Tuesday, August 28, 2018

John McCain - WAR Hero

NAVY airman Lieutenant Commander John McCain was a WAR hero. STOP. The old teletype machines always issued an annoying STOP for an ending sentence period, in a rather alarming fashion like the 1st Amendment was under arrest for run-ons! But we must STOP any further condolences or fantasy accolades upon Senator John McCain with his most recent state of deceased. The WAR hero status is enough. Benefit of doubt, we can award him with a WAR hero’s honor and tribute this attribute so becoming a Vietnam veteran. Yes, Mr. McCain was a POW and brutally tortured as were 58200 other American kids sent off to the Nixon-Johnson Kent State WAR hell hole. McCain made it home alive and fashioned out a 40+-year political career, many of our dedicated “soldier boy” did not live to tell about it did never again set foot on this soil still breathing a breath of American freedom - the ugliness of WAR strangles. And think of the “mental torture” upon a mom and dad or spouse with baby kids when the doorbell rang and that so well-groomed soldier in the Service Alpha uniform came to attention extending that so-proud of a salute-in-honor the dedication of a fellow worrier fallen, bringing home the bad news, that “Casualty Notification”: The commandant of the Marine Corps has entrusted me to express his deep regret that your son John was killed in action in Vietnam on March 8th, 1965.  The commandant extends his deepest sympathy to you and your family in your loss. But John McCain was far from perfect his career as a Senator politician for life and another reason “Term Limits” is essential for a vibrant representative body. Within fact not fiction, let’s say for conversation a Keating “High” Five should suffice as a ways and means to reinforce a possible misconception his contributions as a politician while guarding the sovereignty of the U.S. Constitution. Look, Bill Clinton was known for his affiliation with Jeffrey Epstein’s private jet gallivants aboard the “Lolita Express” that the FAA had tracked to Little Saint John, the sex slave island owned by the pedophile pervert Epstein. And McCain with family in tow, he had been tracked flying aboard the Charles Keating express, to this corrupt “savings & loan” crooked bastard’s private island of Cat Coy. Keating was both a friend and financial contributor to McCain’s re-election campaigns - until the lawman entered the picture. The Clintons are part of the political cesspool, as was John McCain so integral an ingredient in that recipe called the “swamp” - OK what does it take to fill a “cesspool”? So, I will STOP any other credit due upon Mr. McCain but for the fact he served this country “honorably” when others opted for a “dodge” and then he was unfortunate to suffer incarceration in the brutal hands of the Pol Pot regime, and was tortured. We were all “tortured” during the Vietnam WAR, as to hear day after day more kids being sent home in a box, so came the protests to STOP this war that was killing the neighborhood kids we grew up with - those older brothers that earlier on in life enjoyed teaching the youngsters how to play baseball or spin the bottle with girls and protected us from playground bullies. But we were glad to see Mr. McCain make it back home, unlike thousands of our kids not so fortunate - so we built a WALL in honor these kids never to be forgotten, the only kind of WALL necessary to support our “Democracy”. Yet Mr. McCain was never out of the limelight of ridicule when away from the theater of WAR and instead in the heated with hatred theater of political battles. I’m an Alaskan, and never understood Mr. McCain, as he was on the constant attack one of this nation’s “Greatest” of statesmen to ever walk the “Halls of Congress”, namely Theodore Fulton Stevens. OK, then there was the time McCain picked Sarah Palin as a decoy. Ted Stevens, also known as the Hulk friends or foes, and “Maverick” McCain had very similar military experiences as fighter pilots, except Ted wasn’t tortured in the theater of WAR. That abuse came to light right back here in the “Homeland” - and McCain helped with the ball & chain, and I guess “waterboarding” similarities. And for sure, McCain would get busted in the “Keating Five” corruption scandal and should have been ousted from Congress. That scandal cost the U.S. Taxpayers over $3-billion bucks in 1990 and culminated with a $500-billion loss for the banking institutes, to which all Americans are still paying out pennies on our hard-earned buck so the Wells Fargo institutes can recoup the shareholder losses due a few U.S. Senators NOT living up to that “sworn duty”. But during this corruption trial against McCain, then Senator with seniority Ted Stevens stood up for the “Maverick”, as both were on the Republican side of the aisle - so colleagues like Ted came to the rescue in support of that fallen soldier. Hey, once a soldier always a soldier, maybe. Now even though McCain just received a hand slap with the Keating “Five” affiliation, that went down due there were more Democrat senator like fish to fry - as the Keating posse was comprised of 4-democratic senators and McCain as the only republican crook - well the ethics committee at the time was under control of a Blue on Blue House and Senate. In a behind-the-scenes drive-by cover-up by a corrupt Congress, John skated out of a mess, because colleagues like Ted Stevens were pulling strings to go lite-weight on McCain meant a bailout go lite-weight also on the Democrat crooks that helped Keating cause one of the worst economic loan scandals of historic record. See, stuff like this hurts the party when that re-election time comes around, so with 4 against 1, loosing that many seats any party could change the tide of rebellion. No doubt it was Ted Stevens so instrumental in saving McCain’s bacon, as it all had to do with that “bacon”, the pork barrel appropriations that powerful senators like McCain and Stevens somehow controlled to their constituency’s delight. Ted and John were always going at it, same party affiliation. See, McCain was an ultra-conservative WAR hawk. Ted Stevens, he was that also in bold view but also the true definition of a bipartisan achiever, especially for his constituents in Alaska and did bring home the “bacon” with all the trimmings, which bothered Mr. McCain. Ted Stevens