Wednesday, March 21, 2018

DOW & Sour Milk!

How come, when the Federal Reserve Bank Chaosman announces an increase in the interest rate by a quarter-point, which has been well known now for 420-days would commence to happen this very day, that the DOW cannot handle it? Did the “WALL” think the “Reserve” was just kidding?  This increase in how much it costs the “middle class” to borrow money, wherein still below historic highway robbery interest rates years gone by, it is designed to favor a very robust economy. So, what gives credence what should have been a clear-water revival, like the entire economic scene is by virtue a Mobius Strip mentality - who’s on 1st? The DOW could not handle a small increase and sank 269-points by the closing bell and all of today’s gains evaporated into thin air! But why is the Fucking Moron acting this way everybody is asking? There is more than enough credible evidence today, too hell with the “ham sandwich” as the Spam sandwich can now be indicted. Remember, ham was for the upper-class middle-class. I was embarrassed eating SPAM at the school lunch, as girls would frown away any romancing the stone, as nobody knew what the hell was in that concoction of leftover hoofs, noses and…don’t want to go there. Look, the Moron would pardon a SPAM sandwich even if his staff said; “Don’t pardon the SPAM man”. My take on his behavior becoming a Moron? I think Melania was a “Russian Spy”. As it can no longer be about the “Trump Tower” wealth that could vaporize if Vladimir waved his magic wand. It is NOT about the Moron’s war-time, I mean whore-time habits, it is serious and I guess if there was actually a “spy amongst them” - getting caught would mean conjugal visits at Rikers Island. Do we still hang spies? But this “Little White Lie House”, it must be insane to push the FBI and Mueller’s “Special Consigliere Investigation” and like that warning that John Rambo used against his adversaries; “Don’s push it. I give you a war you won’t believe it.” And here is my suggestion to the Fucking Moron who likes watching TV. Have Kellyanne get that Rambo “First Blood” and think of it this way while eating popcorn. James Comey was Delmore, and Rambo? The guy with the badge….

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