relativity didn’t wear clean underwear it’s all “Relative”. But if any single thing can define “simplicity” and “chaos”, it is the ritual of “boiling water”. And consider this fact not fiction. Not only does that tin-pan-alley “boil” give us the satisfaction of a good cup of morning pick-me up, from sea to shining sea this “madman across the water” produces steam which generates “electricity” - so we can boil water ourselves. But this transformation from lean to mean, it follows the tradition of a “chaotic” process that has stymied the mind of man since the 1880s, as far as using the “boil” to make life easier. Heat targeting water to the “boiling point”, it provides 66% of today’s electricity. From coal to natural gas to nuclear confusion, used to heat the water so we can capture the steam and use that motive power to turn a turbine which allows a magnetic field to sustain self-inflicting wounds which will cause electrons to move out of harm’s way - let there be traffic lights! It is a “chaotic” process, as the heat instigates this “chaos” in a random like fashion, making it a very inefficient process, but the best we have because? Well like with our dreams to travel in space - we are not going anywhere fast & furious strapped to a bottle rocket. Get over it, we have failed in that race to space as with man’s present technology it is off limits, the outer limits to speak! So we have a whole lot of room to refurbish our scientific commitments towards worthwhile achievements, yet seem to have lost the oomph - as that is sucked dry by a fascination of the “WAR” machine pays my way through “Beggars Banquet” fast food addiction. But “boiling water”, since it is so simple a phenomenon we are well acquainted with, it is a very good test tube baby for trying to define this “Modernization” we are still searching for - goals to take us away from Apocalypse Now Armageddon Creep! Now since on the subject of “WAR”, this boiling creates a “WAR” within the pool of water, a “chaotic” flight for a bunch of molecules bumping into each other without disco discourse, wherein there exists a loss of exchange energy, the reason it is so inefficient a process. But there is not yet a substitute, and we have made the process as elementary simple as possible with the intent to make it more efficient. Fuel to the fire, we have come a long way with this “science” of evaluating the inherent “Transit Velocity” of irate bubbles but cannot find a way to capture this “free energy”, as it is ruled and consumed by the “Chaos” regime. Turn off the “disco”, it didn’t work maybe a different Good Will Hunting tune“And I'd ask you about war, you'd probably throw Shakespeare at me, right, "once more unto the breach dear friends." But you've never been near one. You've never held your best friend's head in your lap, watch him gasp his last breath looking to you for help. I'd ask you about love, you'd probably quote me a sonnet.” We have an infrastructure that is based on this “boiling” and it is not going away, as we find occurred with all the disposable “Space Shuttle” launch pads “scuttled” as that project proved its worth, that we are still stuck here on earth best make the best of it. “Then I’m fascinated I’m In”, have you any idea what scientific marvels could be reached if the time, energy and $money$ we spent killing one another went repurposed for other necessities other than blood-shedding tears technology? Remember Woodstock, and the fallout of that liberty statement with things like “A good day for America is when the NAVY must hold a cake sail for a new battleship”. WAR is worn-out, it has worn-out its welcome mat with respect to “MODERNIZATION”. Yet when we allow the “War Lords” to circumvent the “Mother of Invention” because of a passion of selfish greed, we are digging our own graves as the real survival on this Neanderthal’s watch…today it means just “watching the river flow” and taking cover when “flying turds” are another threat from above. So, we have not even begun to “Modernize Man”, as when we finally are capable of “boiling water” efficiently, then we can begin to brag about our advancements and achievements for mankind and then maybe those extraterrestrials will stop throwing “shit” our way as “turds” may be their only weapons because they gave up WAR a long time ago. IMAGINE, a war breaking out and our only ammunition that of a “cow pie”, it gives “Weapons of Ass Destruction” new meaning - so please don’t give me back that “M” and leave my ass alone!

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