saw population, not party affiliation as a guiding light. See, Stevens was all for a “strong military” as was McCain, but Stevens was able to get more military aid for Alaska which created thousands of jobs. And those jobs went to all party members, it did not matter. But what really eroded away my patience, with men like John McCain that seemed to use a past like being a POW to gain favor, the fact that he went on the brutal attack upon Ted Stevens - which in my playbook was totally Un-American and destroyed the American Dream of a Patriot. When the lone senator from the 49er was busted in a “trumped-up” corruption scandal nowhere near the effect that the Keating scandal promoted against the U.S. Taxpayers, to which Mr. McCain was a part of admittingly so, McCain helped destroy Ted Stevens. Said again, due Ted Stevens working behind the scenes, McCain received merely a hand slap with the Keating “Five” affiliation. With a little help from friends like Ted Stevens, John McCain skated out of a mess, because from behind the scenes colleagues like Ted were pulling strings, as stuff like this hurts the party when that re-election time comes around. But a day after the FBI and the IRS raided Ted Stevens’ dilapadated property in Alaska and then found that the long-standing Pro Tempore Senator had not reported some gifts, like some house painting patch-work and a Wal-Mart light fixture - because Stevens didn’t spend much of his free-time in Alaska and opted to be part of the “Beltway Gang” - he honestly didn’t know what was going on with his Girdwood house through a friend’s unsolicited generosity. See, there came some bad memories for Mr. Stevens, like a plane crash that took the life of his wife during his early political days, right there in Anchorage. So Ted did not like flying in or out on the same damn runway, that which almost took his life away also in that crash. But a day after the G-Men threw 8-felonies at Mr. Stevens, McCain went on the attack and insisted that Stevens step down from the Senate and at the time Stevens was part of the presidential secession detail as Senate Pro Tempore - a republican bashing another republican, one that had stood up for McCain for similar allegations yet on a seriousness level not even close. This is America, and innocent until proven guilty rests its case, or should have but it did not stop McCain from taking the opportunity of a weakened Stevens to - well the rest is history. After the McCain attack and Stevens losing everything he had bargained for, he voiced a preference of better off dead - and a plane crash took his life. This attack on Stevens came at a very vulnerable time, like premeditated murder, and Ted lost his seat after 40-years of dedicated service to “All Americans” in Alaska. And even when it was all said and done, wherein Eric Holder as this nation’s top-dog lawman had to acquit and release Mr. Stevens because of “extraordinary government corruption in the evidence gathering stage against Mr. Stevens”, John McCain never publicly apologized to Mr. Stevens. It was the end of Ted’s career as an American hero turned statesmen and John McCain takes some of that blame.  I lost all respect for John McCain then, now and forever Amen. Now I would not bring this up, as I am sure it will ruffle feathers McCain’s fine foot-loose friends, so what as I still harbor regret that McCain was so damned mean to the Alaskan statesmen that helped me achieve life and liberty in my pursuit to happiness. When Mr. McCain was a Prisoner-of-War, he was tortured until such time he willfully signed a peace treaty with his Pol Pot captors that which stated; “I am a black criminal, and I have performed the deeds of an air pirate.” Here is my take, like I said American was “tortured” during the Vietnam WAR, but who in their right mind would demonstrate such a disregard for a man of a different skin color, to men that probably more then once saved McCain’s backside when in that theater. And not to forget, the negro population of Americans drafted to help Uncle Sam out of a bind in Vietnam, it was disproportionally out of bounds with respect to the white men that sought and received the enlistment bonus of non-combat deployment.  In ending, I am NOT a Donald John Trump fan by any stretch of the American imagination. But to hear this bickering wherein McCain’s last wishes he did not want Trump to attend the resting ceremony, he is still the Commander-in-Chief. A majority most likely do not wish he had that power, but until such time he is removed, he in enabled with that title. And “We the People” are so divided, divided we fail and fall and what bothered the Founding Fathers. So, is this not an event wherein we should place aside our indifferences so that all of America can participate? Of course it is, and for John McCain to voice this as a last wish in disgrace, it should have never been made public, his family should have burned this wish instead of adding more fuel to the fire this McCain vs Trump feud. And by not placing Country "first" before ignorance, we see the effect of John McCain’s “torture” as it still lives on, maybe self-inflicted right here in America. I for one have already started to boycott the resting ceremony, and now Chuck Schumer wants to rename the Russell Senate Building in honor of McCain? It has been named after the co-author of the Southern Manifesto, the Strom Thurmond guidebook to segregation, since 1972 and no member of Congress has ever complained? That is the 92nd Congress all the way to the current 115th. We are no longer the nation our WWII soldiers fought for, like Ted Stevens did so as a pilot supporting the “Flying Tigers” and flying behind enemy lines to support our allies. Stevens was awarded the “Distinguished Flying Cross” along with the coveted “Air Medal” and the Yuan Hai honor. Rest in peace, yes for Mr. Stevens but as far as John McCain, I refrain from any condolences and even that POW status finds no hesitation my opinion, as the privilege is not deserved, it must be earned. But in closing, I will broadcast McCain’s last calling out - yet it is so sad an ending statement, that he uses his last breath to point fingers but fails to blame the reason why we are in “challenging times” - because he and his colleagues of the 115th Congress have failed “Democracy” because of "Cowardly" selfishness.

