Friday, March 23, 2018

He’s A Real Eunuch Man

Just over an hour ago, the Fucking Moron was at it again in that “We all Tweet in a Twitter submarine” mood and threatening to “VETO” the charge of the Right brigade - that $1.3-Trillion buck extravaganza that didn’t include his pet rock, that “WALL”. Now Paul Ryan told a “Little White Lie” to get this bill through his “House of Ill Repute”, saying there was $money$ for this “WALL” when in reality it was loot earmarked to fix the existing fences along border crossings - NOT for a brand new “WALL”. And since the Congress didn’t read the fine print of this hacksaw ridge castration, well it appears John Bolton pulled an all-nighter! And since the extra bed in the Moron’s boudoir is empty, John was able to camp out within snoring range and relay this tragedy come break of dawn and the Moron is furious, nothing new! So, this is the test - is the Fucking Moron a “MAN with BALLS” or a pathetic “Eunuch”? See, reinforcements are coming in at a rate of 1000 yellow-matter-custard bastard “Tweets” per second, as fast as “Netanyahu Neutrality” can keep up to deliver the bad news calling for this “VETO”. THIS IS A TEST of the EUNUCH BROADCAST NETWORK…stay tuned!

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