Monday, September 3, 2018

Putin’s Very Own Semper Fidelis

The news media is overboard alarmed these days, seems so upon the same subject matter of interest for the last year and a half, that the Russians have invaded this nation. As there is more then enough evidence to indict that Kremlin guilty “ham sandwich”, so best touch upon the subject on this “Labor Day”. See, when Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin gave the thumbs-up go-ahead to attack this nation’s sovereignty, it was to commence the ultimate in attacks, seeing infiltration from all fronts making it like a swiss cheese advance. Weaken us here and there fill our mainsail with enough holes and no matter how strong that Nor’easter, still no "forward ho" and just a lot of bickering and finger-pointing bashing from the galley. Yes, this premeditated attack on the U.S.S. United States would come our way through an economic hijacking to “best kept secret” hacking nightmares, it would become this nation’s vulnerability to see Democracy start to ruin. This attack was not dreamt up overnight, but planned well in advance as Putin has amassed an army stronghold of foot-soldiers, an allegiance of comrades that have touched us in many, many ways. I for one can claim not victory, by victimized by this infiltration of “Once a Soviet Always a Soviet”, right here in the “Heartland” of “My Country ‘Tis of Thee Homeland”. I will get to that, but when we hear of a White House that wants to build a “WALL” between Texas and Mexico, a porous border is more of a problem in Alaska, as this 49th “State of the Union” has become a breeding grounds for immigration by and for Russians with no other intent except to wreck-havoc upon Miss Liberty’s tranquility. It is Putin’s plan to steal back that state rich in resources and sold to the United States by the Russians for pennies on the dollar, what was at one time called Seward’s Folies - brother can you spare a dime were the hypocrites wrong with that assessment! So of course Putin wants it back, and by infiltrating our "one nation under God" with Russians, that is a start to the takeover. But this infiltration of Russians still giving allegiance to the Kremlin, we best set our sights away from just the “hacking” of the election and pay attention to what else is happening on the “Homefront” with this Russian interference. I worked for a Northern California controls company that was growing very fast in the solar power industry, as an integrator of the control systems used to allow the power generated from the sun’s energy to live happily ever after on the “Grid” - part of the “smart grid” initiative. And since this was a very fast-growing industry, due the fact that wealthy investors had seen the “$green$ light” with renewable resources, like solar to wind to battery storage, it was like an “Alaska Gold Rush” to hit…Ok California Gold Rush. But I left Alaska to help this new company gain favor in the industry, as I was also good friends with the business owner and he had for a longtime encouraged my participation in his and his wife’s new venture. So I took the bait and was soon designing control systems used throughout the solar utility industry in California, Texas and Nevada. This was large-scale solar, gigawatts of green-energy to power thousands of homes - so the reason it was a “Wall Street” investors dream come true, as this sun energy is free, just invest in the infrastructure to get it from there to here. Now this small company venture was having a difficult time finding qualified engineers, as the job market was ripe for employment opportunities so there existed strong competition. Which meant the hiring of individuals that had the entry level credentials but not the official “Green Card” status that made Uncle Sam happy, so this company acted as a sponsor - cheap help for a job that could help give the “citizenship” status the “green light” as showing a gainful employment history was the key to success! That was OK in my book, but it also found interests from - well sharks! Now all was working out pretty well for the company and myself, until a new project manager was hired due expansion of the business. Then in walks this guy named Pavel Vladimirovich, which is a scary name as it is Russian and too close for comfort with Portnoy Putin’s namesake. And as a baby, Pavel came over to “My America” in the arms of his well-educated "immigrant status" mom and dad, both Russian educated in the sciences with PHDs - so easily found the welcome mat offering opportunities. Now Pavel was smart to fulfill his duty to Putin, as he was a  Russian still and was a Putin soldier in disguise. And when of age joined the U.S. Marines - as you do not need to be an American citizen to join this nation’s military and whatever Congress thought up this bright idea should be hung - so this is one of the easiest ways to get “citizenship” and once Pavel had finished his “duty” he was able to sponsor his mom & dad to become - well the entire Russian family became American Citizens. Now Pavel was on a roll, as he was a “Veteran” - which is a sin to real Americans that serve for their real country - and he had a job as a manager, which meant he yielded power to help force the Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin Revolution agenda on business America. And I was a very strong and vocal advocate for American Democracy, and knew right off the draw that I was now in the theater of battle with this Putin ass-licker Pavel - he was a true blood Russian with American service credentials. Want to talk FAKE, here it is! Soon, Pavel had hatched a plan to get rid of me because of my alignment with "My Country 'Tis of Thee", and he was successful as he sent me on a job that had "failure" already written all over. He knew it, and used this opportunity to defecate on the Red, White & Blue my father fought for - and this Russian punk calls himself an American hero for serving? This is beyond sad, that "Traitors" have infiltrated in such a demeaning way - using our military as a vehicle to surrender our heritage. When I was terminated from this Northern California mom & pop business, I was never made aware of the cause, as in California one is considered an “At Will” employee. But I am bull-headed, and like already mentioned, I was friends with the owner so went on my own attack and soon found myself facing a restraining order, because this "Always a Russian" Pavel filed harassment charges against me in a court of law - he won, and guess what? Not only did I lose my job, with the restraining order I automatically give up my 2nd Amendment Right to “Bear Arms” else face jail time. When I look back at what happened to myself for no apparent reason, the only worthwhile and plausible exception finds merit as part of Putin’s extended plan of attack. I am a victim of Putin’s infiltration, and young Soviets are penetrating our military, only to be sworn in to, well protect their “Homeland” and that does not include the U.S.A. It is Vladimir Putin’s wrath hitting us where it counts, taking away our income and our guns! Happy Labor Day, for how much longer is questionable, as "We the People True Americans" are in the Vladimirovich cross-hairs!

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