“My fellow Americans, whom I have gratefully served for sixty years, and especially my fellow Arizonans. Thank you for the privilege of serving you and for the rewarding life that service in uniform and in public office has allowed me to lead. I have tried to serve our country honorably. I have made mistakes, but I hope my love for America will be weighed favorably against them. I have often observed that I am the luckiest person on earth. I feel that way even now as I prepare for the end of my life. I have loved my life, all of it. I have had experiences, adventures and friendships enough for ten satisfying lives, and I am so thankful. Like most people, I have regrets. But I would not trade a day of my life, in good or bad times, for the best day of anyone else’s. I owe that satisfaction to the love of my family. No man ever had a more loving wife or children he was prouder of than I am of mine. And I owe it to America. To be connected to America’s causes – liberty, equal justice, respect for the dignity of all people – brings happiness more sublime than life’s fleeting pleasures. Our identities and sense of worth are not circumscribed but enlarged by serving good causes bigger than ourselves. ‘Fellow Americans’ – that association has meant more to me than any other. I lived and died a proud American. We are citizens of the world’s greatest republic, a nation of ideals, not blood and soil. We are blessed and are a blessing to humanity when we uphold and advance those ideals at home and in the world. We have helped liberate more people from tyranny and poverty than ever before in history. We have acquired great wealth and power in the process. We weaken our greatness when we confuse our patriotism with tribal rivalries that have sown resentment and hatred and violence in all the corners of the globe. We weaken it when we hide behind walls, rather than tear them down, when we doubt the power of our ideals, rather than trust them to be the great force for change they have always been.

We are three-hundred-and-twenty-five million opinionated, vociferous individuals. We argue and compete and sometimes even vilify each other in our raucous public debates. But we have always had so much more in common with each other than in disagreement. If only we remember that and give each other the benefit of the presumption that we all love our country we will get through these challenging times. We will come through them stronger than before. We always do. Ten years ago, I had the privilege to concede defeat in the election for president. I want to end my farewell to you with the heartfelt faith in Americans that I felt so powerfully that evening. I feel it powerfully still. Do not despair of our present difficulties but believe always in the promise and greatness of America, because nothing is inevitable here. Americans never quit. We never surrender. We never hide from history. We make history.

Farewell, fellow Americans. God bless you, and God bless America.”

…and God bless John McCain. But please Mr. McCain, when you get to the Pearly Gates, ask the gate-keeper the whereabouts of Theodore Fulton Stevens as you owe him a long overdue apology - and when that is out of the way, I will owe you an apology for what I have broadcast herein.

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