Friday, October 12, 2018

Let There Be Light!

Amlev Yelknid’s “Creation of the Universe” revisited: In the beginning a G[o]odØEnergy ring existed in the NetherÛscape-void, with “Ø” finding an existence placating an “always was and always will be” fascination - the lemniscate identifier . The [o] herein is used as a multi-denominational treatise, promoting God belief for a religious following or without for the Good only the atheist faction of civilization. This “Ø” was of “infinitesimal” thickness and dimensionless piecewise, due the “Û” inside as well as outside the common denominator in “Void”. It was the purest form of “energy”, and thus contained all elementary “energy” components in that realm’s entirety, it was the ultimate source. When the call came to be, with “Let there be light” - either by design or through an act of contrition - pure energy light was emitted from the inner as well as outer surfaces of the ring(Ø), at G[o]odØSpeed and faster then the speed-of-light as we know it today due the latter finding an inferiority complex. For the outgoing “Pure” energy light, there existed NO restrictions as it was an open domain. Different set of circumstances with the inner ring’s output, as with the tick-tock engaged there would be a time-domain reflectometry restriction orchestrating a retrograde collision and this would suffer the sacrilege that all infinities are not created equal - an impossibility! To avoid this head-on collision, the “ring’s” internal once “dimensionless” diameter found significance with reason for change, in efforts to allow this “energy right” to travel unhinged. For that support, the ring started to increase in diameter, faster then this G[o]odØSpeed in efforts to allow the laws of physics to behave without compromise. This inner and outer coordination stipulated in actuality 2-separate infinities were at play this event. And the increasing diameter’s speed of response caused the “Ø” to morph into a “Mobius” strip. This 1st order transformation no longer allowed for an infinitesimal width, as the pattern of the Mobius demands a finite “width” and thus relative time started with this “Creation”. It is a good point to pause and emphasize that a 2nd order transformation imposes “infinity” on the ring. From a simple ring, a transformation yields a Mobius surface and another equal transformation takes it to infinity, the 3-states of ringdom. But for now and then “Creation” was satisfied at the 1st order. With the Mobius now controlling destiny’s child with respect to “Creation”, this G[o]odØEnergy light form was emitted from the surface, with both “infinities” targeted for this release - it did not matter as the surface dynamics allowed for these two “infinities” to co-exist. All was happy, not so! The exception was the inner transformation zone of the “Mobius” surface between the 2-infinities, as herein there was competition at a peculiar point in space. The uniqueness associated with the overall transformation pleases the energy elements birth to flight though random distribution and there exists a dedicated signature for each element that competes for space, as time now held meaning. From the “Mobius” surface, an unlimited spectrum of signatory energy elements exited into space, and like the “Charge of the Light Brigade” the NetherÛscape was transformed into the (n)EtherÜscape, unabated except for that peculiar point in free-space wherein there existed competition by 2-separate infinities. This competition results in the individual energy elements trying to occupy the same point, such co-existence is another impossibility as it violates the laws of nature as infinity is supposed to be exactly that - infinity. But when dealing with 2-separate infinities, such co-existence cannot unless the signatures are exactly the same. So as the 2-infinities deploy energy elements that compete for the same point in space, to alleviate the tension “mass” is created and is allowed to explore the (n)EtherÜscape. Which through this on-going phenomenon, the “Universe” comes to be, so populated by this generated mass with a juxtaposition following the laws of action-reaction at a distance physics, and thus expands. The uniqueness of the 2-separate infinities in collusion causes things to be created, everything and anything. The earth a prime example, and most likely one-of-a-kind as the possibility of an energy element from infinity(∞İ)and another energy element from infinity(∞Ï) being identical as that which created this earth happening again, it cannot happen. Now even though the energy element signature is random and “near miss chance” theory is far-fetched, if this random generation of energy elements from 2-separate infinities ever found the opportunity to be identical, then both elements could legally occupy the same point in space and there would be no further argument and “Creation” would rest its case - finished!

NoteBook: Amlev Yelknid was 9-years old when her family migrated from Russia to Alaska. At 13-years of age, she proposed this theory.

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