Wednesday, June 6, 2018

The "KISS MY ASS" Club

~ The Other “REAL” President ~
First and foremost, I am not a Clinton supporter. And even more so “Not” now that Bill Clinton has been resurrected from the “Little Saint James Island” grave and offering up more lame excuses that he didn’t have sex with “that woman”. Talk about a “Lousy Hat”, even Mitt has finally come forward and acknowledged that he wrote in his wife and pet dog as candidates “most likely to succeed” the 2016 election. I didn’t vote for Trump either. Donald John Trump is NOT the 45th President of these United States. He cannot be, as the accountable “HATRED” on a daily basis against a single individual, Lucifer finds more creedence clearwater revival. So, if the F’n Moron Idiot - how his nemesis base reveals the identification on a need-to-know first name basis - if Mr. OxyMoron is NOT the Commander-in-Chief, then is there a substitute hiding in the wings we are not aware of? Is this the “True” value of NO transparency? Think about it this way around the Mobius Strip. If there is a secret president, there is really no threat of an assassination attempt - as the lunatics would not know their target. That so of course unless Sarah Palin decides to post the “targets” on SarahPAC! Is it true that Trump is thinking about a pardon for Sarah, because of Gabrielle Giffords? Now let me put this in perspective so that a kindergartener can understand and why the “FAKE” president may find a 2nd round in the White House come the 2020 cycle. The vote in 2016 found Hillary surpassing Trump by some millions of votes cast by popular demand. In fact, about 4-Alaskan size victories. But when Hector Rectum - Hannibal Lecter’s twin - and the electoral brain-wash vote made the official “Not by Popular Demand” count, somehow we ended up with - well a secret President and Donald is but for the cover story. Look, Trump cannot be the sitting U.S. President as his only qualifier is through his daily annoying “Tweets” through “we all tweet in a twitter submarine” when aboard “Crapper One”. But close call it was, as only 2.8-million votes separated Bill’s abused wife in competition with the abused Melania’s husband, as the caretaker of the U.S. Constitution - which may soon find a name change to “Constipation”. But roll call, that skirt lifting run on the voting booths, it may have been collusion but not the RUSSIANS! Test question for all able-bodied Americans: What is the FAKE of all sports? And who is behind all this FAKE? Vince McMahon ring a bell? The WWE following is upwards in the statistics category, with millions of followers and about 25% coming of age to vote - so now is the time to “teach our children well”. It is a $billion$ dollar hustle business - all based on FAKE kicks, FAKE ass kissing, FAKE everything. So it isn’t a hurting sport, which fans find an appealing acceptance, their Henry Murray “needs” fascination fulfilled. See, they can tell the kids in tow, “It’s FAKE”! And remember, Donald John Trump was also a fan of Rikishi Stinkface and the Boggeyman. Trump has maintained a longtime relationship with Vince, in fact McMahon’s ex-wife is Trump’s SBA Administrator, her claim to that fame is promoting the wrestling FAKE. And yes, Linda did have to kiss Vince’s ass, it wasn’t FAKE, but the kids won't know the difference. That said, there is a connection, that which remains all so silent. And the way Big Time wrestling was formulated with subliminal “Gomer Pyle surprise, surprise, surprise”, well it had “Trump’s” victory written all over it, And that coordination started in earnest around 2013 - plenty of time to hoodwink! So came the election of 2016, Trump already had the vote of those that waste weekends and hard earned loot enjoying this “Big Time Wrestling” stuff, knowing all the time that it is “FAKE”. See, to the fan base it acts as a fun kind of cheap-thrills “FAKE”. On weekends, wrestling arenas are filled with fans, family outings as there is no age discrimination at these ringside seat extravaganzas. In a Simple Simon “Ted Kaczynski” upbringing, followers are taught young, to enjoy the FAKE, that FAKE is OK - with the realization it is FAKE and harmless. And that is wherein it hurts the decency of democracy. All those still asking why we ended up with a Donald John Trump in the White House, look no further then Vince McMahon and his “Kiss My Ass” club. Vince is a good businessman, as for the WWE fan-base following to cast a vote for Trump, it was an automatic kneejerk reaction - because by now they understood Trump from his affiliation with FAKE. He was FAKE, that found votes cast, as even with the FAKE it was harmless so it was an easy link. And today, that fringe is gearing up for another 4-years, and will most likely succeed as those coming of age have been conditioned that FAKE is OK! It means more votes already secured for the incumbent cucumber. It doesn’t take much for this nation to call the winner over the loser, as we are somewhat evenly divided.  All it takes is a little push and shove a certain faction of society and the race is decided, that narrow margin which belongs today to those that enjoy “FAKE”. I would wager that WWE fans can name off the great “FAKE” artists that use this wrestle-mania stage as a crutch,  name off those wrestlers like the “ROCK” that have endured kissing Rikishi’s big smelly ass on TV. But do you really think that following of the Stinkface knows the name of this nation’s Vice President, or what Senate Pro Tempore is all about? Of course NOT, and “Russian” collusion is being used to FAKE us out as when and if we come to grips what really happened during the 2016 election, well we would soon realize that Putin wants nothing to do with a nation that believes “FAKE” is the gospel and kissing a fat ass is Patriotic!

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