Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Jealous Guy

“I’m just a jealous guy”, something John Lennon and I held in common! But what’s up with this separation anxiety statesmanship science is warning us about? Not the kind of news I want to hear while enjoying my first cup before the GOP chastity belt comes loose again - that daily ritual wherein “We the People” get…jealousized, politically sodomized. And it’s election day morning for the midterms, or depending on results, near-term extinction of mankind so why this scare tactic? Are we supposed to stay home and hide under the bed? This present danger broadcast on every gitmo-gizmo device I own, that the stars of the “Big Dipper”, Dubhe and Merak no longer in alignment with Polaris, the North Star? What does it mean besides the “Sky is Falling”! And this “Alert” right after Harvard researchers said security found a tool used by aliens in Ted Kaczynski’s doom room at the “Annex” - where Ted was tortured by some animal. That M.K. Ultra “Silence of the Lambs” that once worked for the CIA. Same character that hacked apart that Saudi journalist Khashoggi, and for Passover his remains into pierogi stuffing. They ate the guy, and we buy oil from this country? But this morning’s scare from Mr. Nobel, “Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stays US voters from the swift completion of their appointed election duty”. As I VOTED! And I didn’t plan on visiting that “fromunder” smelling “Voter Booth” today or any other day now and in the future Amen as any “swift completion” this task is a crying out loud joke, and I am some 4000-miles away from my "Home Rule" place of worship! Yet being an Alaskan, I can do all my political shopping right here from under my bed. See, there is NO need for people to waste precious time in line waiting to catch a cold just to cast thou “cherished” vote. Wake up America, it is 2018 and the voting system is so outdated, no wonder it is hacked by Barron Trump and his friends - it is a system that has no security only vulnerabilities. No wonder Kermit keeps singing “It’s not easy being green” as talk about an un-necessary paper ballot waste and risk! So, that my friends both sides-of-the isle is wherein my jealousy confronts humanity, as who am I to have such a luxury? If I can vote by cell-phone or laptop in the comfort of my home, and military men and women deployed the same in the comfort of the barracks safe and away from man eating Saudi Arabian knights in blood-stained white satin, then to stall this technological feasible feat for the “huddled masses” is but for another form of “Segregation”. And here is something to remember waiting in line to cast that precious vote. Obama, as Commander-in-Chief, outfitted the entire communications infrastructure sea to shining sea with fiber-optics for this reason, to every nook’n cranny and the only reason it is not used? Net Neutrality wants to control your ease of voting by making it difficult so it can control destiny for its own selfish jealous reason. That  "It" faction is controlled by who owns the gavel, and I smell funny $money$! Maybe why so I continue to hear song from the right with “Amazing Race” and on the left “Amazing Grace”. When will we ever learn what the Founding Fathers warned us against, a "Division by Zero" is more than a computer glitch error, it is called "WE FALL"!

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