Friday, June 15, 2018

Trump’s Helterosexual Perversion

The “Manchurian Candidate” is that set-in stone fascination so many are familiar with, as seen in spy thriller movies to wannabe “RAMBO” style plays to WMD creatures on the WWE stage to copycat “NAVY Seal”…I learned a new word today, courtesy the Central Intelligence Agency. That word is “Helterosexual”. Now don’t go sly, don’t giggle Webster for a definition, as it was a secret word for a secret project the CIA looking for “Mr. Right” that fit the “Helterosexual Candidate” that was a relationship to the “Manchurian”. Yet this word finds significance today, on Donald John Trump’s 72nd birthday, as there may be a link this word and the word of the warlord. Now mention the word CIA and the deviant behavior behind this clandestine operative emanates out of the woodwork like tree sap oozing from a pine-cone on a hot blistery day. And now that Gina Haspel has been so ordained CIA director to act out the waterboard fantasies of Velma Dinkley of Scooby-Doo fame…Once upon a time during Dwight to Kennedy to Lyndon through Tricky Dick there was this out-of-bounds CIA experiment that was called the MK-Ultra. That “Ultra” means Tip-Top-Over-the-Top secret on a need to know basis only we can kill you and your family if you spill the beano. And this project went on for years, disappeared and only found favor of interest during a Church Committee investigation some many years after it was covered-up. When secretly funded and hidden away from Congress, it was in effect the same time the CIA had drafted Doctor Timothy Leary to make LSD fashionable, early on the 60s. Yes, the government was behind the distribution of mind-altering-drugs, as a ways with means to test crowd control through mind control. At the same timeframe and part of this CIA project, there came a “psychological” delivery weapon which was the opposite of the psychedelic “tripping” operation, wherein instead of “Lucy in the sky with diamonds” it was deviant behavior based on a “needs” criteria to change an individual’s Motif Operandi thinking habits, or how to react when under stress. The MK was designed to find the perfect candidate for the “Manchurian Man” either through drugs or peer-pressure pleasure. Drugs held way too many side effects and practitioners were beginning to like the “highs” associated with this electric cool-aid acid testing and the drug craze found other elements of interest that interfered with the experiment’s “mission”, like free ranging “sex”. The “Leary” test failed, the experiment failed, as we ended up with a bunch of stoned kids, war protesting draft-dodgers and brain-dead kids from way too much LSD. Want a draft deferment, pop some acid before the medical examination. REJECT! And on the other side of the spectrum, the “Henry Murray” fascination found failure as it produced the likes of Ted Kaczynski. For real, Ted was part of the Harvard “ANNEXATION” away from normalcy, part of this CIA experiment. For Ted, it meant no drugs but verbal abuse that was intended as a brutal demonstration ritual of how mind control could be achieved through such non-addicting methods, or as it is defined in the CIA operation manual under “Torture”: “vehement, sweeping, and personally abusive attacks, assaulting the subjects’ egos and most-cherished ideals and beliefs.” Now the CIA aborted the mission and destroyed all known documents related to this illegal experiment, as the guinea pigs were never informed that they were part of a deep-secret-state social experiment. So the CIA-MKUltra did not find what character is stage fit for that “Manchurian Candidate”. But there came other side effects of this crazed experimenting, the extremes for the same “mission”, LSD and deprivation consistent with the basic elements to life, liberty and that pursuit to happiness. With LSD, it was “LOVE” fallout that interfered in any worthwhile benefit this project. With the other “needs” based criteria, the reason we end up with a Unabomber. But like all CIA “secret and clandestine” like operations that have remained secret and all data destroyed, over time we can piece things together and what we find is horror. Now this “experimenting” was going on all over the country, it seems every major university had its fingers in the cookie jar. At Harvard, it was under the auspices of renowned psychiatrist Henry Murray. All the guinea pigs had code names, for Ted Kaczynski who was a brilliant and young mathematical wonder, he was known by the CIA as “Lawful”, because he obeyed the law - see how experiments can get out of control! Now there was another kid that went by the code name “Trump”. Little is known about this individual except the fact he was branded the “Helterosexual Candidate” following this experiment. So now we may have before us an understanding of that secret word, not what defines it but who! Nobody knows where the “Trump” experiment took place, except it was on the East Coast and some have referred the site as the “Trans Allegany Lunatic Asylum” - which closed, so this reference was some other institute that resembled that dreaded asylum. But even though most of the experiment’s data and reports were destroyed prior to the Church Committee catching wind of this illegal mind-blowing extravaganza, all is not lost as some of the candidates these experiments are of age and some remember what went on. Ted Kaczynski has given a full thesis on what he went though at Harvard under the MKUltra. Little by little we piece together the bits and pieces and it makes a storyline. And because the ultimate “Manchurian Man” under pressure of enemy interrogation could subject his defense and survival instincts through “lies”, that area of attention found some very serious citations on how to lie, why lie and when to lie as a common cause of survival. Now documents uncovered reveal some success with controlling, or self-control that a captive could play against the enemy, like when interrogated - and it is based on the criteria of lying to the extent it promotes believing. By learning how to lie so well, especially under extreme conditions under enemy attack, the “Manchurian” could lie his or her way out of any situation. It was not only a “brute-force” personality that made this “Manchurian”, it was also the force of mind-over-matter. But that all out “lying”, it came with a side effect. This lying promoted a sexual orgasmic reaction, once the lie was out and an audience tested that lie, the interrogators had become the victim. That survival success in turn structurally supports the lies and more lies, allowing survival of the fittest. And orgasms continue, like with Hannibal Lecter getting off on eating people, those individuals that can be nominated as “Helterosexual” have a craving for lying, because of the self-inflicted sexual arousal that it brings. It is the reason a majority of kids lie in the beginning of youth, as our sexual development warrants such as a defense mechanism and if it works the sexual arousal is the reward, not punishment. A majority of kids never get to this stage of arousal, only a small percentage of the human population finds the brain-chemistry to have this psychological phenomenon become a tool of survival. Yes, under the influence of a “Helterosexual” mindset an individual can be telling you a lie to a question and you as the audience act as this person’s sexual hostage, as you are reacting to his or her lie, the orgasm occurs and you don’t even know about it. Telling the truth doesn’t provide the arousal, it does not invoke the chemistry as telling the truth is normal - so normal functioning inhibit the sexual perversion pleasures. So the lying enforces the continuation of lies, for the satisfaction and gratification of a sexual pleasure release. So the CIA-MKUltra found very few individuals had the brain chemistry to be such “Manchurian Candidates” based on this “Helterosexual” criteria. And those that did fulfill the “mission” and could talk their way out of any enemy interrogation, at the same time they showed signs of “Heterosexual” tendencies, as a Doctor Jekyll and Mr. Hyde cover, that they were somewhat normal human beings yet deep-state internally “Helterosexual” wherein lying gave them sexual pleasures without any companionship. It means they thrive their sexual pleasures by lying, it is a routine survival instinct addiction, especially if successful. There was a CIA code named “Trump”, and I believe there is a connection to the U.S. President, as is not lying his claim to fame? He says he likes “Big Phony Tits”, it’s the “phony” that is the giveaway. And his relationship with the 1st Lady, but a smokescreen. So when he is busy wasting the night away romantically with “Twitter”, wasting the day away in “we all tweet in a twitter submarine”, he is also enjoying an orgasm and the social media followers are his predator victims. Think about that the next time you open @realDonaldTrump! He doesn’t have to see you, just link you up to get it up.

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