Monday, March 26, 2018

Henry Made Me Do It

I was beginning to get used to 1-ply TP, ever since I went on rations when the DOW started that back-tracking journey back in January. Just on Thursday, it lost all its oomph, so I have divested. And today like yesterday and more than likely assured the same posturing for Monday’s opening, its been freaked out and my wallet is on a “Bedroom sex with Melania” diet. In the past, thank God for off-beat days of the weekend as it gave us patience to weather the storm of Daniels, but the back-door men are at it again when the doors of the bank are locked. The “Futures” are being placed on life-support, artificially on “boost” patrol. I can’t trade on weekends, and with Netanyahu Neutrality, I must now stand in the bath-room line for a trade. The market is no longer for “All the People”. So, I have payola in hand. NO, I am not hoarding my cash in my backyard underground bunker, as that sanctuary was abandoned 40-years ago and is today a cesspool. For real, back in the 50’s we invested in these “dugouts” that were designed to protect our families in the event of a nuclear Hitchcock hiccup mess-up. But then when things cooled off due “World Leaders” coming to grips melting people in massive hysteria was shameful, some “Honey Bucket” conglomerates found those bunkers made from corrugated pipe could be used as a secondary containment for “cesspool” wastes. It was when the word “repurposing” came to light. IMAGINE, a bomb shelter now a latrine, American ingenuity and that happens when we “Give Peace a Chance” at succeeding! Too bad though, as many would like these shelters ready and willing, as the bombs away could commence any day now, any day now, bombs shall be released! But yesterday I was invited to the White House for the “Annual Liars Proud Anonymous” gathering and found that the crappers still have luxurious-signature line 2-ply - I don’t miss it. Yes TP autographed by Istinka Rump! OK, I miss having a White House instead of a “Little White Lie House”. But it is today past the “little” stage, more in the “Biggins” category so I should have invested my wealth in “lies” instead of “Made in China” junk. I think Congress is out-of-line - what else is new - by giving this young kid Zuckerberg a bad time. He should take the Moron’s liar’s lair invite, and plead the 5th just like all the rest of the clowns that have come to realize a Congress under Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan acts like a XXX skin flic - don’t ever argue the size of your penis in the “Marilyn House Chambers” as evidence, especially if Joe diGenoa Salami is around. Sure looks like Ron Jeremy - lawyer, porn man all con men! You know what, let the Moron play as much golf as he wants! To sum it all up, at GPS 388-degrees N and 145-degrees W, is a wealth waiting to be tapped into and wherein I find my new investment opportunity - in junk bonding. This IPO made its debut at the closing bell on Friday. See, for some reason specialized ocean currents are causing the biggest congregation of over-board junk ever. With this IPO offering up-for-grabs a value of $125-Million along with a guaranteed 16% annual return-on-investment, and this is truly an offshore tax haven, this is how my “Tax Reform” will take hold. It is called the “Great Pacific Basin Garbage Patch” and made up of “recycled plastic”, this reef acts as a magnet for plastic that can be captured and sold. And it “bonds” together as a massive clump due the chemistry of the ocean, so yes indeed it fits the definition of “junk bonds”. Now these corralling currents are said to originate from under Japan, like there is a nuclear meltdown “China Syndrome” in effect and this mass of junk may soon become a part of Alaska as Sarah Palin is still on the lookout for a Russian invasion. So, if interested in “off-shoring” your loot, join the “Great White Little White Liars Club”, just ask Fucking Moron for directions. Now that I have finally found financial independence, where are we at, in the “Big Picture Show” with Hannity humanity? We are being tortured, as if all included in a “Henry Murray” experiment. We see it from the Fucking Moron down. I stand corrected Mr. President, as with Rex bailing out we can no longer use that “Fucking Moron”, as we know how Mr. President gets excited over theft upon intellectual property - just ask Xi Jinpingpong. Yes, “we all tweet in a Twitter submarine” as that social media platform along with “Facialbook”, it provides the stage for such an experiment. Henry who? Murray, the world-renowned psychiatrist that was a professor at “Harvard” and used the “Annex” for a mini-experiment in line with CIA “mind altering” techniques through psycho like “Hannibal Lecter” deep probing at the same time Murray’s roommate was testing in kind with LSD - Timothy Leary.  Murray was in charge of an experiment that took place back in the 60s and the outcome was Theodore Kaczynski. It is based on a “needs” criteria, like “I need to respond” and this social media disgrace of today allows us to satisfy that desire. It is so easy, and we come equipped with all the tools of this trade, as we sleep with that cell-phone that is 24/7 linked to this experiment. It is a “Catch22”, as this social media allows us to vent frustrations, at the same time it reinforces those frustrations and follows the Mobius Strip mentality. So it is satisfying upon our “Human” need machine, just like that old test, “I bet you can’t eat one”. What does it mean? Ted’s dissertation from that “Cabin University”…we will continue to destroy each-other. Like with vices of addiction, we need to limit the amount of time we waste on this social media craze, like we limit screen time with our kids - it ain’t healthy! And the only way that can be achieved, we must enact laws that limit how much a corporation can deduct for running adds on such platforms. And maybe it is time we ante up and pay our own way this fascination to “Hate” our neighbors from the comfort of our “jails” as this social media is indeed placing us behind “Henry Murray” bars. Maybe time to legalize LSD!

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