Thursday, March 1, 2018

Portnoy Declares WAR

I am glad that Wayne’s World NRA is up in arms with the present dialogue of some semblance of “gun control”, as we may need this 5-million strong “Militia” to march to duty - this “Militia” is at the beckon call of the Commander-in-Chief. That 2nd Amendment Right is based on a “Well Regulated Militia” and the “Presidential Powers Act” granted through the U.S. Constitution allows the Commander to exercise control over this “Militia”, as every damn cold-rolled blue-steel barrel is “Regulated”! Why this interest in the NRA coming to order and this call to duty, consistent with an eminent threat so draft call all able-bodied gun owners? Vladimir Portnoy Putin’s “Russian Federation” just declared “WAR” on the world, and the United States was singled out: "I want to tell all those who have fueled the arms race over the last 15 years, sought to win unilateral advantages over Russia, introduced unlawful sanctions aimed to contain our country's development, all what you wanted to impede with your policies you have failed to contain Russia." The Russian Federation just unveiled a brand-new “Nuclear Weapons Devastation War Plan” and Portnoy is “threatening” the world! As we sat around, for the last 9-years with the last year in GOP denial that Russia was involved in the 2016 election and before that 8-years the GOP worrying about whether or not Barack Obama had a “Birth Certificate”, we are today vulnerable to a KGB Communistic take-over. Blind-side divided we fail and we fall. In his most recent “State of the Gulag” address, Portnoy called our bluff: "No one has listened to us. You listen to us now." And the sad fact of the matter, our “Missile Defense” is no longer a detergent deterrent against Portnoy Putin. Which means back to the drawing board, and that costs a whole lot of loot. Guess what? The U.S. Treasury is broke after the Moron gave it all away. We played right into the hands of a Moron who played right into the hands of a jerk-off artist - Portnoy’s Complaint! And it appears the White House is practicing for a re-make of “A Clockwork Orange”. Anybody that thought a failed businessman that relies on the “Art of the Bankruptcy Deal” as a ways and means to surround oneself in “Fake Gold” would take this nation in the right direction - verification this social media acts as a lobotomy. This is serious business with what happens today through tomorrow and the next, and I wonder if push comes to shove and the Moron gets a warning about an incoming, what comes first the “Launch Codes” or “Lunch Codes”? OK, “Nuclear Football” verses “Twitter”. But this new cache of destructive weapons at the Portnoy’s disposal, almost like we need to start waving the “White Rag” of retreat! One warhead in his arsenal of NEW weapons of mass distinction, besides carrying a “thermo-nuclear” payload that can melt NYC in the blink-of-an-eye, it is also armed with a “Salted Cobalt-60” poison pill that when detonated after the meltdown will make the area “inhospitable” for a 100-years! See, Putin doesn’t want any survivors, as then he would have to contend with humanitarian aid of exiled Russian whores and emigration turns to immigration on the Russian Motherland! Did Putin start to use the Heil Hitler Gestapo play book, with weapons that are way beyond evil? I wonder where in hell the “Nuclear Clock” is hanging out after this advertisement “From Russia with Putin Love to Trump”. See, it was advanced to 2-minutes towards “Doomsday” when we welcomed in the 2018 New Year. And that was when things seemed pretty Chumley between Putin and our Moron, when North Korea was the biggest threat to contend with. Now, this is a sad day for humanity and goes to show how a criminal like Vladimir Portnoy Putin will befriend the weaklings, like how our Moron-in-Chief fell for it this true “Access Hollywood” love affair. We have a choice, either “Trump” the Putin threat by advancing our defensive military strategy, or just throw in the towel. To realign our military defense, wherein what we have today at our disposal to combat an attack is merely garbage that cost $billions$, it is no longer a threat to Russia’s incoming “Kanyon Class” kill vessels and will take $billions$ to make US feel safe once again! Our schools are no longer a priority, we are under attack by the Moron’s butt buddy. And where in hell will that loot come from to turn away this “Kanyon” bluff - it is NOT a bluff charge but “REALITY”. WALL? What the fuck for, as it is a deterrent but for another Moron “Nothing Burger”. See, the Moron Fool fell for the Russian Maggot’s hospitality, when all the time the Moron thought that Russian Gulag dildo was a medical procedure - it felt good so why complain? But herein is the test of time we have a choice. We can say the hell with the crumbling infrastructure and spend our money on a defense against this Vladimir Portnoy’s Complaint. And that means immediately re-inventing the “Corporate Tax” back to a normal garnishment, like 35%, maybe more as we are way behind the Putin curve ball. Else, the wealthy 1% can say NEY to any increases in “Taxation” that which would sacrifice their bottom-line, and keep their wealth along with that lifestyle under a different form of government - wherein they would kiss Vladimir Portnoy Putin’s anal hole just to continue with that Mnuchin like smile - that being rich gives not a rat’s ass about Democracy, as even under Communism they can have their steak and eat it too! Heil Portnoy may be coming to a CEOs portfolio, today! Just in, the Moron announces “Trade Sanctions” against China? I guess it is lunch time at the Oval Office.

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